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Vacuum oddity

Fizz Member Posts: 547
Last year one of system rads wasn't heating past the inlet valve(Richardson System), so I rapped the return elbow with the heel of a shoe and presto it heated perfectly. This year a different radiator would heat only slightly past valve to to of first tube. With a hammer and face towel rapped the outlet elbow and presto steam back to normal. The system has been in vacuum for 2+ yrs with very good results. Thinking maybe ball is moved during collapse of steam? It is not a recurring issue.


  • PMJ
    PMJ Member Posts: 1,266
    It has occurred 2 times in 2 years out of how many rads? Seeming unlikely to be vacuum related or you'd have it way more often wouldn't you? Every boiler cycle takes everything out of vacuum at some point so it would seem the balls were actually physically stuck. This stuff is pretty old and can't be all that clean inside.

    Always this time of year at startup?

    I sure do like the Mouat traps - no moving parts.

    1926 1000EDR Mouat 2 pipe vapor system,1957 Bryant Boiler 463,000 BTU input, Natural vacuum operation with single solenoid vent, Custom PLC control
  • Jamie Hall
    Jamie Hall Member Posts: 23,986
    The little balls get lazy and stick. There's always enough goop around to do that to them. Murphy's law...
    Br. Jamie, osb
    Building superintendent/caretaker, 7200 sq. ft. historic house museum with dependencies in New England
  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 547
    2 out of 14 rads, PMJ. Right about when it occurs. Jamie, right-on.
  • PMJ
    PMJ Member Posts: 1,266
    By the way @Fizz, finally starting to need a little heat here. Attached is a photo of my gage at the boiler - burner had been off 40 minutes. Vacuum holding seems to improve on its own - I have no idea why that might be.
    1926 1000EDR Mouat 2 pipe vapor system,1957 Bryant Boiler 463,000 BTU input, Natural vacuum operation with single solenoid vent, Custom PLC control
  • Canucker
    Canucker Member Posts: 722
    Provided the system is sealed, as it cools you will have more vacuum. The water in the system takes up less space when it's cool
    You can have it good, fast or cheap. Pick two
  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 547
    Very impressive vacuum reading! My initial thought is you have a sealed system-no leaks. That's what we strive for in the cycle of heat.
  • PMJ
    PMJ Member Posts: 1,266
    I'm just saying that the leaks seem to be diminishing over time not increasing. You would think in 90 year old piping it would be the opposite. I suppose a big hole is in my future sometime. At least I am delaying it by allowing much less fresh air in running this way.
    1926 1000EDR Mouat 2 pipe vapor system,1957 Bryant Boiler 463,000 BTU input, Natural vacuum operation with single solenoid vent, Custom PLC control
  • jumper
    jumper Member Posts: 2,354
    PMJ said:

    I'm just saying that the leaks seem to be diminishing over time not increasing. You would think in 90 year old piping it would be the opposite. I suppose a big hole is in my future sometime. At least I am delaying it by allowing much less fresh air in running this way.

    Does not surprise me. Why should old system leak?