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My side of the story.....(JohnNY)



  • Arthur
    Arthur Member Posts: 216

    >>>>>My brother (and business partner) and I have spent a great deal of effort trying to find out who the plumber was. Turns out: BIG SURPRISE! He's not licensed, carries no insurance and does business through a garbled answering machine<<<<<

    Therin lies the story, The guy WAS CHEAP, No overheads of Insurance,licensing Etc and the client got what he paid for, And now complains and you just happened to be the poor guy he can blame for it.
    In my experience the more a person can afford to pay the cheaper they want the job done, But the flashier the set of wheels they have, Status symbol "I am some body,look at MY set of wheels I am sucessfull' Thats a man view,
    A women's is a bigger flashier house with ever gadget that opens and shut and a new dress ever day.

    Them and us all look the same in the wooden box.
  • JohnNY
    JohnNY Member Posts: 3,269
    In case you haven't had enough of this thread:

    The homeowner emailed me saying my efforts were greatly appreciated and that he was simply inquiring about my billing rate as he was certainly entitled.

    He suggested we share a bottle of his better wine for the holiday.

    Seems like everything's nice now.

    Thanks for your support, gentlemen (and ladies?).

    Please enjoy your Holidays and consider me your friend in the trade.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
    Contact John "JohnNY" Cataneo, NYC Master Plumber, Lic 1784
    Consulting & Troubleshooting
    Heating in NYC or NJ.
  • john_27
    john_27 Member Posts: 195
    i think we all owe

    a vote of thanks to John, Maddog, Mark, Steve, and the others...but especially to John, for creating and guiding
    one of the best discussion threads on this site that I have seen in my 5 years of "membership". He must be a very classy man...so, a hat tip to John is in order!
  • Darin Cook_3
    Darin Cook_3 Member Posts: 389

    > first class.


    > Merry Christmas!


    > Mark

    > H


    > _A

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    > 238&Step=30"_To Learn More About This

    > Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in

    > "Find A Professional"_/A_

  • Darin Cook_3
    Darin Cook_3 Member Posts: 389

    To echo my partners sentiments, John is a good guy. The very kind you want working for you!!!

  • Tom R.
    Tom R. Member Posts: 138

    And , most likely, to work for.
  • Steve D._4
    Steve D._4 Member Posts: 22

    Don't forget to call off the knee-capping.

    Merry Christmas

  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,365
    Wait until the check clears.................................

    I'd have the boys waiting in the Town Car with the Louisville Sluggers...just in case. Mad Dog

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • JohnNY
    JohnNY Member Posts: 3,269

    I wound up getting $2,000 from this guy and cutting my losses.
    At the time, I was happy to get rid of him.

    Yesterday I ran into a neighbor who informed the guy just sold the house for FOURTEEN MILLION ($14,000,000) dollars.
    I kid you not.
    It set a record for the block. (the block, not the neighborhood, mind you). The real estate agents in the neighborhood are ecstatic because it raises the value of the surrounding homes.

    I hope that $500 he kept from me really made a difference in his life.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
    Contact John "JohnNY" Cataneo, NYC Master Plumber, Lic 1784
    Consulting & Troubleshooting
    Heating in NYC or NJ.
  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
    Unbelievable, John

    Well rid of that one. $14M? One must take pleasure in squeezing the working folks... People like that rub the nickel until the buffalo sh*ts.... no excuses for them.

    I for one would appreciate having you do my P&H work. And my house will not fetch nearly that much :)
  • Joe Brix
    Joe Brix Member Posts: 626
    Karma, John.....

    ....will get that SOB eventually! Keep your head up, man, you were right, and he was wrong!!

  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
    Let's invite him

    to the next BUNY.
    Retired and loving it.
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    Bet we could get real ugly squeezing $500 worth of drinks out of that guy!
  • Tom R.
    Tom R. Member Posts: 138

    By all means work for them again. Double your price and get half up front....
  • john_27
    john_27 Member Posts: 195

    sounds like a great sale...by the way, how can the deal close when it can't pass inspection?
  • burninben
    burninben Member Posts: 33

    A customer not paying a bill is just like stealing. Since we're on a mcD's kick. It would be like us going to the drive through and ordering food getting it and driving off... Oh I'm sorry you wanted me to pay for it! I'm sorry I thought I could have at least 90 days before you would get mad enough to come after me. Gimme a break, pay your bills, we have to.
  • Patchogue Phil_29
    Patchogue Phil_29 Member Posts: 121

    Maybe I missed it somewhere..... not sure what work you did there. Did you fix the heating system? Fix the exhaust venting into the closed chimney?

    Too bad you did not lien the building, then the $14mill sale would get stopped by an unpaid $500.
  • scott w.
    scott w. Member Posts: 209

    When reading this thread why do I think of the quote by that well known rich new york woman "ONLY LITTLE PEOPLE PAY TAXES". She eventually got hers didn't she?

    This guy will get his just reward someday. When you do dirty tricks to people, it always catches up with you. Someday he will think about what he did after something really bad happens in his life.

    Some people actually get joy out of putting the screws to others

    I'm sure he has treated other people in the same manner.
  • Tom R.
    Tom R. Member Posts: 138
    Don't file the job

    and it won't be inspected.
  • Dave Larsen_2
    Dave Larsen_2 Member Posts: 53

    Hey Johnny, have you thought of going back to that house and introducing yourself to the new owner? I'd hate to see that the jerk told the new buyer that you were the last one there and they think that what they have is a reflection of YOUR work! Also sounds like a large job is waiting there for someone!
  • JohnNY
    JohnNY Member Posts: 3,269
    The job was a while ago now.

    We disconnected the two gas-fired 75-gallon water heaters and temporarily installed one 50-gallon electric.

    They used electric space heaters in the rooms until my chimney guy could verify exactly how screwed up the chimney was. After a couple of weeks they got the contractor to come back with someone and open the walls, access the chimney and open it up.
    I stopped and introduced myself to them but they didn't want to talk to me. Apparently, I'm a bad guy.

    I also wired up a series of spill switches on the draft diverters after that work was done.

    I should add that I personally spent a good 3 days worth at the site trying to get them straightened out.
    There were lots of other problems not related to this.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
    Contact John "JohnNY" Cataneo, NYC Master Plumber, Lic 1784
    Consulting & Troubleshooting
    Heating in NYC or NJ.
  • JohnNY
    JohnNY Member Posts: 3,269
    Good point, Mr. Larsen.

    I probably will at least put something in their mailbox.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
    Contact John "JohnNY" Cataneo, NYC Master Plumber, Lic 1784
    Consulting & Troubleshooting
    Heating in NYC or NJ.
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