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Pressuretrol/ steam pressure gauge issues

I've had to adjust my Pressuretrol up twice to get my boiler to come on in the last couple of months The second time I had to raise it quite a bit. I noticed my steam pressure gauge was reading higher( around 3-4) even though the system wasn't on for some time. Can you have pressure trapped in the system? This is an old single pipe system. I thought before I turned the system on this season that the gauge might be defective because it showed some pressure ( .5lb ?). The boiler wouldn't fire then and I called a contractor who stopped by and adjusted the Pressuretrol and said to adjust it further if needed. He said he hadn't seen one fail in 20 years.


  • BobC
    BobC Member Posts: 5,489
    Is the pressure gauge on the same pigtail as the pressuretrol? Those pigtails can get plugged up, they should be checked to make sure they are clear yearly and taken off and flushed every few years.

    Smith G8-3 with EZ Gas @ 90,000 BTU, Single pipe steam
    Vaporstat with a 12oz cut-out and 4oz cut-in
    3PSI gauge
  • KC_Jones
    KC_Jones Member Posts: 5,756
    BobC said:

    Is the pressure gauge on the same pigtail as the pressuretrol? Those pigtails can get plugged up, they should be checked to make sure they are clear yearly and taken off and flushed every few years.


    And if the contractor you called didn't do the above, then I would suggest you have a contractor that doesn't know what they are doing.

    Checking the pigtail should be a first step for any contractor that has even a basic knowledge of steam.
    2014 Weil Mclain EG-40
    EcoSteam ES-20 Advanced Boiler Control
    Boiler pictures updated 2/21/15
  • Jamie Hall
    Jamie Hall Member Posts: 23,986
    Classic clogged pigtail or the port into the pressuretrol.
    Br. Jamie, osb
    Building superintendent/caretaker, 7200 sq. ft. historic house museum with dependencies in New England
  • Jake228
    Jake228 Member Posts: 3
    The pressuretrol and gauge split off the same pigtail. I'll try disassembling the setup and cleaning or replacing the pigtail.
    Thank you, never heard of it till today, when I found this forum and started googling stuff
  • Mike Cascio
    Mike Cascio Member Posts: 143
    Please post some pictures of the pressuretrol and wide shots of the boiler with piping. You may have some plugged main vents.
  • pecmsg
    pecmsg Member Posts: 5,060
    KC_Jones said:

    BobC said:

    Is the pressure gauge on the same pigtail as the pressuretrol? Those pigtails can get plugged up, they should be checked to make sure they are clear yearly and taken off and flushed every few years.


    And if the contractor you called didn't do the above, then I would suggest you have a contractor that doesn't know what they are doing.

    Checking the pigtail should be a first step for any contractor that has even a basic knowledge of steam.
    Finding one with "Basic" knowledge is the problem!
  • Jake228
    Jake228 Member Posts: 3
    I traced the pipes out by hand earlier and couldn't find a main vent. Is possible it's only vented at the radiators?
    Can't seem to load a picture right now.

    The contractor I used earlier actually installs the occasional residential steam boiler but troubleshooting might be a different matter. According to the service notations left by various techs the pigtail was last cleaned about 5 years ago.
  • BobC
    BobC Member Posts: 5,489
    I'd be leery of a pigtail that had not been inspected for 5 years especially if that pressure gauge goes back to zero when cold and you have checked the pressuretrol is set correctly the front tab at 0.5 and the while dial inside the case set to one.

    Smith G8-3 with EZ Gas @ 90,000 BTU, Single pipe steam
    Vaporstat with a 12oz cut-out and 4oz cut-in
    3PSI gauge