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O is for for oops I did it again hr

hr Member Posts: 6,106
primnary loop. This 1-1/4" copper loop will connect a wood fired boiler, buffer tank, and MZ into one harmonious life together. I hope :) I scraped the open tank buffer and I am going with this LP tank stood on end for a pressurized buffer this year.

I will T-Drill into the "circle" when I figure out my piping arrangements.

Fall is in the air here. Time to start thinking heat!

hot rod

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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,577
    You should

    have a mural painted in the center. Please!
    Retired and loving it.
  • keith
    keith Member Posts: 224
    Are you

    trying to put the guys who make copper fittings out of business?
  • Earthfire
    Earthfire Member Posts: 543

    would have been jealouse.
  • Duncan_2
    Duncan_2 Member Posts: 174
    Art for art's sake.

    I feel the one-ness! Yes... a peaceful, complete, holistic, kinda kewl-ness.

    Try the southwest zia motif... I'm sure there's others: the Mayan mandala, smiley face, big sun...
  • Mike Kraft
    Mike Kraft Member Posts: 406
    Sun of a gun

    Hot Rod you amaze me.I was planning to do a sun loop.You got me jumping through hoops now!

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