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Boiler gauge

Jason5525 Member Posts: 1
edited October 2023 in THE MAIN WALL

Hello, So I am a new owner and today I screwed up by adding to much water to the boiler so the safety popped and everything. So i released the water and was good. But my question here is my 

radiator is hissing and my pipes are banging and I’m terrified to turn on the heat again. The pressure gauge is reading zero it’s an old school gauge that has vac and psi. If anyone could help me understand this. And do I need to hire a professional. I am tight on money since buying this home. Anything can help please and thank you. 


    HVACNUT Member Posts: 5,998
    Can you post pics of your system, with ga(u)ge?
  • mattmia2
    mattmia2 Member Posts: 10,211
    Is this steam or hot water?
  • Intplm.
    Intplm. Member Posts: 2,122
    Please post some pictures close up and farther away so we can get a better idea of what you have.

    If you have a steam boiler? And from your description you probably do.

    If this is your first experience with Steam? Than those noises you are hearing are common.
  • Jamie Hall
    Jamie Hall Member Posts: 23,971
    Having overfilled the boiler, you can expect to have some clanking and banging and other nonsense for a few cycles while all the extra water makes its way back to the boiler.

    On the front of the boiler there is a sight glass -- a glass tube -- which shows the water level in the boiler itself. You want that level to be about half way up the tube in most boilers. I'd add or drain water until it looked about right, and then fire the thing up to see how it ran.

    You will want, at some point, to get a low pressure gauge and mount it in addition to the one you have.

    If you can post a picture of the boiler -- well, several pictures -- we can find the pressure control on it and assist you to get that set right; it probably isn't (it might be, but the odds aren't good).

    And do order the book "We Got Steam Heat" either from this site's store or from Amazon!
    Br. Jamie, osb
    Building superintendent/caretaker, 7200 sq. ft. historic house museum with dependencies in New England
  • STEVEusaPA
    STEVEusaPA Member Posts: 6,505
    Whether it's steam or hot water, the best thing to do is to get a competent service provider to go over everything. You're going to need one anyway so you might as well get them now.
    Then they can show you how to properly maintain your system-filling/bleeding, etc. And they can see if there are any issues that you should address before winter arrives.

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  • Erin Holohan Haskell
    Erin Holohan Haskell Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,347
    @Jason5525 I've merged your duplicate posts here to prevent confusion.

    Thanks for the heads up @Jamie Hall and @EdTheHeaterMan.
