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New steam installation; problems

Tommi68 Member Posts: 31

Hello knowledge base!

I am engaged in learning about steam heating maintenance and related systems. A discussion arose with the contractor that this PRV should be mounted in the horizontal plane, and the trap and check valve are mounted wrong. They suggest that the PRV can operate fine, and the trap lettering is the indication for mounting position.

-Will the PRV operate, and for how long?

The trap is just wrong; I've printed the Spirax literature for their perusal. Another trap downstream is mounted correctly.

System: new make up air reheat. 60psi supply, 10psi distribution in 160' x 2" screwed pipe.


  • dko
    dko Member Posts: 668
    edited July 10

    A fisher regulator

    The diaphragm case is the flanged head with the bolts and in your case is not completely above the pipeline.

    The pilot is the smaller valve and adjusting screw is the screw on top with the black cap.

    Will it work? Probably.. how long? Until accumulated condensate becomes a problem. Are the copper tubes connecting the pilot pitched correctly at least? Looks like the one in the photo with the warning sticker will trap condensate. So probably not too long or too well.

    One advertised "feature" of the fisher prv is:

    "Elevated Actuator—Plugging from scale and rust is reduced as condensate will not pool in critical areas."

    So would highly recommend installing in the intended orientation.

    If the pipe next to it was the reason for not installing it correctly, the pilot can be installed on either side of the main valve. You can see the plug where you can pipe it on the other side. A union there already, seems like a simple fix.

    Don't think much needs to be said about the Sarco trap, wrong indeed.

    Installer seems to like flipping things on the side.

    Tommi68Mad Dog_2
    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,952

    When any installer installs something he/she is unfamiliar with it's even more important to read the paperwork to get it right.

    Tommi68Mad Dog_2
  • Tommi68
    Tommi68 Member Posts: 31

    It is hard to convince professional, licensed and unionized fitters to read the instructions.

    I have enough source material to ask for the corrections.

    Mad Dog_2ethicalpaul