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Why compression tanks waterlog

HeatingHelp Administrator Posts: 653
edited February 2016 in THE MAIN WALL

imageWhy compression tanks waterlog

Why compression tanks waterlog

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  • streit
    streit Member Posts: 4
    My boiler was replaced this year with an airtrol tank fitting added to the existing steel tank. Now, half way through the heating season, the tank is waterlogged. I thought the airtrol fitting would prevent this. What may be happening? Thanks, Mark
  • MikeSpeed6030
    MikeSpeed6030 Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2016
    Make sure you don't have an air elimination device on your system. Those are a no-no with conventional steel compression tanks.

    The Airtrol tank fitting makes it easier to replenish air in a waterlogged tank. It doesn't prevent water logging.
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,562

    Make sure you don't have an air elimination device on your system. Those are a no-no with conventional steel compression tanks.

    The Airtrol tank fitting makes it easier to replenish air in a waterlogged tank. It doesn't prevent water logging.

    It does prevent waterlogging if it's set up right, Mike. The tube has to extend above the water level in the tank and be free of debris. It will stop gravity circulation between the tank and the system, which is what causes the air to leave the tank.
    Retired and loving it.
  • jumper
    jumper Member Posts: 2,323
    A rich guy replaced his expansion tank with a vacuum tank.No automatic water addition.No bleeding as long as he could keep gravity circulation.Are there boilers still available that don't require circulators?
  • Jason_13
    Jason_13 Member Posts: 304
    Another key point is pipe them in 3/4" pipe and use a full port ball valve in the vertical pipe only. Make sure the pipe runs uphill the whole way.
  • RJ_4
    RJ_4 Member Posts: 484
    Check the top of the tank for pin hole leaks and check guage glass if you have one, for leaks, if you have a guage glass, valve it off until you want to check water level. As said already make sure there are no air elimination devices or automatic air vents anywhere in system, if there are valve them off.

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