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Peerless Boiler, Buzzing from Gas Valve

jch1 Member Posts: 200
Hi all, I just fired up the Peerless Model 63 this morning for the first time this season (after flushing water a few times and adding two steamaster tablets). All appeared to be going well until I suddenly heard a very loud buzzing. I determined that the sound seems to be coming from the gas valve, since it changes pitch and volume when i push on it. I turned the thermostat off several times and restarted it, and the sound came back each time - I read that they sometimes "correct" themselves after a while.

I have a guy coming out on Monday, but here's the interesting thing. I had the system off all day, and decided to turn it on about an hour ago. There was no sound at all initially, so I followed the steam as it went around the one-pipe system. Shortly after reaching the vents (i.e., the end of the run), it began to buzz/vibrate. Could it be vibrating due to the system building up pressure? I'm hoping I just need the gas valve to be replaced, which looks to be about $100 in parts. Should I be concerned about something else?


  • Fred
    Fred Member Posts: 8,542
    @jch1 , most likely the gas valve or a transformer.
  • jch1
    jch1 Member Posts: 200
    Thanks, @Fred - I'll just suggest they replace that and hopefully that's all I need.

    Would it be unwise to run the system with it in its current state?
    HVACNUT Member Posts: 5,998
    > @jch1 said:
    > Would it be unwise to run the system with it in its current state?

    It would be unwise for anyone here to answer that question with such limited information.
    Shut it down and wait for the Pro. BTW, the prices you find on a Google Search dont reflect the contractors overhead.
  • mikeg2015
    mikeg2015 Member Posts: 1,194
    If it only buzzes when firing, probably the coil on the gas valve. Is it going ot fail? Hard ot say. My previous boiler buzzed for 2 winters before I changed to a 2 stage setup. That valve was 35 years old original. The buzz I think is jus the steel core (made of a stack of thin stampings) has started ot come loose inside the copper winding. I think there’s usually a plastic pacer in there, but eventually the vibration will cause a short in the copper windings and it’s done.