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Wal Mart selling a/c

John R. Hall
John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
Shouldn't come as a surprise. Soon we'll see them in Walgreen's.

"I'm here to pick up my Valium -- and by the way -- throw a condensing unit in my cart while you're at it."


  • S Ebels
    S Ebels Member Posts: 2,322

    Did you notice if that unit was one of the type that comes with a threaded, precharged line set? Did it say anything about installation or refrigerant handling requirements?
  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    Yes Steve

    Recommended installation by a qualified, licensed technician. But that doesn't mean much to homeowners looking to save a buck.
  • Ken D.
    Ken D. Member Posts: 836

    Why is it we ( the professionals) are the only ones to worry about being CFC trained and certified and making sure the laws are followed when obviously no one else has to.
  • S Ebels
    S Ebels Member Posts: 2,322
    That my friend

    Is the $64,000 question. As licensed professionals we have to abide by the laws and codes. Someone who is not licensed can get away with darn near anything. Makes a lot of sense to me. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Paul Pollets
    Paul Pollets Member Posts: 3,666
    the answer...

    is to triple the labor prices for installation with no warranty for equipment purchased by the homeowner. Too harsh??

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • tommyoil
    tommyoil Member Posts: 612

    Not too harsh at all. I think its more than fair to only triple the labor price. Nobody should be shopping in Wal-Mart anyway. Anyone who halfway believes in fair labor practices should NEVER set foot in Wal-Mart. They treat their help(mostly retired folks trying to supplement a meager fixed income)like garbage and give them a take it or leave it speech at the morning meetings. Nice company that wal-mart. BOYCOTT WAL-MART !!!!!!! Pretty soon they'll be forcing non qualified personnel out in the field to install the junk that they sell.
  • Dave Bush
    Dave Bush Member Posts: 155

    And these people that would buy these units at Wallyworld to DIY into their own rhododendron bushes are most likely the same ones that used to pitch a fit about CFCs wrecking the hypothetical ozone layer.

    Makes me sick, hug a tree, but install your own AC.

    Also, I must agree with Tommy Oil, in regards to not shopping at a place like that. A company that claims Christian heritage, but pays poverty level wages, forces their only "well paid" rank and file employees (managers) to work 60 hour weeks, and willingly violates federal labor laws is hypocritical at best. Rain Man said "Kmart sucks", but let's face it, it's really Walmart that sucks.

    I say let them buy the units, let them install the units, I make a lot of money troubleshooting air conditioning problems. I can troubleshoot a walmart Fedders just as easily as a Service Experts Lennox...
  • Dean_7
    Dean_7 Member Posts: 192
    Wal_Mart ac

    #1. There will always be cheap people.
    However as a home owener who has gotten very good advice from this forum the comments about homeowners is disturbing at times. where i live the county did a study about wages last year. They came up with a rock bottom minimum of $12.00/hr just to break even. With the loss of jobs in this country that pay decent wages that means here many people are now working for $6 to $8/hr with some at $10/hr. It costs $55.00 in labor to a car fixed at a dealership here. When I had my boiler repalced 2 yrs ago the cost was $5,000. When someones gross income is $12 to $15,000. These are significant costs. Many people HAVE to shop at Wal-Mart . And they have to attempt to at least do part of it themselves. And if your wondering I'm a licensed professional. I don't do much I'm just and RN who works in an ICU. My skills keep people alive everyday who are hooked up to a ventilator, have 7 or 8 IV pumps running 15 or 16 different drugs or fluids at the same time, and are connected to 6 or 7 different monitors. I make a good salary but the mechanics and the heating/cooling professionals in my area make more then I do. The thing is there are a lot of good people less fortunate then me who are barely keeping there heads above water. They don't have much choice of where they shop.
  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,231
    Pick up any asprin at the hospital pharmacy recently?

    you may dissagree however i belive it is closer to a 5X factor they are working from to derive a price. and the sad part of it we dont have money trees growing in the back yard either................i am not knocking the work you do either..it pays to shop around .......... pride proceedth before a fall...the licenses insurance and bonding etc are to insure as it were that you have someone weilding the tools that is compotent,Hopefully....
  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337
    Well said, Dean.

    You and the other RN's kept my Mom and Dad alive during their troubles and you'll never be "just" RN"s to me. Your some of the real hero's in this world and can never be repaid enough.

    If, better yet when, I require an IV, I hope your inserting that needle.

  • Dave Bush
    Dave Bush Member Posts: 155
    Not to be argumentative, Dean, but

    What did people in your town do BEFORE Wlamart came in???

    A lot of this countries economic woes are the result of store chains just like Walmart entering a nice little market, and wiping up the floor with their competition, then hiring up all of their workers at a wage below what they made before in what WAS (Prior to WalMart) a successful business, that paid a living wage and charged what they needed to charge for their products and services to pay their people what was fair.

    Remember, the only things you HAVE to do are pay taxes and die. No one HAS to perpetuate a vicious cycle of poverty like that. It's a shame that your particular geography obviously has fallen into the "only game in town" trap because of Walmart, and it's a long roe to hoe to change that. The quality of life must not be that great there, which sucks, but rather than defend a company with such questionable ethics, I'd personally be inclined to change my geography.

    On another note, yes, I can believe that HVAC techs in your area make more than ICU nurses, and I do agree with you that that sucks, and, in fact, my lifelong best friend is an ER nurse in Las Vegas, now, and I'm certain that I have a couple techs here, in Northeast PA that make more than him, but, then, he works 4 10 hour days. HVAC techs, especially during this time of the year, often work 6 12 hour days, at a minimum. There's 40 hours, vs. 72 hours. 32 of this hypothetical techs hours are at time and a half. This is the norm in commercial HVAC, and probably pretty close to the norm in residential.

    The hourly rates are most likely about the same, or the nurse is making slightly more here.

    Yeah, it's a shame, I wish it was different. I wish that the healthcare industry wasn't the train wreck that it is, with frivolous malpractice suits lurking around every corner, and I'm aware of the looming crisis of a lack of nurses coming into the field, and the high rate of attrition of nurses at the critical care level, such as yourself. But that does not, in any way, shape, or form, again, defend supporting Wal-Mart and their communist-rule-like employment practices, and the destructive impact that their little three-ring circuses bring to a small town.

    Like I said in my previous post, I make the same amount of money troubleshooting units installed by "factory-qulaified" techs, that I do with ones installed by DIY'ers. It doesn't really matter. I just wish that EVERYONE was held to the same level of responsibility, such as licensing, permits, and inspections.

  • Darin Cook_3
    Darin Cook_3 Member Posts: 389

    Keep in mind A/C is still a luxury item for most people. A few need it for medical reasons. If you do not have much money, you should not be wasting it on a air conditioning system. Not to mention your increased utility costs. As far as differences in pay rates, a typical apprenticeship is FIVE years for a plumber. That is almost as long as a doctor. Throw in all the ongoing education to boot. These guys are not paid enough. JMHO
  • Gordy1
    Gordy1 Member Posts: 25

    Not even close Bob. Doctors are looking at 11 years from college to internships end, before they start raking in some real cash. Thats general practice.Now start paying off college loans.Unless you have a rich Daddy. My Grandfather was a MD. I personally believe an RN is grossly underpaid in comparision to a MD. They cover a doctors backside more than we as patients know.
  • Gordy1
    Gordy1 Member Posts: 25
    who is the blame?

    S Ebels, is the homeowner the blame for this? I think the problem is with the building codes in general.As a homeowner in my area you can improve, install. Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC just about anything in the home as long as it passes inspection and as long as you live in the home for at least 2 years. I guess they figure if any such improvement will fail it will happen in 2 years.

    Paul, Tommy oil, Do you actually believe that tripling your install labor and denying a warranty. Will solve anything more then self gratification? Will the purchaser return the unit to Walmart, Home Depot or Lowes? I would think that their motive would be to eliminate the installer, if they are willing to go to these vendors to make the purchase in the first place. Plenty of DIY books and websites out there. Lets eliminate all these information portals and really get some results.

    Hey fellas, before you go off on me. I have been a union carpenter for 21 years. There is a walmart that was just built right in my town 100% union. No I do not shop there.
    If you want to say that unqualified installation of certain products is dangerous to life and property,Like the products pertaining to your field and mine we have every right. But who is REALLY the ones to blame for this? People putting information on the shelves and the web, on how to do it.The county and city building departments in your area for allowing unqualified people to do it? Or the homeowner who is trying to save a buck on limited income.Or maybe a jackleg that is highly interested and motivated and just wants to do it because they want to see if they can.Hey like I said I'm a carpenter I see people doing all sorts of decks,basements, additions,roofing, siding and on and on.I do not cry about it and if they ask for my help I give it, I like to see people get a bigger slice of pie that is just out of reach. Its the american way thats why there are income leverage tools out there credit cards, mortgages and car loans to attain the things that are just out of reach. If it looks like crap or falls down I laugh because it just costed them more money, and that my friends is how people learn by their mistakes just as you and I have.
  • S Ebels
    S Ebels Member Posts: 2,322
    That's not the problem

    A HO buying pipe or faucets or adding an outlet is not the problem. I don't even have a problem if someone installs their own furnace or boiler or a zone of infloor. It's a free country where we are all free to do stupid things or smart things.

    Here is what I have a problem with. Unlicensed, unskilled, ill equipped persons installing this equipment without obtainng a permit and inspection to do so. That's it in a nutshell.

    Products such as the above mentioned A/C require a certain amount of knowledge, skill, training and equipment to install properly. I'm willing to bet that not 1 homeowner in 10,000 would know what superheat is, why it should be checked and what to do if it is wrong on their A/C. Do they know what happens if the superheat is high, or if it is low? How many degrees is correct and how do they find out? Or what should the reading on their combustion analyzer be when they are finished setting up that new gas furnace? Should they be the same as an oil furnace? Doesn't everyone have a combustion analyzer? If they don't, what in the world are they doing playing, yes playing, with the health and safety of themselves and their loved ones? Either they don't understand what they are messing with or they don't care. Which is it?

    As a licensed contractor, I have to prove that I have the knowledge, skill and proper equipment to install and service the A/C equipment I sell. That's before I can even get a license to do those things. If I don't, I can be fined by the code agencies, sued by a homeowner, or not issued a license in the first place. Joe HO however, can go out and buy a boiler or furnace or A/C, 9 times out of 10 completely butcher the job and do so without any loss other than the vexation caused by spending his money foolishly. I'd just like to see the same set of rules apllied across the board. Why should I be held accountable to a certain standard when everyone else is not? If the standard is there to protect the common good and ensure efficiency, why is it not applied to everyone? As a contractor, it's like stepping up to the plate with two strikes on you.

    BTW, I'm not painting all homeowners with a broad brush of incompetence here. I have seen three or four homeowner jobs that I would have been proud of myself installation-wise.
  • Gordy1
    Gordy1 Member Posts: 25
    S .Ebels

    I understand your fight. Thats why I feel that it is up to the building Dept. local government to lay down homeowner restraints on what they the homeowner can and can't do to there own home. Granted the ones who don't get permits and subject themselves to inspections for approval are going to slip through the cracks. The only way to deal with that is if you want to buy HVAC or what ever presumed dangerous appliances if not proffesionally installed from the vendors in question you need to be a licensed installer.
  • jim lockard
    jim lockard Member Posts: 1,059
    I am on board

    With you G on the goverment(inspection boards) allowing the sale and installation of skilled trade products to the general public. Lowes and Home depot selling electrical service boxes, water heaters, (Pressure vessels) gas and oil furnaces, vented and unvented LP and Nat gas log sets and box heaters. Not only does that untrained installer endanger his family- the unsuspecting folks that purchase his home 10 years later are at risk. Best wishes J.Lockard
  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,231
    no one in my family was Born a doctor....

    Do you want someone who wrote all the answers down out of a book? or someone who wrote the book? you want the guy Practicing medicine? or do you want the guy who knows what hes doing?and when we get to the point where we know what we are doing in whatever field of endeavour..have we not at least used a few of our gifts and abilities along the way to do some good for someone without endangering the lives of our neighbours? some of these lash ups dont look like anything in the Book:))about the time the Practising surgeon comes at one of us with a chain saw and a disc grinder maybe its time to get away from the SOB.and Especially if he just bought the thing at Home depot for the express purpose...after watching Limb amputation 101 on his computer down at the office! Hey ! Its Easy ! Anybody can doit! :))
  • Dean_5
    Dean_5 Member Posts: 2
    reply to dave bush

    Wal-Mart doesn't exist here. we lost 5 factories in the last few years however we gained a casino so the town is a tourist trap and the prices are ridiculous, people drive 20 miles to be able to shop and guess what.Thats where Wal-Mart is. As for insurance etc. I have it it's required, continuing education another requirement, constant ongoing education required, etc. I am not complaining about my salary or anyone elses. I'm simply saying many people can't afford much today except at Wal-mart prices obviously there are deeper things wrong with this whole picture.
  • Dean_5
    Dean_5 Member Posts: 2
    One last thought

    As I originally said I had my new boiler installed by a professional and they were VERY Good. I know this because my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. were all skilled tradespeople. My grandfather was a heating contractor or a boilerman as he was called back then. They taught me all they knew because I was a curious little kid and drove them nuts. I tagged along with my grandfather a lot. I was cutting and threading black iron pipe when I was about 8 or 9 and sweating copper about the same time. Don't say it, the rules were a bit different 42 years ago. Also these were people who taught you to do it right the first time or don't do it. However my knowledge of some of this stuff is way out of date and it's not what I do. So I had a heating professional do the job. The problem is getting people to realize it's cheaper in the long run if done right the first time and to recognize their limitations. That's where you guys come in
  • tommyoil
    tommyoil Member Posts: 612

    My comments were misunderstood. I'm not faulting the people who shop there because they have to. I'm faulting wal-mart for taking full advantage of people who work there because THEY have to. People like most of the guys here on the wall who all have mouths to feed, mortgages, college,heating bills, ect.... if they are fortunate enough to have that. As far as double or triple charging on labor while installing wal mart garbage, lets face it gentleman, for the most part, once you install it, you're married to it. I didnt work this hard to have a wal mart purchased garbage piece of equipment go bad on my install and having the customer talking to his neighbor about all the problems he's having. All while they are looking at MY truck parked out front. Ten times the labor rate isn't worth that.BOY-COTT WAL-MART !!!!!! Unions may have built it( and I'm Union) but believe me, they don't approve of what is going on. Read the newspaper. This seems to be a touchy subject, but at the end of the day we're all neighbors just trying to look out for neighbors. Thats all.
  • John Mills_3
    John Mills_3 Member Posts: 221

    Just one more 3rd world product at Wally World. Typical!
  • dave_18
    dave_18 Member Posts: 9
    Discount Stores

    Just a few quick observations & comments. Why do places like Walmart, Kmart, etc. exist? Answer, because most of us have this insatiable quest to get the absolute rock bottom price on everything. Fairness in price goes out the window! Forget about a fair wage. We want the lowest possible price, period. Right? The main problem as I see it is this. Take a survey of the products sold at these stores. Where are most of them made? Not in the good 'ol US of A, I can tell you that! As we continue to shop at these stores & buy their products, more and more of our money shifts out of our economy and into theirs. Want proof? Take a look at our ballooning trade deficit. This money rushes out of our economy and in its wake are scores of lost jobs and dying industries. This translates into a steady erosion of high skilled jobs. Most of the new jobs created in our economy now are low skilled jobs. We are becoming a nation of hamburger flippers!
    Walmart and others offer a kind of Faustian Bargain expressed metaphorically by the Mr. Potter character in the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" In the movie, Mr. Potter offers George Bailey (his competitor) a position, which on the surface seems fantastic. Upon further inspection, however, George realizes that this offer comes at a step & sinister price. The cunning & ruthless Mr. Potter (aka Walmart) present this offer as a vehicle to further exploit & dominate the market by eliminating the competition. George's new found, lofty position would be very short lived once competition is eliminated.
    I believe that until the general public becomes educated in the realization that ferreting out the lowest possible, rock-bottom price on everything does more economic harm to us in this country than good over the long term, places like Wally-World (Walmart) will continue to survive & thrive.
    Just my 3 cents!
  • Geno_15
    Geno_15 Member Posts: 158

    > Just a few quick observations & comments. Why do

    > places like Walmart, Kmart, etc. exist? Answer,

    > because most of us have this insatiable quest to

    > get the absolute rock bottom price on everything.

    > Fairness in price goes out the window! Forget

    > about a fair wage. We want the lowest possible

    > price, period. Right? The main problem as I see

    > it is this. Take a survey of the products sold at

    > these stores. Where are most of them made? Not in

    > the good 'ol US of A, I can tell you that! As we

    > continue to shop at these stores & buy their

    > products, more and more of our money shifts out

    > of our economy and into theirs. Want proof? Take

    > a look at our ballooning trade deficit. This

    > money rushes out of our economy and in its wake

    > are scores of lost jobs and dying industries.

    > This translates into a steady erosion of high

    > skilled jobs. Most of the new jobs created in our

    > economy now are low skilled jobs. We are becoming

    > a nation of hamburger flippers! Walmart and

    > others offer a kind of Faustian Bargain expressed

    > metaphorically by the Mr. Potter character in the

    > movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" In the movie, Mr.

    > Potter offers George Bailey (his competitor) a

    > position, which on the surface seems fantastic.

    > Upon further inspection, however, George realizes

    > that this offer comes at a step & sinister price.

    > The cunning & ruthless Mr. Potter (aka Walmart)

    > present this offer as a vehicle to further

    > exploit & dominate the market by eliminating the

    > competition. George's new found, lofty position

    > would be very short lived once competition is

    > eliminated. I believe that until the general

    > public becomes educated in the realization that

    > ferreting out the lowest possible, rock-bottom

    > price on everything does more economic harm to us

    > in this country than good over the long term,

    > places like Wally-World (Walmart) will continue

    > to survive & thrive. Just my 3 cents!

  • Geno_15
    Geno_15 Member Posts: 158

    > Just a few quick observations & comments. Why do

    > places like Walmart, Kmart, etc. exist? Answer,

    > because most of us have this insatiable quest to

    > get the absolute rock bottom price on everything.

    > Fairness in price goes out the window! Forget

    > about a fair wage. We want the lowest possible

    > price, period. Right? The main problem as I see

    > it is this. Take a survey of the products sold at

    > these stores. Where are most of them made? Not in

    > the good 'ol US of A, I can tell you that! As we

    > continue to shop at these stores & buy their

    > products, more and more of our money shifts out

    > of our economy and into theirs. Want proof? Take

    > a look at our ballooning trade deficit. This

    > money rushes out of our economy and in its wake

    > are scores of lost jobs and dying industries.

    > This translates into a steady erosion of high

    > skilled jobs. Most of the new jobs created in our

    > economy now are low skilled jobs. We are becoming

    > a nation of hamburger flippers! Walmart and

    > others offer a kind of Faustian Bargain expressed

    > metaphorically by the Mr. Potter character in the

    > movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" In the movie, Mr.

    > Potter offers George Bailey (his competitor) a

    > position, which on the surface seems fantastic.

    > Upon further inspection, however, George realizes

    > that this offer comes at a step & sinister price.

    > The cunning & ruthless Mr. Potter (aka Walmart)

    > present this offer as a vehicle to further

    > exploit & dominate the market by eliminating the

    > competition. George's new found, lofty position

    > would be very short lived once competition is

    > eliminated. I believe that until the general

    > public becomes educated in the realization that

    > ferreting out the lowest possible, rock-bottom

    > price on everything does more economic harm to us

    > in this country than good over the long term,

    > places like Wally-World (Walmart) will continue

    > to survive & thrive. Just my 3 cents!

  • Geno_15
    Geno_15 Member Posts: 158
    Here they come!

    Here come the new service calls

    " I bought this a/c system and uh, we can't get it to run right, can you take a look at it?".

    Oh yeah, we can take a look at it allright, $100 hr consultation and then I'll give you an estimate. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  • mickey_2
    mickey_2 Member Posts: 13

    To get back to the problem with Walmart selling direct to the consumer, as far as I know you have to have an license to handle any freon containing unit (or at least work under someone who is licensed). If I'm not mistaken Walmart has been fined in the past for selling freon over the counter. I guess when you'r that big you do whatever you want.
  • Ken D.
    Ken D. Member Posts: 836

    I recently read that something like 80% of the people that work at Wal-Mart are below the poverty level. When ever one opens the politicians parrot about all the jobs they are creating. With jobs like that, why bother? Wal-Mart also gets most of their merchandise from China where they still use child and slave labor, don't need to worry about the EPA, liability insurance, OSHA, whacky taxes, exorbitant executive pay and perks ( if you don't count the "Party" cut), fair labor practices, unions, competition, health care, benefits, vacations,etc., etc., etc. Plus they get help from the US taxpayers in the form of little or no duties, financing,OPIC,(Overseas Private Investment Corp.-a quasi-govermental agency that guarantees that companies and investors will be reimbursed for any and all losses incurred, courtesy US taxpayers.) Yessir, a real patriotic AMERICAN company. I am wondering if they are in Canada yet?
  • \"Maine\" doug
    \"Maine\" doug Member Posts: 39
    And that woul be because

    > To get back to the problem with Walmart selling

    > direct to the consumer, as far as I know you have

    > to have an license to handle any freon containing

    > unit (or at least work under someone who is

    > licensed). If I'm not mistaken Walmart has been

    > fined in the past for selling freon over the

    > counter. I guess when you'r that big you do

    > whatever you want.

    we have the best government money can buy. Do you know how much it cost to get those tax breaks and not have to pay corporate taxes here. I mean we had to hand out money to all the candidates every time we turn around. And then there is the hiring of all those ex government employees and elected big guys to make sure we get preferred treatment so we can shift jobs out of the country to cheaper labor while collecting incentives. I tell ya, our expenses for the next election are next to outrageous.
  • \"Maine\" doug
    \"Maine\" doug Member Posts: 39
    And that woul be because

    > To get back to the problem with Walmart selling

    > direct to the consumer, as far as I know you have

    > to have an license to handle any freon containing

    > unit (or at least work under someone who is

    > licensed). If I'm not mistaken Walmart has been

    > fined in the past for selling freon over the

    > counter. I guess when you'r that big you do

    > whatever you want.

    we have the best government money can buy. Do you know how much it cost to get those tax breaks and not have to pay corporate taxes here. I mean we had to hand out money to all the candidates every time we turn around. And then there is the hiring of all those ex government employees and elected big guys to make sure we get preferred treatment so we can shift jobs out of the country to cheaper labor while collecting incentives. I tell ya, our expenses for the next election are next to outrageous.
  • \"Maine\" doug
    \"Maine\" doug Member Posts: 39
    And that woul be because

    > To get back to the problem with Walmart selling

    > direct to the consumer, as far as I know you have

    > to have an license to handle any freon containing

    > unit (or at least work under someone who is

    > licensed). If I'm not mistaken Walmart has been

    > fined in the past for selling freon over the

    > counter. I guess when you'r that big you do

    > whatever you want.

    we have the best government money can buy. Do you know how much it cost to get those tax breaks and not have to pay corporate taxes here. I mean we had to hand out money to all the candidates every time we turn around. And then there is the hiring of all those ex government employees and elected big guys to make sure we get preferred treatment so we can shift jobs out of the country to cheaper labor while collecting incentives. I tell ya, our expenses for the next election are next to outrageous.
  • \"Maine\" doug
    \"Maine\" doug Member Posts: 39
    And that woul be because

    > To get back to the problem with Walmart selling

    > direct to the consumer, as far as I know you have

    > to have an license to handle any freon containing

    > unit (or at least work under someone who is

    > licensed). If I'm not mistaken Walmart has been

    > fined in the past for selling freon over the

    > counter. I guess when you'r that big you do

    > whatever you want.

    we have the best government money can buy. Do you know how much it cost to get those tax breaks and not have to pay corporate taxes here. I mean we had to hand out money to all the candidates every time we turn around. And then there is the hiring of all those ex government employees and elected big guys to make sure we get preferred treatment so we can shift jobs out of the country to cheaper labor while collecting incentives. I tell ya, our expenses for the next election are next to outrageous.
  • \"Maine\" doug
    \"Maine\" doug Member Posts: 39
    And that would be because

    we have the best government money can buy. Do you know how much it cost to get those tax breaks and not have to pay corporate taxes here? I mean we had to hand out money to all the candidates every time we turned around. And then there is the hiring of all those ex government employees and ex elected big guys to make sure we get preferred treatment so we can shift jobs out of the country to cheaper labor while collecting incentives. I tell ya, our expenses for the next election are next to outrageous. And this service business, why pretty soon the local quicky mart will have all this stuff and customers will be able to just throw out their old inefficient thingy and plug in a new one and get all their questions answered on the Wall in India.
  • Ken D.
    Ken D. Member Posts: 836
    WM and KM

    The problem is that we have become a 3rd world nation in the way we retail. Price,not value. Just like going into the Casbah to shop- Barter, Barter, Barter. Cheap,Cheap, Cheap. It is most definately a vicious circle. You buy cheapest price. WalMart goes to maufacturer and says we want a million units at this CHEAP price. Mfg. says OK the only way to do it is to go offshore. Lay off all my people and go to China. Get slaves and children to make it. Besides, The US taxpayers will cover my losses if the commies nationalize my company.Wish I could do that. Meanwhile our customers have lost their jobs and can't afford us any more, so they buy from Wal-Mart or Home Depot where it is cheap and do it themselves weather or not it is done right. And the cycle goes on and on. The future is looking awfully grim. I'm depressing myself.
  • Gordy1
    Gordy1 Member Posts: 25
    Food for Thought

    So how long do you think it will be before some poor soul buys a AOMD "Appliance of Mass Destruction". Does a DIY install in their home and kills,injures or has significant property damage.Turns around if still alive and sues one of the big chains for letting me buy that AOMD and install it so I can injure myself and my family? That would get them back peddling in a hurry.
  • S Ebels
    S Ebels Member Posts: 2,322
    MD Vs a Plumber

    I would dare bet that once the education is out of the picture, the overhead of a plumbing business would be about the same or maybe even exceed that of a typical family practice.

    Just think about it on a sales per person basis for a minute or two.

  • Paul Rohrs
    Paul Rohrs Member Posts: 357
    How Walmart will go out of business.

    Right now, we are shipping raw material to China so they can industrialize. Wood, scrap steel and copper. Why do you think commodity pricing is thru the roof? Supply and demand.

    The Chinese are loading their "economic guns" to eventually sell items in the USA at rates that will put Walmart to shame.

    These are all just my opinions, but when you have forced prison labor that does not need to be paid, only fed. Back that up with paid labor and .05 cents an hour. Walmart will not even be able to compete.

    "China-Mart" will send an economic earthquake to our shores as quick as you can say "disposable diapers". Everything sold in these stores will be commodity items.

    The plumbing, heating, and hydronics industry will be a good place for thinking business people to prosper.


  • joel_19
    joel_19 Member Posts: 933

    The real issue is why did i go to school,pass a test,track the freon i use and go through all that crap if it doesn't matter????? If people want to buy on the net or the Wallmart fine let them have at it. BUT I"M NEVER paying my liscence renewall fee again. Why should I??
  • Kal Row
    Kal Row Member Posts: 1,520
    dont expect the gov to help you...

    target is selling DIY r134 charging kits for cars - comes with a can of r134 with a hose that has a gauge on it and a r134 quick coupler..

    no high side connection, so when the unwitting DIY'r will overcharge it and then his machanic can sell him a compressor, drier, hoses, and evac/recharge for 8-12 hundred dollars, there is a god!!!
  • Dave Bush
    Dave Bush Member Posts: 155
    Quick question, Nurse Dean!

    How are those casinos paying their help?

    Here in PA they just legalized slots in certain places and a lot of folks here in the Poconos are giddy with anticipation that casinos are next.

    I'm thinking I'd rather have Walmart build more stores...

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