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Air eliminator trap

Levie Member Posts: 79
Hey guys I have this on the end of my dry return and can't figure out why it was not just dropped to the wet return. Is this the air Eliminator trap that Dan has in chapter 15 that works with the return trap and who ever replaced the boiler just left it there? Or am I missing something?


  • Levie
    Levie Member Posts: 79
    And yes sorry I forgot to mention this is a 2 pipe system
  • Jamie Hall
    Jamie Hall Member Posts: 23,996
    Does look like an air eliminator trap. A slightly odd spot for it, but that's not a problem.

    And you absolutely need it, or something like it, there. The vent on top -- a Gorton #1 -- is too small. Should be a Gorton #2.

    That is the remnants of a Dunham system. How much of the rest of it is left I can't say from the photos, but in any case it will work best if you can keep the pressure below 8 OUNCES per square inch -- which will need a vapourstat to contrtol.
    Br. Jamie, osb
    Building superintendent/caretaker, 7200 sq. ft. historic house museum with dependencies in New England