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Steam return pipe leak

Beni Member Posts: 1
Hi there gang,

tonight i noticed that steam return pipe is leaking. seems like there is a small hole because there is only gradual slow drops of water leaking from it.

Any ideas what could have happened, and the causes? Maybe some one can suggest a quick fix or a solution?

The boiler is a gas boiler and the lower cut off valve is a mcdonnell 67.

Thank you so much.


    RDSTEAM Member Posts: 134

    Would be a quick temporary fix until the heating season is over and then you can look into a permanent repair.
  • H3809
    H3809 Member Posts: 19
    Leak Repair

    I've had good luck using this for radiator repairs, got it at HD or Lowes

  • lza
    lza Member Posts: 40
    Power Wrap

    Entropy is the culprit.  And carbonic acid.

    If you have some pipe wrenches, the easiest thing is to replace the nipple.  Otherwise Fernco makes this bandage like stuff called Power Wrap or Powr Wrap or Power Rap, whatever!  Its fine for temp fixes on piping.  Some plumbing supply houses stock it. 
    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,762
    repair till spring. Hurry up spring!!!!!!!!!!

    A pipe repair clamp that bolts around the pipe with a red rubber gasket will hold out till spring.

    You could also use a couple of gear clamps (hose clamps) to hold the gasket.

    Spring 6 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Double D
    Double D Member Posts: 442
    While you're at it...

    When you go to replace that nipple on that Hartford connection, install a close nipple. Post pics of the boiler and its near boiler piping. Check for end of main vents on the system. If it's producing acid it could have a venting issue or poor quality make up water. Here are some links that will help.

    What you should know about Hartford loops.


    Near boiler piping video
