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Buy American? What's American?

joel_4 Member Posts: 42
This is kind of a continuing of the post bellow. Somebody mentioned cars and I wonder if you really know what you drive, who owns it, and who built it. It gets pretty confusing. I mean think about this. My brother had a Dodge a car built in Mexico and owned by a German Company (Mercedes). I have a Toyota pickup built in America by a japanese company. So which one is American?? What about the dodges built in mexico with a Mitsubishi motor , owned by Mercedes.
It gets better, Can I feel good about a Mercury Minivan built in Michigan even if it has a Nissan motor? If I can, then can i feel good about a Nissan van built on the same assembly line with a Nissan name slapped on it?
Ford now owns Jaguar and Landrover but they aren't made here is that ok? It must be if Dodges built in Mexico are OK. the Range rovers have been redesigned by Ford guys so that's good right? But then again they buy the motor for the big one from BMW so it's heart is German.
Pontiac is bringing back the GTO!!!!! but if you only buy American I guess it means you can't have one because it's built by Holden in Austrailia, which is actually part of G.M. Holden in turn sells a rebadged version of the Isuzu Trooper.
Saab Now there's a foriegn car so stay away from that one!! ,ummm wait no that's a G.M. car too.
Jeep!! What could be more american than Jeep! oops! I forgot AMC was bought by Chryler, who was bought by ,Mercedes so then Jeep is A German car??
Back to England! Thier chasis design (Jag) is also under the Lincoln LS. But then ford gives them alot of the switch gear and electrical stuff.
mM sister in law wanted a "good solid german car "she got a Jetta with made in Mexico stamped inside the door.....
Gotta go now, I'm getting dizzy, point is we are now living in a global marketplace so how can you possably define what's what?? Man my heads spinning just thinking about it.


  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908

    Thanks Joel!!!!!!

    You got my head spinning too!!!! I drive a Ford pick up and my wife drives a Ford Contour. First Ford I ever owned. Drove Chevy's before that.

    The world has gotten a lot smaller and there are different ideas popping up all of the time.

    I love this country with every fibre of my being and would sacrifice it to defend it.

    Lots of good technology coming from "overseas".

    Come to think of it, America was an idea that came from overseas?!?!?!?

    If these United States go to war and some countries decide not to back us, well I am an American first and last.

    I have NO power over other governments, but I have "some" power in other economies. AND! I will stop offering products from countries that turn their backs on the country and the people who have sacrificed SO MUCH to "LET FREEDOM RING"!!!

    There are economies in the world today that wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for America and the SACRIFICES Americans have made.

    There are people living better than they ever would have if it wasn't for Americans and the SACRIFICES they have made.

    The son's and daughter's that are willing to go anywhere at any time on a moments notice and leave the lives they love to defend it all are the MOST valuable asset we offer to the world. They are also the greatest sacrifice.

    America was attacked not because of the money we have, not because of our political ties to any country. We were attacked because there are people that hate what we stand for. FREEDOM! They don't believe in freedom. So, 3000 people were murdered to make a statement.

    And now there are a few countries that would like to make the United States of America out to be the bad guys. Some of these countries wouldn't even exist if it hadn't been for "the bad guys".

    I'll bet a bunch of the other folks here feel the same way and probably some that don't.

    But certain manufacturers better understand what will happen if the USA goes to war and their government condemns us! Let them go and stand where the Towers used to be. Let them go and talk to the children that are about to face another Birthday,Thanksgiving, or Christmas without Mom or Dad. Or how about a first tooth falling out? Or a first day at Kindergarten?

    Yes it is a "global economy", but much of the globe rests on the shoulders of America. Like Atlas.

    What happens when Atlas shrugs?


    Mark H

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  • Mad Dog
    Mad Dog Member Posts: 2,595
    Great Post Hunt!!!!!!!!

    I back ya 100% very valid points Joel...sometimes it is a ruse where aproduct truly comes from. With many products that we use, I try to verify where they really come from. Mad Dog

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  • eleft_4
    eleft_4 Member Posts: 509


    Check the labels on your clothes.

    On the lighter side, could you wrestle those large steam pipes and fittings in the nude? Post pictures (LOL)

    Life ain't easy Guy! But it beats the alternative.

  • Boilerpro
    Boilerpro Member Posts: 410
    Another to add to above

    Full size Chevy vans (you know the ones lots of us use) haven't been made in the US. since at least the mid 70's...they're made in Canada.

  • PJO
    PJO Member Posts: 140

    Excellent points made by all...may I add a bit of a story.

    Some friends of ours lived in Italy and recently moved back to the States. We had them over for Labor Day, and I got into a discussion about the European's views of Americans.

    Let me say this first...I believe that we as a country are not respected enough when it comes to how we SAVED THE WORLD...twice...yes, WW1 and WW2 and most of Europe does not recognize that - especially France.

    Okay...so I'm sitting with Steve, and he is kind of saying that same thing. He was talking to a "greatest generation" man in Northern Italy one day and the guy thanked him.

    Steve inquired as to why he was being thanked and the guy said for being there when we were needed many years ago...he was fighting the Germans when we liberated his town (I forget the name). His entire family was killed, and he was the only one left.

    Although he did say that much of the attitude towards Americans is not positive, there is still a large number of people that remember...and are thankful. He may be in the majority, but my friend said it was very moving to be thanked for something his grandfather did.

    God Bless America....even as I drive my (Ohio-built) Honda Civic.

    Take Care, PJO
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883
    Same Story

    My Brother went to France and was speaking with another American. This man said he had asked an elderly gentleman where a particular resturaunt was. The man said follow me and I will take you there. There's no need he said, but the Frenchman would have no such thing. He walked him down the street pointing out different landmarks.
    When they arrived at the resturaunt the American thanked the old man for his help. "No no .. thank-you from saving us 50 years ago ".

    Not all of the world thinks poorly of us, the ones who don't are just getting older.


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  • Joel_3
    Joel_3 Member Posts: 166

    Her Contour is actually a Ford Modena based chassis which is European , England I think. Not sure where they make it though... idon't know about the truck though. How bout this one Honda biulds Accords in the U.S. and makes left and right hand drive on the same line and EXPORTS them to foreign countries!!! but on thwest coast some models are still imported while on the east cost most are made here.....

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  • keith
    keith Member Posts: 224
    They will

    all come running to the good ole USA when and if the stuff hits the fan. I suppose you can't blame other countries for their attitude. We are the world's bail out-big brother. As the saying goes no good deed goes un-punished. Who else goes running in to fight the worlds battles? If it was up to the rest of europe(England excluded) they would wait until WW3 started before they spoke up regarding the crap in the mid-east,Balkans,South America Ect. Sometimes I wonder if the goverments in these countries really want our help. O well same stuff different day.
  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
    I guess

    that if you make it confusing enough, no-one will bother you!!!!

    Excellent post Joel, thanks!!!

    Mark H

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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,577
    I have to start reading the label

    on my Guinness. Yikes!
    Retired and loving it.
  • John (jcg)
    John (jcg) Member Posts: 43
    It shouldn't be the exception

    I had a whole different experience when I was over there. The only way I can describe the French is that their just French.

    Now the Netherlands was a whole different experience Great people!

  • Joel
    Joel Member Posts: 8

    You drink that!!!! How can you, when you can buy great American beer made by the greatest patriot of them all Mr.Sam Adams himself!!!! Besides You can help your fellow bretheren, I was going to retire on that stock. Problem is everytime it goes up i buy some beer to celebrate hence drinking away any profits......
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,577
    Oh no! Does that mean we also have to give up . . .

    Retired and loving it.
  • Mr. Bill
    Mr. Bill Member Posts: 71
    Thank you europeans

    Lets thank the Europeans for Towel warmers, high efficiency & high quality boilers, high tech controls,even radiant heating. Lets thank them for showing us that not all consumers are as price driven as we think. Lets thank them for showing us that we can sell comfort, efficiency and quality, not just the lowest price!

    Lets thank them for developing a high end market for the North American Manufacturers to take advantage of.
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