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Insulation adjacent to steam pipes - suggestions?

Hi, have a question for the steam experts here.

As part of a bathroom renovation (my stem removal project decided to make the jump to a full renovation which is happening in my spare time - demo is sloooowwww - see link to the thread below) I want to insulate behind two steam pipes (supply/return) in a metal chase which was originally the convective heat for the bathroom - which isn't needed, the top and bottom registers were tiled over in a previous renovation.

Putting fiberglass batts behind the pipes hasn't really worked well (it gets caught and sags) and I'm wondering if there is a rigid insulation that anyone can suggest that can be inserted between the pipes the bedroom wall on the other side of the wall - the intent is to keep the pipes exposed to the bathroom side, which will be tiled, as it was before, while reducing heat into the bedroom which is overheated (I rarely open the damper on the convector - Trane Concealed - smallest size was too big for the room to start with, plus the supply pipes) - the convector is not valved and is behind the rear slope of the tub so that and the tile wall get nice and toasty - radiant wall heating effectively.

Thanks for any suggestions!
