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Re: Boiler acting up again
What you just explained sounds normal.
Now that you have the heat exchanger cleaned out the burner will operate as it was designed.
@EdTheHeaterMan Said on March 3 @ 1:30 “Your vent may be blocked, or the heat exchanger may have carbon building up in between the sections.“
Now that the dust and carbon is all gone the boiler will vent the byproducts of combustion (Flue Gas) properly. The water in the boiler will get hotter faster (the dirt acts like insulation) and then the thermostat will get satisfied sooner.
More to follow
Re: Turn Down and Condensing
As the presenter noted, the return temperature is the key to condensing, or the quality of the condensing.

Re: Frequent Boiler Interruption
If it is 2 pipe some pressure differential could be causing the water to be pushed out of the boiler at some point although it is much more likely to leave as a liquid because of surging or priming.

Re: Indirect DHW Question
I think that tank in tank design is just two nipples from the inner tank welded through the outer tank. Not unlike how the coils of a typical indirect exit the tank? I don't know of any other seals?
I'll bet many of the tank in tank have been filled and started incorrectly. I know I have😯
That design has been around what 30 years or more, there must be enough of them working well?
Debatable whether they outperform a coil type of the same square footage HX. They could be less scale prone.
Draining was the biggest issue, you had to plan for that.

Re: Experience I had with a boiler tech and what I learned along the way.
A good observation, Ed.
Training is so available these days. I imagine every manufacturer of analyzers offers online and live training. Bacharach had excellent on site training and trainers.
The introduction of mod cons changed the game as far as owning an analyzer. At the very least you can check and confirm the numbers.
Assuming the meters are checked and calibrated as needed.

Re: Air vent substitute??
you should be able to drill and re-tap thise vent ports. You may need to go a size larger
You can get 1/4 & 3/8 sizes

Re: Cast iron radiator output tables are wrong?
These are handy to have, install one at the boiler, at the radiator, wherever. Insulate over the sensor to get accurate readings. Battery or 24V, the battery lasts for years.

Re: Frequent Boiler Interruption
Well… the first thing to do is to figure out what is shutting the boiler down. It might be low water. It might be high pressure. It might be a wonky connection somewhere. It might be a combustion or fuel delivery problem to the burner. Until you figure out what the actual problem is, you don't have much hope of fixing it.
It's unlikely to be a rash of bad traps. First off, they usually fail open — they'd have to fail closed to trap condensate. So honestly that's about the last place I'd look for a problem.
So figure out what is shutting off the boiler…
Like, for starters, what are you doing to "reset" the boiler manually? Which button do you push?
Re: Cast iron radiator output tables are wrong?
It seems like a lot of people have a problem with others trying to understand what is going on around them and how things work.
I don't understand why that is. Learning is important as is understanding how things work and why we do what we do.