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Data Loggers

Does anyone use Data Loggers to Evaluate Performance and/or Troublshooting?
Who can sit and watch a system 24/7? Service calls require expediency but when dealing with something you can't see you're in trouble. That's why I've been using Data Loggers to clarify the unkown. They're pretty convincing too. Charts are pretty impressive. Remember Dectective Friday on sitcom "Dragnet," "Just the Fact's..."

I'd like to know and share how you're using a data logger in your line of work. Thanks, Jim...


  • Derheatmeister
    Derheatmeister Member Posts: 1,573
    The Hobo works very good. Helped me resolve a dispute on a system that was overheating due to solar gain. :)
  • ratio
    ratio Member Posts: 3,741
    I've been toying with getting one of these. It would allow me to grab basically anything that I can get a sensor for. It'll support one wireless temp/humidity sensor that is just begging to be used for outside air; & I think with a careful calibration I could even capture the line voltage via a step down transformer. It has a WiFi accessory that AIUI will let me download the logs without physical access. In my mind, I'd just park near it & suck everything down into my laptop. Lather, rinse, repeat, until I catch the problem.
  • STEVEusaPA
    STEVEusaPA Member Posts: 6,505
    There's a guy (company) that appears to have a great data logging system. I don't think hes on here. But it's impossible to get information out of him, specifically cost. And it's subscription based. Last I checked about $4/month per customer.

    I think data logging is good for when you want to troubleshoot. It's probably the wave of the future where the equipment monitors every possible piece of data, tells the homeowner something is wrong, flies a drone to them with the part, and gives them a youTube link for a video on how to repair it.

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    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,993
    Supco makes some pretty good stuff
  • SlamDunk
    SlamDunk Member Posts: 1,628
    Govee,from Amazon, is great for the price.
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    Don't ask me what brand they are but I have quite a few boilers out there with them installed although I don't monitor the data.  They're very cool. Mad Dog
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    I'll take note next time I service one of these boilers. Mad 🐕 Dog