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Radiator Smell - paint.. dust.. Pipe putty..

mr_ius Member Posts: 25
Hi Folks,

Finally got the system up and running but now the radiators, of which there are a few under 20, stink to high heaven when the system is turned on. This smell goes to the high heavens. It's really a nuisance and a bother. The odor is a distraction and makes it hard to think. Can cause headaches and destroy the sense of taste, etc. It seems to be a combination of dirt/dust built up inside the radiators after demolition, old paint, and pipe dope being heated up. Clearly they should be thoroughly cleaned but after that what are the options? It really smells and makes the rooms hard to be in.

Any advice or tips would be much appreciated. Is there a paint that doesn't stink that could clear this up? I've tried removing excess pipe dope (which hardens like a rock once heated) with a power drill and wire brush. Is there oil on the pipes that prevents rust that could make this smell? Should the system just be put on high for several days to burn off the smell?

For comments, questions and concerns, thank you !


  • Was the pipe dope applied with a trowel? Cans of Rector seal have a small brush in the lid, but even that puts too much on sometimes. Is there new paint on the rads? The condensing steam will soon wash any dust back down the returns.
    Has any stop leak been put into the boiler? That contains sulphur compounds which could cause global warming in your whole neighborhood, and smell like a sewage farm.
    I would just keep the windows open, and let it bake off whatever is on the radiators if it persists, then a good skimming might be in order.—NBC
    R DouganMilanD
  • Kahooli
    Kahooli Member Posts: 112
    One of the rectorseal blue color pipe dopes smells horrid the first N times it heats up. Dont use it. Ask me how I know...
  • SlamDunk
    SlamDunk Member Posts: 1,631
    one pipe or two pipe?

    If one pipe, you need to vent rads slow and mains fast. get the smell to vent in basement. Boiler water stinks.