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Well informed or misinformed consumers (DP)

There's a lot of information out there from various sources - books, how-to television shows, the Internet, etc. -for homeowners on how they can do things themselves.

Do you find that your customers, or potential customers, are doing more research?

Are they misinformed or well informed?

Are more people doing things for themselves?

Have you come across any horror stories where a homeowner has gotten themselves in over their heads?




  • hr
    hr Member Posts: 6,106
    Yes to all questions

    I find more customers are coming to me with at least a basis radiant understanding. I would credit the internet and TV home improvement shows, in that respect.

    The disasters are not as frequent,in my area, as years gone by. Finally all the suppliers of pex have learned about 1000' foot loops!

    DIYers are more astute, I feel, for the reasons above and this site! My systems have notched up as a result of hanging here :)

    The RPA's reach is getting longer also. Recent comsumer pieces help, and big plans are in the works for notching up the marketing to the industry and end user.

    There is, and will probably always be, questionable info and design info out there. Most savy customers shop these days and are generally able to weed through the "too good to be true radiant deals" Generally you get what you pay for, unfortunatly some still have to try to believe that saying!

    hot rod

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  • Sal Santamaura1
    Sal Santamaura1 Member Posts: 31
    Perhaps a subtle distinction, but...

    I've always thought "You pay for what you get" is the better way to phrase that. Not all ripoffs come with low price tags!
  • keith
    keith Member Posts: 224
    information is always good

    but applied experience is the best teacher. If you know your business then as some one once said " an educated consumer is our best customer" I believe it was a fellow that sold suits that had that quote but it applies to any business. A customer who knows the difference between apples and oranges is already 1/2 sold. In sales that is 1 of the biggest hurdles to get over is making sure we are quoting apples to apples.
  • Jamie Hall
    Jamie Hall Member Posts: 24,037
    Experience... sometimes

    is the best teacher, provided it is in the same area of activity! I (a Registered Engineer with a special interest in vapour steam heating systems) have had some very difficult experiences with highly -- and truly -- experienced heating systems contractors, but whose experience was in normal two pipe or one pipe steam systems -- which simply don't work in quite the same way. Experience is exceedingly valuable, provided one is always aware of where one's experience ends (for example: I would never, ever undertake to design or comment on a radiant slab system! And I'm not too keen on hydronics in general...) (and I'm pretty close to hopeless with the actual mechanics of threading pipe and making a steam tight joint... well, not really, but certainly not a real craftsman at it!)

    Jamie Hall
    Br. Jamie, osb
    Building superintendent/caretaker, 7200 sq. ft. historic house museum with dependencies in New England
  • Steve Ebels
    Steve Ebels Member Posts: 904
    We can cure you

    Of that disease here. ("not to keen on hydronics in general".)
  • Floyd
    Floyd Member Posts: 429
    I always told my kids....

    if you can read you can learn.....

    Keep reading here, you will learn a ton!!!!
    Amasing what comes up here :-)
    Even air scoops pointed towards the sky!!!!

    Have fun!!! Learn much!!!!

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