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Low water level

My low water level light keeps coming on and it wont give me any thing hotter than tepid water on my weil mclain gold plus system. How do i trouble shoot this? Ive had a plumber come but he only drained the tank And didnt say much else. Sorry its a basic noob question but i figured before i call that guy again ill try to figure it out and impress my lady friend. Thanks. The furnace has taco low water cutoff box.


  • Zman
    Zman Member Posts: 7,607
    Low water

    It sounds like you have a boiler which heats both the house and the domestic water. The domestic water is heated indirectly through your weil mclain gold plus.

    The low water light is a safety feature that prevents the boiler from firing without water and exploding or damaging itself . What does the pressure gauge on the boiler say?

    Needly to say, you should troubleshoot this with caution. You Lady friend will be less than impressed if you damage the boiler or flood the house.

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"
    Albert Einstein
  • Benborden
    Benborden Member Posts: 4

    Carl thanks for the response ill get gauge reading later today thanks again
  • Benborden
    Benborden Member Posts: 4

    heres a pic of my pressure gauge. Any help would be great.
  • Benborden
    Benborden Member Posts: 4

    heres a pic of my pressure gauge. Any help would be great.
  • Zman
    Zman Member Posts: 7,607
    Low water


    I hope your gauge is broken. I would expect the pressure to be 12-20 lbs. Yours reads 75 or more. This should not be possible.

    Might be a good time to call a pro.

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"
    Albert Einstein
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