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Re: Repair small section of 3/8 oil line?
Especially with the dishwasher I've had to take them apart a couple times and they always seem to end up with a slow leak that you have to check on for a day or so after you reconnect it. Flare would just be so much faster.
Re: Repair small section of 3/8 oil line?
not allowed a flair union but allowed a flair fitting on either end?
Re: Residential Chiller
Yeah, I'm surprised no one has mentioned doing a Manual J rather than just matching the installed capacity. 12,000 SF is big but not that big.
Re: Steam or hot water?
Please post several pictures of your boiler — the front with controls, but several from all sides which show the piping and how it connects to the rest of the heating system. Can you also take one of at least one radiator and post that?
I'm going to bet that you have a gravity hot water system — but until we see the pictures, we really can't say. I will say that if that is what you have, they work splendidly — but you have to have a contractor who really knows what he or she is doing to get them to do so. Where are you located? We may know someone in your area we could recommend.
Re: Steam or hot water?
We really need pictures, but if it has a temperature/pressure gauge and there’s no sight glass, that sounds like a hot water boiler.
Post a pic or two of one or two of your radiators from far enough back that the entire radiator and its piping can be seen.
Re: How to calculate settings for taco xpb
Some of the most common issues in programming a controller with outdoor reset is changing the OUT DESIGN to a temperature that is colder than it actually reaches in that area to make the system work "faster" or "better" when in reality it is better to go the other way to achieve a higher supply water temperature for the radiant floor at colder temps.
For example, you say outside design is -30 and water temp design is set for 140. The radiant system will only "see" 140 degrees when it reaches -30. The rest of the entire winter, the water temperature will be less warm.
So in essence, if you are not heating the house today, change the outside design temp to something warmer to get a target temp of 140 earlier.
Now, the designed water temperature is a function of the heat loss and the installation method of the radiant system as well as insulation values and finished floor coverings. There are limitations to max water temperatures, installation methods and floor coverings.
Re: Change circulator pump and flo control valve
You may need to drain the entire system if you can't find another valve.
Got a picture of the piping where the yellow arrow is pointing? Maybe you could step back about 10 feet and we can see the BIG picture!
Re: Service lifetime of a Viessmann CU3A?
water quality , maintenance, burner adjustment, number of on off cycles , etc. 20 years is certainly reasonable,
Re: Change circulator pump and flo control valve
you need to isolate both sides. It looks like an air purger to the right
Re: Change circulator pump and flo control valve
or get rid of the flo control valve , use a pump with the internal check, and you have room to add a ball valve on the other side of the pump