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So close, and yet so very far…

ratio Member Posts: 3,741
I just don't know what to say.


  • retiredguy
    retiredguy Member Posts: 955
    If it is working OK, change the orientation of the tee to provide a dirt leg and "let a sleeping dog lay" as we say, unless some code enforcement officer complains. If there is something I do not see, please explain.
  • dko
    dko Member Posts: 668
    It's either,
    "I didn't know"
    "I'll save a few bucks, I won't be around when it fails anyway."

    Not that either is any better than the other.
  • ratio
    ratio Member Posts: 3,741
    It's almost certainly working ok.

    All that material looks to be existing & the labor was identical, so saving a buck isn't likely, that makes the choices "I didn't know", "I didn't notice", or "I didn't care".

    STEAM DOCTOR Member Posts: 2,087
    It's all Dan's fault. Dan always says to avoid bullhead T's. Guy probably took one of Dan's steam seminars. 
  • STEVEusaPA
    STEVEusaPA Member Posts: 6,505
    Probably too close to the roof for the drip.

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,989
    Not supposed to put a drip outside or anyplace it can freeze but that isn't really a drip. I don't see anything wrong with it unless the rusty gas pipe should be cleaned and painted.

    Now, if the gas pipe happens to be piped to the condensate drain that is a whole nother issue.
  • ratio
    ratio Member Posts: 3,741

    Not supposed to put a drip outside or anyplace it can freeze but that isn't really a drip. I don't see anything wrong with it unless the rusty gas pipe should be cleaned and painted.

    It was the drip. Now, I guess it's just a funny-shaped 90°. They're commonly installed outside around here (not sayin' it's right).

    Now, if the gas pipe happens to be piped to the condensate drain that is a whole nother issue.

    Funny you should mention that...

    It was red-tagged because the plumber couldn't get it to hold.

    I guess it was just overflowing the pan or something.

    JUGHNE Member Posts: 11,180
    I used to think that those "Mr. Obvious" tags such as connect gas here...connect power here...this is a drain etc were pretty lame.

    But time has shown they are needed.
  • Intplm.
    Intplm. Member Posts: 2,122
    Ran out of elbows late on a Friday afternoon.