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Re: treatment chemical for steam boiler
I use treatment in my cast iron home heating steam boiler without issue.
I use Steamaster, but I guess that's not available anymore.
The only side effect I have had from it is erosion of the gauge glass. But I'd rather change that then a boiler.
Re: DIY Boiler Installation -- Peerless 63-03
Thanks, guys, that helps with context.
No I did not use the 'washing soda' but I might. It's been a month, not a week, but the boiler has not run much since it's still warm during the day. Which makes the "more effective if the boiler operates 24 to 48 hours" a little problematic. It's basically, run once at four or five in the morning, and then again the next morning, or the next week.
I'm learning that my house is better insulated than I thought, plus the brick veneer is thick and heavy and holds a ton of heat. I'm not complaining about that, except in the middle of summer.
At the moment, I've got everything turned off since it'll be warm again today and I've opened the windows. When it gets cold I'll run it again and watch the sight glass. If it bounces more than an inch peak-to-peak, it gets the soda. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
cheers -m
Re: Dealing with a colder room
Yes. running the boiler long enough to make your house comfortable is more costly than not running it long enough to make your house comfortable!
Always the philosopher @ethicalpaul
Re: Heat Pumps for Hydronic Baseboard Heat?
They also make 9" and 12" high baseboard that are 770 and 930 BTU/hr/ft nominally.
Re: Off Grid hydronic with clay battery
With your weather and the fact that you have huge reserves of clean burning Western Sub Bituminous coal to use as home heating fuel which is less expensive than gravel you should think about using a coal stoker boiler.
An AHS S130 coal stoker, steel pipe and using steel or cast iron surplus salvage radiators freom an architectural salvage dealer for a top fed gravity hot water system to heat your attic, living space, garage, basement and eventually a driveway would cost you much less money and provide a faster return on your investment and you would have plenty of reserve heating power for heating a greenhouse.
The S130 operates using 110 volt power and if you use a top fed gravity heating system with the boiler in the basement or first floor you do not need a circulator to move the hot water and you will have slow even heat.
Re: Dealing with a colder room
Yes. running the boiler long enough to make your house comfortable is more costly than not running it long enough to make your house comfortable!
Re: DIY Boiler Installation -- Peerless 63-03
Mine was skimmed probably 5 (maybe 6?). times over the first couple months of operation. As the oil accumulated it surged so bad it created enough localized pressure to trigger the vaporstat and short cycled before it even got steaming.
After that last skim….troublefree.
Skimming It does add a fair bit of new water. I don’t think it’s avoidable. One time I did so much skimming I figured I might as well drain it after and get any sludge out as the water was all new anyways.
Re: Plumbing in Iceland.
Lots of radiant panels in use with in floor a close second. This 400 year old black basalt church was heated with an electrically powered hydronic boiler and with radiators under each bench seat there is no excuse for missing services.