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Re: Something I've never seen before.
Re: How to Install a Toilet? Step-by-Step Advice
Thanks for asking @pjc_2! Andrew has been working behind the scenes at Heating Help since 2019. He and I started taking turns moderating the forum this year under the username. He's also my husband of 18 years and we're continuing the family business tradition of Dan Holohan and The Lovely Marianne.
Odd Steam Air Vent...
"air MACK valve" made in USA
10 adjustments for air release. Mad Dog
Re: When to NOT use sharkbite? A question
Any plumber that says "I never get leaks, Bro!!' Is a LIAR. When your soft-Soldering up tens of thousands of joints up to 4" there will be some leaks in tight spots. This is human error, not the joining system. Mad Dog
Re: What Do Space Exploration, Beer, and Hydronic Heating Have in Common?
Bill (William) Coors was a good customer of mine. He hired our company to replace his existing poorly designed (DHW heaters as boilers) boiler system in his home on Lookout Mountain, As we were in the process of disassembling the existing plant, he came down into the boiler room and asked us to save the Grundfos circulator because it has one of his companys' ceramic seal assemblies built into it. Quite the interesting fellow. He had miniature steam engines throughout his home, connected to a compressed air system. He had built each and every one of them as a child in the Coors machine shop.
Talk about small world syndrome, my friend who owns the Space Ship house in Genesee, across the valley from Bills house, ended up purchasing. Uncle Bills house after he passed away (102 Y.O.) and is in the process of rebuilding/remodeling and adding a 20 car garage to his expansive (8k sq feet) home. BTW, when I asked him about the book, he said it contained a lot of "mis truths" about him and his family…
He was a lot of fun to talk to, because of his depth of not just mechanical systems, but he was also a very well known agronomist/horticulturist, and besides inventing the completely recyclable aluminum beer can, which he intentionally did NOT patent, he also invented the process for using ice crystals to enhance beers flavor.
I remember an incident where one of our employees got dressed down by his wife (Crazy Rita Bass), when it wasn't my employees fault. I called Uncle Bill to inquire as to what had transpired. He apologized for Rita's incorrrect response and reaction and said the employee could help himself to whatever was in the refrigerator in the garage. The employee emptied the refrigerator out (Killians, Coors Gold and others). Bill just laughed it off. He was that kind of guy.
Everyone at the brewery loved him, because he remembered EVERYONES name. He went in 2 times per week while 80 years old, just walked around talking to the employees. We were later introduced to his nephews and to my knowledge, are still taking care of their comfort needs.
I will share some photos of the completed installations when they are complete. I'm doing the design work and will supervise whomever gets the job. Too old to be burning and turning anymore.
Re: How to Install a Toilet? Step-by-Step Advice
The OP's email address was flagged for frequent spamming and linked to a plumbing company. I'd hope they'd know how to install a toilet. They were likely going to wait until the thread sunk a bit and then edit their initial post with a link to their company. A known tactic. We try to be as proactive as possible to prevent this sort of spam. Thanks. - Andrew
Re: A Casual Survey: Homeowner GC'ing their job
People don't plan to fail, they just fail to plan.
When I was a young engineer in the '90's, "Total Quality Management" was a popular corporate thing, so we got a TQM seminar. One case study in the seminar was a comparison of two new factories, one built in the US and one built in Japan. The US method was to design and break ground as quickly as possible. But the fast design process meant many of the mechanical details (HVAC routing, etc) were left out of the prints. And as a result, construction was slow as many details had to be worked out by the subs on site, and a lot of rework and change orders. By contrast, the Japanese spent much more time up front on the factory design, down to the routing of all mechanicals, etc, so that when they broke ground, there was no conflict between subs, little or no rework/change orders, and despite taking much longer to break ground, the factory ultimately got built faster.

Re: When to NOT use sharkbite? A question
I know the earth isn't flat. If it were, my cat would have pushed everything off the edge long since.
Re: 1970's Block of Flats - Honeywell - Heating System
From the 79's, it could be ceiling electric radiant too.
Any chance you took a pic of one of the stats?

Re: When to NOT use sharkbite? A question
What happens if the earth stops spinning tomorrow?