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What is your favorite movie scene

George_10 Member Posts: 580
the scene in "THE Natural" where the Redford character hits the home run into the lights and the sparkles of light fall all around him as he circles the bases. I know the movie is a fairy tale, but for some reason it resonates with me.

There are others of course, but I have watched that one many times as this movie seems to be run often on cable.


  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,882

    Its the seen at the end where he ask's " whats in it for me ? " and he reliase's he gets a chance to play catch with his Dad one more time.

    I lost my Dad twenty years ago and the thought of seeing him one more time was too much. I cried my eyes out.

    Two years later I saw that movie again and had the same results. My wife looked at me and said " You know the ending " . I know but it still gets to me.

    Its a beautifull thought to see a loved one once again even just to " play catch ".


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  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
    Wrong movie

    That was "Field of Dreams" Scott, with Kevin Costner.

    I like the "black knight" scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

    "All right......we'll call it a draw."

    Mark H

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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,616
    \"Leave the gun;

    take the cannoli."
    Retired and loving it.
  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337
    Scott shares

    mine. Not necessarily my favorite, to many to list, but definetly the most emotional.

    Field of Dreams when he asks his Dad to play catch.
  • BillW@honeywell
    BillW@honeywell Member Posts: 1,099
    Lots of 'em...

    Comedy: "She's a witch" sequence, Monty Python. Curley trying to get that board thru the doorway, 3 Stooges. John Cleese's "cover-up" in "A Fish Called Wanda". "They took the BAR!" sequence & "I'm a zit!", John Belushi et al in "Animal House". Alex Carras punching out the horse in "Blazing Saddles". "This is the private sector, they expect results!" Harold Ramis, "Ghostbusters".

    Drama: the cliff jump in "Butch Cassidy", the airport scene in "Casablanca", also the "round up the usual suspects" scene. The egg eating contest, and of course "what we have here is a lack of communication", Paul Newman, "Cool Hand Luke". All of the battle scenes in any of the "Lord of the Rings" movies. The pool games in "The Color of Money", Paul Newman & Tom Cruise. The "attack on the Death Star" sequence in "Star Wars". The "bathtub" scene in "Bull Durham" and several of the scenes, including the "Tennis Game" with Jack Nicholson, Cher, Michelle Pieffer and Susan Sarandon in "The Witches of Eastwick".

    Scariest Critter: "Alien", especially the "birth" scene. YUCK!

    Scariest "human": Hannibal Lechter.
  • Matt Clina
    Matt Clina Member Posts: 90
    Marissa Tomei's

    Testimony at the end of "My Cousin Vinny".
  • Ken_8
    Ken_8 Member Posts: 1,640
    Without a doubt...

    The D-Day beach landing mayhem near the beginning of "Saving Private Ryan."

    Every President and congresman should be forced to watch that horrific battle scene before ever sending an American soldier into battle.

    The blast that has Hanks losing his hearing for a minute from an incoming round detonation, had my Altec "Voice of the Theater" speakers almost dancing out the freakin' room!

    The death scene from the ending of "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" shook me up almost as badly.

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  • George_10
    George_10 Member Posts: 580
    My lady and I have a Casablanca Night

    every year. We bought the film just so we could do it.
    Good cheese and a fine wine have a way of making the old movie just seem like the first time you saw it. Could be the definition of a classic.
  • Wild Bill
    Wild Bill Member Posts: 111
    DR. Strangelove

    I have three among many in mind:
    Slim Pickens riding the A-Bomb down to Russia at the end of Doctor Strangelove.

    John Belushi in Animal House: "Did we give up after the German's bombed Pearl Harbor???"

    The end of Stalag 17, when Peter Graves meets his maker.

    They don't make them like that anymore!!!
    Best to all,
    Wild Bill
  • DaveC
    DaveC Member Posts: 201
    John Belushi - \"Animal House\"

    Up on the ladder looking into the sorority house windows...

    "clunk, clunk, clunk"... then at the last window, the look on his face at what he sees!
  • Mike T., Swampeast MO
    Mike T., Swampeast MO Member Posts: 6,928

    Action: Chariot race in Ben Hur (both original B&W and remake are great).

    Drama: Scarlet encounters the Union deserter in "Gone With the Wind".

    Stupidity: Cartman implanted with V-Chip in "South Park--Bigger, Longer & Uncut".

    Terror: Patriarch burned in "The Hills Have Eyes".

    Comedy: Toss-up between scene in "Young Frankenstein" where the good doctor meets everyone in Transylvania and either of the "rich Bohemian meets snobs" scenes in "Auntie Mame".

    Romance: Scene where Grace Kelly brings her "overnight bag" in "Rear Window".

    Sci-Fi: Tour of Krell power plant in "Forbidden Planet".

    Suspense: Opera scene in "The Man Who Knew Too Much".

    Shock: Final scene of "Marnie".
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,882
    AAHhh your right Mark.

    I had the wrong movie..

    Your mother was a hampster and your father smells of elderberries.

    Oh Yea, and Steve McQueen trying to jump the barbed wire at the end of the Great Escape.

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  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
    Now go away before I taunt you a second time

    Gotta' love it!

    Mark H

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  • jim walls_3
    jim walls_3 Member Posts: 31
    Sweet Home Alabama

    "Just because I talk slow, doesn't mean I'm stupid"
  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    Kirk Douglas

    "Death is the only freedom for a slave..."

  • George_10
    George_10 Member Posts: 580
    Strangelove reaction

    When that movie came out, I was flying B-52s in the USAF. I went to see it with my wife and another Air Force couple.
    The audience for some reason was not reacting as you would think to a comedy. Of course, my buddy and I were laughing our self silly, because we knew for a fact, what went on during the Airborn Alert missions we were flying.

    Any way, I can remember my wife nudging me and asking me to keep it down. Our theater crowd except for a few were taking it as a serious movie. Must of been the real fear that folks had of a nucular war.
  • kevin_5
    kevin_5 Member Posts: 308
    The last of the Mohicans

    90's remake with Daniel Day Lewis
    Two scenes. First shooting off the wall of the besieged fort to cover the courier running for help through enemy lines. Come on Mad Dog help me out, I KNOW you had to love that one! Second: at the end when the cowardly British officer redeems himself by trading places with the girl he loves, even knowing she'll go to the guy he hates. Kevin

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  • ernie_3
    ernie_3 Member Posts: 191
    Planes trains automobiles

    Closing scene when Del Griffith( John Candy) meets the wife.
    Gets me everytime. Closing scene of "At Close Range"
    Sean Penn has to testify against his father, Chris Walken.
  • ernie_3
    ernie_3 Member Posts: 191
    Planes trains automobiles

    Closing scene when Del Griffith( John Candy) meets the wife.
    Gets me everytime. Closing scene of "At Close Range"
    Sean Penn has to testify against his father, Chris Walken.
  • Ranger
    Ranger Member Posts: 210

    ..A Chrismas story,Apocolypse Now,Platoon,Cool Hand Luke,Evil Roy Slade,Buckaroo Bonzi,Bullitt,Life of Brian,The Holy Grail,Meaning of Life,Kelly's Hero's,1941,
    Stripes,Animal House,Ferris Beauler's Day Off,Caddie Shack,48 Hours,Beverly Hill's Cop,Mad Max,Dirty Dozzen,M*A*S*H,Catch-22,Shaft,The French Connection,The Seven-Ups,Used Cars,Hollywood Knights,Fantasim,On Any Sunday,Plane's Train's and Automobiles,Uncle Buck,The Jerk,The Blues Brothers,Easy Rider,Hellraiser,Raising Arizona,The Repo Man,Slingblade,The Warrior's,A fist full of dollars,Dune,Smokey and the Banditt....It goes on for EVER...
  • Steamhead
    Steamhead Member Posts: 17,627
    The fire scene in \"Gone with the Wind\"

    especially when you consider that it was made without a lot of gee-whiz special effects technology.

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  • sean_4
    sean_4 Member Posts: 2

    yeah, Del Griffith, shower curtain ring guy, woah!
  • Darin Cook_3
    Darin Cook_3 Member Posts: 389
    The Outlaw Josey Wales

    Josey : Just when I get to takin a liking to someone they ain't around long.

    Chief: I notice when you get to takin a disliking to someone they ain't around long either.

  • Grumpy_2
    Grumpy_2 Member Posts: 82

    Cher slapping Nick Cage- "Come on! Snap out of it!"
  • Brian (Tankless)
    Brian (Tankless) Member Posts: 340
    Every scene

    from Schindler's List. That movie shook me to the core.

    My Grandma was the sweetest Jewish lady you could ever wish to meet.

    I didn't get to know of that part of my lineage till I was 35....parents are funny things, eh?


    And another one, in the original "Lassie" filmed in Scotland. When the two little boys brought the baby they found on the farm, to their mean old grandfather.."Och, you're no gonna eat the babby, grandaddy".

    He wasn't mean after that.

  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,231
    The \"GLITCH\" scene in Robo-cop.

    Supports the theory that there can be some designe features in modern technology:) or a............ "Learning curve "shall we say.
  • Tony_8
    Tony_8 Member Posts: 608
    Big Jake

    "Jacob McCandless ? I thought you was dead." "Not hardly"

    "Anything goes wrong, Your fault, my fault, his fault, nobody's fault. He'll blow your head clean off."

    Dirty Harry " Ask yourself one question, 'Do I feel lucky ?', well... do ya... punk ?"

    The Jerk "The phone book's here ! I'm somebody now !"
    and in a letter home, "'and Mama, Patty's shown me what my "special purpose" is for'"

    I can leave the special effects, I prefer the older movies that deal with what is, or was, real and realistic. They're just not PC anymore. But, neither am I :) My wife says I'm too full of redneck testosterone. She don't know the half of it :)
  • And also

    every scene when Josey spits some chew on someones head - dog or dead man .
  • Darin Cook_3
    Darin Cook_3 Member Posts: 389
    The Unforgiven

    William Munny : Who owns this ****hole? Everybody clear away from him who doesn't wanna get killed.

    Sheriff Little Bill : You just shot an unarmed man!

    William Munny : Well if he's gonna decorate his bar with my friend, he should of armed himself.

  • Victor H Plank
    Victor H Plank Member Posts: 17
    favorite movie scene

    > the scene in "THE Natural" where the Redford

    > character hits the home run into the lights and

    > the sparkles of light fall all around him as he

    > circles the bases. I know the movie is a fairy

    > tale, but for some reason it resonates with

    > me.


    > There are others of course, but I have

    > watched that one many times as this movie seems

    > to be run often on cable.

    You guys all have great movie scenes in your minds for the noblest of reasons...My hat is off to you all.

    But my favorite movie scene is from

    True Lies

    Jamie Lee Curtis

    doin the dance for


    Now thats a scene

    I have to be alone with myself

  • Wayco Wayne_2
    Wayco Wayne_2 Member Posts: 2,479
    and also, (josey Wales)

    You a Boutny Hunter?..... a man has to do someting for a living........ Dying aint much a living, boy!

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  • John Barba1
    John Barba1 Member Posts: 67
    Magnificent Seven

    Eli Wallach: Somehow that doesn't solve my problem.

    Yul Brynner: Solving your problem isn't our line.

    Steve McQueen: We deal in lead, friend.

    Wallach: So do I. We're in the same business.

    McQueen: Only as competitors.

    Best movie EVER!
  • EJW
    EJW Member Posts: 321
    John Wayne

    as Rooster. " Fill your hands you s.o.b."
  • Kal Row
    Kal Row Member Posts: 1,520
    George Hamilton in Love at First Bite

    When leaving Transylvania and the people are booing him and throwing stuff at him, he turns and says, “you kon boo me now, but, ven I em gon, Transylvania vill be ahs exxcittting, ahs bucccharest on a Monday night!!!”
  • Mad Dog
    Mad Dog Member Posts: 2,595
    Always get pumped up during the final scene in Taps

    Tom Cruise is tired of the negotiations and opens up with his M-60 on the "invaders" of Their military academy. He goes out in a blaze of glory, being killed with return fire. Till the bitter end, He was dedicated to his cause. He was HARDCORE! Mad Dog

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  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245

    ...no one mentioned Janet Leigh getting it in the shower in "Psycho." I still can't watch that without my hands over my face.
  • Nick Z._2
    Nick Z._2 Member Posts: 32

    1.Bridges of Madsion county, whne the kids are reading the letter there Mother left them. Gets me every time.
    2.The Blues Brothers, when they go to see the"penguin"and she beats them with a yard stick.
    3.Outlaw Joesy Wales, spits on the salesman"Reckin it outta take stains"
    4.The Godfather,Leave the gun take the cannoli.
    5.The Cowboys,"you god#$% rotten mean sonof#*$ch" Little kid to John Wayne.
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,882
    the end of Patton

    When the Russian General wanst to drink a toast with Patton and he says to tell the General he dos'nt drink with any Russian son of a ****.

    The General repleys thru the interperter that Patton is a son of a **** also.

    George C. Scott smiles and says " I'll drink to that ! "

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