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Never too old to try ................

heatboy Member Posts: 1,468
After intalling a couple hundred thousand feet of PEX, I thought I would try something new. This is my first time using Wirsbo Multicor for radiant. The jury is still out on whether I will use it for the other phases of this project. I have used it for baseboard systems and I think it works well for those applications. Maybe you guys that use it on a regular basis have some tips you want to share, but I find it much slower than PEX to work with. It does a great job of holding corners and turnarounds so working alone seems easier in that aspect. I had to manually straighten out the runs since pulling it off the uncoiler puts waves in the straight runs. I had to roll up 30' of leader to do a pressure test and this stuff doesn't uncoil so that was surely easy to do as compared to trying it with PEX. I just dunno'. I would not think about doing any type of joist bay with it. I sense it would take forever.


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