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I have great news..........

Mad Dog_2
Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
edited November 2023 in THE MAIN WALL
Congratulations Michael Carilli...The Town of Babylon's (Suffolk Co. Long Island 🏝)  newly minted Licensed Master Plumber!!!!!  Michael is a Third Generation LMP AND......he's only 27 years old...(Beat me by 3 years!!).

He studied VERY hard and rocked the very difficult written & practical exam.  What needs to be noted, is that in the last 30 years, Plumber's applying for and attaining a Master License has fallen off drastically because of Plumbers "signing off" and "covering" them.  This is not a common occurrence...He deserves 👏 praise. Great job Kiddo...You did it!!! Mad Dog 🐕 

Alan (California Radiant) Forbesmike19dcIronmanBenDplumberPeteAMikeAmannmattmia2DerheatmeisterErin Holohan HaskellGGrossCLambEdTheHeaterManrick in Alaska


  • guzzinerd
    guzzinerd Member Posts: 244
    Very cool
    Bryant 245-8 2-pipe steam in a 1930s 6-unit 1-story apt building in the NM mountains.  26 radiators heating up 3800sqf.
  • BenDplumber
    BenDplumber Member Posts: 49
    Congratulations young man, quite a accomplishment! Wish you the best of prosperity and health in the pipe trades! 🍻
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    The sky is the limit Michael....Take the handoff and "Run to Daylight....:  Vince Lombardi.....Mad Dog 🐕 
  • PeteA
    PeteA Member Posts: 180
    Congratulation!!! @mike19dc
    cheers to a long prosperous career!!
    Mad Dog_2mike19dc
  • Brad White
    Brad White Member Posts: 2,399
    Excellent news and well-earned!  It’s the end of a long, long road, but the beginning of a new and longer one.  
    Take pride in being among the ranks of people I respect every day, never stop learning and being the best every day.  

    This is wonderful news for you and the industry. May you always find apprentices and journeymen who inspire you, and you them. 
    "If you do not know the answer, say, "I do not know the answer", and you will be correct!"

    -Ernie White, my Dad
    BenDplumberLarry WeingartenMad Dog_2mike19dc
  • hot_rod
    hot_rod Member Posts: 22,703
    Nice! Glad to have you in the industry, and on the wall :)
    Bob "hot rod" Rohr
    trainer for Caleffi NA
    Living the hydronic dream
    Mad Dog_2mike19dc
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    Michael's doing plumbing & heating with Dad since he was 16.  They are Old School Craftsman with all the Modern Improvements.  Real nice boiler men too!  Mad Dog 🐕 
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,577
    Proud of you, Michael. 
    Retired and loving it.
    Mad Dog_2mike19dc
  • clammy
    clammy Member Posts: 3,127
    Congrats not everyone has what it takes to become lic aside from the time and passing the test it’s also learning ,studying ,and being in the field and finally pass the test . Now a days everyone avoids hiring lic pro because they figure they’re expensive and that you tube and forums can solve there issues and save them money . Please remember all the time you have spent building knowledge and experience and charge accordingly and don’t cut yourself short all aside put lots of money in your pocket . You are amoung a select few who have chosen a road that most don’t and will bust your butt doing things no one else will do or understand or want to do so please remember there’s no free rides and as my dad had told me many moons ago for nothing you can sit at home and watch cartoons so if there zero money move on . Also remember just because your young ,builders and gc s will definetly give you enough rope to finically kill yourself so be aware of those blood suckers and remember permits and mech liens when your gut is telling you some thing and the liens it will cover your butt . Most important two things always be warier never answer to quickly before really thinking it out and never give a price off the top of your head you will lose. Phvac is a great career try to always surround yourself w those smarter then you and if you don’t have a grip on wiring ,controls and such be different then everybody else and get a handle on it ,you will in a great position being most plumber are not the greasiest on controls wiring and making it all work correctly aside from your plumbing lic w a good handle of wiring ,sequence of operations of equipment and knowing a bit about opposite potential and deductive reasoning absolutely no electrical issue cannot be figured out , take it from me I am no genius but I have a pretty good grip and controls and usually have zero issues on trouble shooting and often find the issue many have over looked why ? Easy deductive reasoning and opposite potential it works every time . I wish you the best of luck and a huge fat check book shortly to come . A few tid bits don’t kill yourself work will always be there ,relax once in a while and never get work up over people it’s not worth it some are jerks and always will be , when they say they have no money w a Bentley or Benz in the drive way don’t waste your breathe get the heck out of there they have there money in what matters to them so leave the toilet clogged and them w no heat . I ve found that most w money never see any valve until there doomed and even at that there Leary of spending this is why there loaded and usually use non lic cheap labor and contractors . Ok I’m done w my rant
    Truely wishing you the best of luck and you’re in great company just knowing Matt is a great thing . Biggest key to success is be nice be fair be there on time and the biggest one is be honest and truthful .why truth will set you free and it never changes in the mechanical world which all untruths float to the top like other things . Again best of luck and be proud of yourself for your accomplishments . I bet your dad is !
    Peace and good luck clammy
    R.A. Calmbacher L.L.C. HVAC
    NJ Master HVAC Lic.
    Mahwah, NJ
    Specializing in steam and hydronic heating
    Mad Dog_2Larry Weingartenmike19dc
  • Allislandradiant
    Allislandradiant Member Posts: 38
    Congratulations Michael best of luck. I am a third generation master plumber myself. Soon my son James will continue the family tradition like you. The saying goes “when you love what you do you never work a day in your life” how true. 
    Mad Dog_2
  • EdTheHeaterMan
    EdTheHeaterMan Member Posts: 8,326
    @mike19dc, Great Job, I was just wondering if they still ask the question about Not Biting Your Fingernails on the test? Or is that just “Urban Legend”

    Edward Young Retired

    After you make that expensive repair and you still have the same problem, What will you check next?

    Mad Dog_2
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    Never seen that Ed, but I did see :
    "Is the candidate clean, sober and of good moral character?"  Mad Dog 🐕 