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Help! Replace 1 Pipe Steam System or Make it Work?

My husband and I own and live in a 1929 3 flat house in Wisconsin. The heating system is original with the exception of the natural gas boiler which is about 60 years old. The boiler is not in great shape but it's still running strong. The radiators bang loudly when the steam enters or leaves and un-even heat is a BIG problem. Every winter it takes so much tweaking to get even heat throughout the three apartments. Because we live in the house right now, it's no problem to run up to the other apartments and adjust the valves if the tenants aren't getting enough heat but we plan to move next year and don't want to be driving to the house several times a week just to adjust the heat. So my question... Is it time to consider getting the system replaced? What are our best options? Ideally we'd want heat and AC and each unit to be able to control their temperature. Or is there a way to make this system work for us? We've read the "We've Got Steam" book and had countless HVAC professionals who all said they could help us, but in reality knew nothing about steam, and every year we feel stuck not knowing how to get consistent heat.


  • Steamhead
    Steamhead Member Posts: 17,177
    What part of WI?
    All Steamed Up, Inc.
    Towson, MD, USA
    Steam, Vapor & Hot-Water Heating Specialists
    Oil & Gas Burner Service
  • ttekushan_3
    ttekushan_3 Member Posts: 960
    edited November 2018
    Hi there. Read the books carefully, and there is a guide here concerning balancing single pipe steam systems with varying vent capacities.

    The statement that you adjust the valves is of some concern since the radiator valves on 1pipe steam must be fully open or fully closed. This could explain localized water hammer. The balancing of heat is achieved with main vents and radiator vents.

    Here: https://forum.heatinghelp.com/discussion/160502/balancing-steam-systems-using-a-vent-capacity-chart#latest

    Once understood, this system shouldn't be too difficult to straighten out.

  • I believe Steamhead is a visitor to Milwaukee from time to time, and if you could get him to look at and evaluate your system, he could write up a plan for its improvement, which could be followed by the local installer. Another solution might be to get a recommendation for a steam knowlegible person from the local plumbing/heating warehouse.
    These systems were silent, efficient, and comfortable, when first installed, and the aim is to return them to the original state of maintenance and condition.
    Definitely do not close off valves if this is a one-pipe system.
    Post some pictures of the boiler, and its upper piping which would help here, along with a typical radiator.—NBC