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Leaking radiator section

This radiator used to have more sections, but a few were taken off and a new threaded rod was installed.  It leaks from one section, and my understanding that there is a nipple/gasket between these sections that is problematic or I need to (carefully) tighten that threaded rod.  

this radiator is just two years old. 

What is the name of that part, and where can I buy it?


    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,989
    There is a push nipple between the sections. I think Oswald supply in NYC has those. Looks like it isn't drawn up tight.

    You can try tightening it but stop when it's tight. You should back off the rods after because the rad will expand
  • Jamie Hall
    Jamie Hall Member Posts: 23,971
    You're sure it is leaking between those two sections? It shouldn't, at two years old, but it may not have been reassembled as carefully as it should have been.

    Your best bet is going to be to take it apart again -- carefully -- and make sure that if it is a tapered nipple -- which seems very likely -- is really clean and smooth, and that the seats of the nipple in the sections are equally clean and smooth. Then reassemble it. No sealant should be used, but like any union a little dish soap on the mating surfaces may make it easier.

    Now. Reassembly. Do not try to tighten the sections up with the threaded rod. That's not what it's for, and it isn't anywhere near strong enough. Use a good pipe vise bearing on the two ends -- one at the top and one at the bottom -- to pull it together evenly. When you get it tight -- and don't be afraid to reef on those vises; this is one time being a gorilla is not the wrong thing! -- then you can insert the threaded rods and tighten them up just a quarter turn beyond finger tight when the radiator is cold. No more than that.
    Br. Jamie, osb
    Building superintendent/caretaker, 7200 sq. ft. historic house museum with dependencies in New England
    JUGHNE Member Posts: 11,180
    Also that steam air vent is too high. That is where a hot water air bleeder would be.
    There should be a boss or plug about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom.
    We discussed this with your other radiator.
  • cross_skier
    cross_skier Member Posts: 201
  • cross_skier
    cross_skier Member Posts: 201
    Taking it apart carefully may be a pain.  If it is stuck you could use a combination of pipe clamps and hydraulic wedge.  Pipe clamps would be applied not too tightly to try to keep the sections parallel.  Hydraulic wedge would be used to free the stuck section.