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A BIG Thank You to Mr. Tim McElwain

MikeB70 Member Posts: 2
Hello, I joined this forum looking for help. I got that help from <strong>Mr. Tim McElwain</strong>. I contacted him at a very inappropriate time, I still cant believe he answered.  But in 5 min. he solved my problem and didnt ask for anything in return.  That is rare in this day and age, especially where I come from, Brooklyn, NY!  <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart and will never forget him!!!</span></strong> I will post the simple question and answer in the appropriate area, and hope it helps someone as much as it helped, check that, saved me from a fathers fury.

P.S. I will leave it up to the site administrators to edit or remove as they see fit.


Mike from Brooklyn



  • STEVEusaPA
    STEVEusaPA Member Posts: 6,505
    From what I see/read....

    And I don't know or ever met him,Tim helps EVERYONE, and appears to be a wonderful, caring, super knowledgeable, dedicated person. If he ever gets down to the Philadelphia area, I'll take every class he offers. And make it soon, because the way the heating oil biz is going, I'm going to have to learn to speak gas.

    Mike, it was very nice of you to pop back on and thank the person who helped you. Rarely done. (especially @3:15 in the morning)

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  • Tim McElwain
    Tim McElwain Member Posts: 4,628
    Thank you Mike

    I thought I was back on duty with the gas company when the phone rang at 2:00 AM Glad to be of help, and then 15 minutes later at 2:15 you called with another problem. I hope everything is okay. I suggest you purchase Dans book "The Lost Art of Steam Heating". It will help you to understand a little more about steam heat that your father has. Then you will not have to call again.
  • nicholas bonham-carter
    nicholas bonham-carter Member Posts: 8,578
    Help with steam

    You certainly chose the right person here to help you with your father's steam problem, even though it may have been at a late hour.

    If you have any other problems with the system, don't hesitate to post your problem here (steam only dept), and a combined total of several hundred man-years of experience will be at your service to help.--nbc
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