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WANTED: AM10 for GB142/45... (EDITED POST)

GB142 Member Posts: 33
edited December 2022 in THE MAIN WALL
I am sorry to be bringing up a subject that I may have touched on in the past but my GB 142/45 continues operating at 17 years old, but it perplexes me.

I run 4 Honeywell round thermostats in my home. Since day one when my GB142 was installed back in 2006, I have always continuously run my system pumps and let the design temp dictate optimal operating temp based on outdoor reset. I realize I may burn more electricity, but it just works better and is more comfortable.

Several days ago we had some warm temps and the home got too warm even with my outdoor reset operating as it should.

So, I just turned all of my thermostats to the off position. Later that evening when the temperatures began to get much colder, I went ahead and turned all of my rounds back on.

Several hours later I went to check on the boiler since it seemed cool in the home. The pumps were running the proper design temp was displayed on the AM10 however the BC10 was not operating at the right temp. Nor was my boiler on. My pumps were running and calling for heat, but unheated water was flowing.

I turn the boiler off I also turned the power off which then stopped the pumps let the system set for 3-5 minutes then turned everything back on and the boiler began to start calling for heat and then ran at the proper operating temp. I also noticed it was heating my domestic water and flowing the correct temperature water through the heating system.

However last night after having been out and returned home, it seemed cool in the home. I went to check on my boiler and seemed to only be pulling heat to the domestic hot water. I don’t know why, since nobody had been home or taken a shower. I tried rebooting the system and that did not work. Since the temperatures were very cold last night, I elected to turn the thermostat on the “domestic hot water to zero” to have the boiler only call for heat to the home.

This seems to be working but the minute I turn my domestic hot water to 125° I will notice my boiler water temps to heat the home will drop as it will divert all to the domestic water.

Question: has anyone experienced the GB 142 BC 10 or the AM10 Modes inadvertently lock up, only to be resolved by rebooting the system?


  • Big Ed_4
    Big Ed_4 Member Posts: 2,891
    With the over heating during the mid temperture , you should rely on the thermostats..

    You did not mention any error codes . Shutting off the unit will reset the control .

    No mention of scolding hot water . System is locked on DHW priority . I dont believe the priority drops out over time .... I would first check the hot water heater circulator . What type indirect ? Domestic water high in iron ?

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • GB142
    GB142 Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2022

    It's been a few weeks since this post and I firmly believe I have an issue with AM10 or BC10. During our heatwave in MN this week (37F) I turned the unit off again, along with the thermostats.

    When I turned everything back on late yesterday, only the DHW would go on. A byproduct of this does create some warmer water through my heating lines. However, once the DHW is heated to the proper temperature, everything shuts off.

    In the past, I did notice correct outside and system supply temperatures with the AM10, suggesting it was working fine, but today I am getting proper outside temperature (18F) but an incorrect supply temperature of 32F when it should be closer to my target point at 14F which is set at 130F.

    ** If the AM10 is not sending the proper supply temperature the BC10 will have no way to know that it must turn on. Does this make sense? I believe after 17 years it is DEAD.

    I believe many never installed the AM10 (some say ditch it). However, for my application, it has been working EXTREMELY well. Perhaps because I monitor it and/or have been successfully running it at a much lower operating temperature over the years than most others have.

    Please see attached diagram.

  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    Wish I had one on the shelf I will look this weekend. I put in tons of the GBs. They were nice but not sure how durable. Mad Dog
  • GW
    GW Member Posts: 4,783
    we yank several GB142s a year. Probably have a couple laying around in our bone yard (basement)

    You do know you can run the boiler without the AM10, right?
    Gary Wilson
    Wilson Services, Inc
    Northampton, MA
  • GB142
    GB142 Member Posts: 33
    Hi GW and Mad dog, thanks for replying. I have been running my GB145 for almost 17 years. I do most everything myself as it relates to maintenance. I clean it routinely. Mineral oil has worked to keep my fins very very clean.

    I also operate the boiler heat between a range of 115 to 135 in the winter 95% of the time in the winter. I think this is lower than most?? My approach is keeping my pumps running continuously due to lag of heating up a mass (my home). My thermostats are old school Honey well rounds. My installation was a retrofit of an old home. I suspended pex under floors with aluminum finds attached leaving a 6-10" plenum. I remember reading lots of Hot Rod posts and others during the day to figure out best approach.

    I am a DIY and keep up with what may come up next. In my case, my HX is hanging tough, but will likely be in need of replacement in the foreseeable future, which I will then need to make a decision about whether to replace or get an entirely new system.

    I know I can run the GB145 w/o the AM10. However, I do change the design temp (115 to 135) sometimes when it gets very cold to boost the set temperature. My old home with 4" walls sometimes needs a little help if it gets windy AND lower with temps.

    I look forward to hearing back from either of you. Thank you
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    Sorry, I looked in The Barn. No AM-10 Controls. Thats great its still going after 17 years. Mad Dog
  • GW
    GW Member Posts: 4,783
    ok the next option may be simply lowering the dial on the BC, just more of a manual process to keep running to the basement as the weather changes.
    Gary Wilson
    Wilson Services, Inc
    Northampton, MA
  • GB142
    GB142 Member Posts: 33
    I just posted a wanted AM10 in the Buy/Sell section. There has got to be one around somewhere.
  • Derheatmeister
    Derheatmeister Member Posts: 1,573
    I May have one in the Barn in Leadville...I can check next week.
  • Joe_Buderus2023
    Joe_Buderus2023 Member Posts: 1
    If this is Mel who sent a message to Joe@Buderus, please email me at joe.kennard@us.bosch.com. I have one AM10 left in my personal inventory that you can have - Free of charge. Please "Pay it forward" to someone in the future.
  • GB142
    GB142 Member Posts: 33
    10-4. Many thanks for helping to keep my GB142 going. Just sent you an email.