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JPL941 Member Posts: 51
edited August 2023 in Strictly Steam


    STEAM DOCTOR Member Posts: 2,087
    What size boiler?
  • JPL941
    JPL941 Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2023


  • Dave0176
    Dave0176 Member Posts: 1,177
    Your piping isn’t the worst, however the 2” size is going to create a higher steam velocity and that creates wet steam.
    DL Mechanical LLC Heating, Cooling and Plumbing 732-266-5386
    NJ Master HVACR Lic# 4630
    Specializing in Steam Heating, Serving the residents of New Jersey


    I cannot force people to spend money, I can only suggest how to spend it wisely.......
  • acwagner
    acwagner Member Posts: 505
    I have the same model boiler, but one size smaller. Since it's power vented, the second 2" tapping isn't available because the fan assembly covers it, so you're stuck with a single 2" tapping from the boiler.

    I had my installer use a 3" header to compensate. I also raised the header about 10" higher than the recommended header height from the waterline because I had the room.

    Since your main take-offs are so low, you might consider doing a drop header.

    I also found that my boiler is VERY sensitive to oil and sediment in the boiler water. I had to skim it frequently for a total of something like 15 times the first year to tame it. After that it ran smoothly.
    Burnham IN5PVNI Boiler, Single Pipe with 290 EDR
    18 Ounce per Square Inch Gauge
    Time Delay Relay in Series with Thermostat
    Operating Pressure 0.3-0.5 Ounce per Square Inch