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Confirmation of Misplaced Radiator Valve


I've tried to get two separate heating companies to drill/tap a new valve hole for me, but both have told me that this valve is in the RIGHT place for a one-pipe steam system, but I am pretty sure it's not. Can anyone confirm that for me? It should be in the bushing that's 2/3 down, right?

Thank you.


  • Captain Who
    Captain Who Member Posts: 452
    All of mine except the very tiny radiator in my bathroom are located at the lower location. Where are your other radiator's vents located? What did they say about them.........that all the other ones were wrong?

    The steam seems to heat the top of the radiator first so if you only have the vent at the top it could leave quite a bit of air in the radiator. I believe in certain circumstances it is ok to put a vent in both locations but if you are only doing one, it should be at the lower spot.
  • KC_Jones
    KC_Jones Member Posts: 5,748
    It appears on the surface someone took a hot water radiator and converted it to steam, but neglected to drill and tap for the vent. That boss about 2/3 the way down the end of the radiator is the proper vent location. Ask them if they know what that boss is cast in for? Maybe they honestly don't know or more likely they are afraid to drill in that old radiator so they are telling you whatever they can to avoid it. Are you having trouble getting the radiator to heat? If it is working fine I personally would probably leave it alone. As long as it's heating okay it really shouldn't cause a problem up high like that. My radiators are all steam only and mine are at about the middle of the end section, but I don't have the top connection so it's a bit different. Something just dawned on me as I was typing...that was probably a 2 pipe steam radiator originally. The boss at the top isn't drilled and tapped for the air vent a hot water radiator would have needed, but a 2 pipe steam would have used the connections that are currently being used. These are the times you need a time machine!
    2014 Weil Mclain EG-40
    EcoSteam ES-20 Advanced Boiler Control
    Boiler pictures updated 2/21/15
  • mcvetyty
    mcvetyty Member Posts: 50
    Yes, as of right now, only the top of the radiator is heating, and the bottom stays cold. I assume it is because steam just travels across that top pipe straight out the vent. But also, this radiator has completely stopped working every since I started doing over-sized venting in my master bedroom in order to fix the issue outlined in my other post, so I think I'll wait until that issue is sorted out next week and then assess the situation.
  • KC_Jones
    KC_Jones Member Posts: 5,748
    If you have another rad on that same line with a really big vent it is probably stealing the steam from this rad. It's all about balance, but if you are having an issue I would get the vent moved and plug that top connection. Making it proper can't hurt anything.
    2014 Weil Mclain EG-40
    EcoSteam ES-20 Advanced Boiler Control
    Boiler pictures updated 2/21/15
  • Fred
    Fred Member Posts: 8,542
    The vent should be about midway up (maybe a little lower on that radiator. If you look at the sides of the Radiator you will see a round circle or a dimple where it should be tapped for a one pipe steam system. The top hole where the vent is now should have a plug put in it.