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Tim McElwain
Tim McElwain Member Posts: 4,633
is a must. There is a problem however from time to time that needs correction by those who post questions and want answers.

Keep in mind most folks who are trades people and post here work everyday so sometimes quick answers are not available, please wait and be patient eventually someone will help you.

Another thing when you post a question it sometimes needs some research before giving an answer. I for one spend some considerable time trying to get correct answers for your problems. I then post the answer and we NEVER hear from you who asked the question again as to what happened or did you even bother to take the information, or did your problem get solved.

Pictures are a great help along with numbers, make of controls and other important information.

We want to help everyone we just need to know these things to do it correctly.

I for one do not answer questions sometimes because I know there are folks who post here will have a more complete answer for your problem. This again requires your patience.

As one who has been on this site a long time I pretty much know who is knowledgeable and is best to answer your question. I am still amazed every day at the wealth of knowledge put forth here. I bookmark stuff everyday to add to my knowledge.

This is not a rant just some hope toward cooperation.


  • meplumber
    meplumber Member Posts: 678
    Well put.

    Thank you Tim.

    I would also add.

    I am sometimes leery to give advice when I feel that the homeowner is in way over there head. I try to politely advise them to get help.

    Sometimes we are better served by advising them to seek professional help. Pun intended.
  • Maine Vent
    Maine Vent Member Posts: 130
    Appreciation and Thanks

    I have been getting help and advice for many years, I have been very thankful to all the PROS and all the steam lovers for their help. I think common sense and patience is very helpful. I just got our new system up and running, got a lot of ideas and tips from everyone. I look at it like this, I just made a old steam system a little bit better. The next time we need a new boiler all the piping should be good. Which should make for easy change out. Us non pros just like to see this old technology run smooth, and save fuel. Thank to all.
    Weil McLean SGO4, Riello Gas Burner
    404 sq ft EDR
    Old Burnham V8 Removal
  • billtwocase
    billtwocase Member Posts: 2,385

    Well said Tim. I also prefer to give advice out cautiously, and do find some posts that are a little too demanding and expecting. 
  • Brad Barbeau
    Brad Barbeau Member Posts: 52
    I agree

    Well put Tim, 

    As a homeowner, I have posted a number of times looking for advice and have always appreciated the responses.  I also enjoy reading others posts particularly about new technologies. 

    However, I must agree that I too find it frustrating when there is no wrap up at the end of a thread from the original poster.  It's also worth saying I suppose that you really need pictures before anyone can really say anything. 

    Thanks to all of you pros who take time out of your already busy lives to help people like me!

  • Empire_2
    Empire_2 Member Posts: 2,340
    Follow Up.

    My .02,.......I too wonder how the person whom asked the question made out, but more often than not we will never know the outcome.  Sometimes the research answering the Q: is time consuming and not even a thank you.....Oh well.  "Wam, Bam Thank You Dan"  we all want to help, but people are just people....No harm, no foul.

    Mike T.
  • Ex Maine Doug
    Ex Maine Doug Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2011
    Well Tim, this was my followup from a visit by All Steamed Up

     a couple of years ago. Thought it might inspire others to creative responses.

    Twas the week before Christmas when all through the place

    Were all sorts of noises that we could not trace

    It bacame clear that what was needed I think

    Was the two guys from All Steamed Up Inc

    The wrenches were hung by the boiler with care

    For Gordo and Steamhead would soon be there

    I measured pipes while snug in my bed

    And visions of steam vents danced in my head

    Then from the cast iron there arose such a clatter

    I opened Dan's book to see what was the matter

    Around the house I went to find the loud clang

    I hope these guys can fix the big bang

    To silence the pssst pssst they surely will know

    While the boiler makes bubbles in the basement below

    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear

    It looks like that white van is coming right here

    The driver was tall and he brought a tool bag

    His name was Gordon so said the name tag

    More rapid than eagles that steamer we'll tame

    And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name

    Now, Gorton! now Hoffman ! and Adjustable all

    Let go of the air as you learned from the Wall

    The dry steam to the rads it should really fly

    When it meets with an obstacle we vent to the sky

    And at the ends of the mains add a Gorton or two

    It is amazing what these nice Hoffmans can do

    A bundle of tools and big wrench on his back

    With sight glass kit and Testo carried in his pack

    He went down to the basement to make the steam merry

    Without "We Got STEAM Heat" this could be scary

    Frank will be here later I thought you should know

    He is fixing a burner as it is expected to snow

    The pigtail was plugged and the sight glass was dirty

    And no movement on the gauge from zero to thirty

    In no time at all water was ready to be heated

    But first some radiators needed to be treated

    With a level and spacers they got a new tilt

    So they could drain the way they were built

    And then the gas was turned on to boil and bubble

    And we wandered around looking for trouble

    Three vents were replaced as the steam went to work

    The needle on a new gauge would jiggle and jerk

    Now steam in the mains was starting too rise

    No clanging and banging was a pleasant surprise

    At the end of the test Frank drilled a hole in the main

    And added a vent for some speed we would gain

    In the stack went the test probe to measure the gas

    It sniffed and smiled and said this burner shall pass

    We are done they announced and carried stuff to the vans

    Then came back in for a cookie and wash all their hands

    And I heard them say as they drove out of sight

    Happy Steaming to all , and to all a good-night
  • Jean-David Beyer
    Jean-David Beyer Member Posts: 2,666
    Just wonderful.

    I am just an interested bystander, but I often wonder at the results when someone posts a problem, questions get asked, pictures requested, advice given, and no reply from the original poster. Is the O.P. just rude and ungrateful? Did the advise not work? What? For me, an educational opportunity lost.
  • Tim McElwain
    Tim McElwain Member Posts: 4,633
    Doug that is a classic

    and it certainly says it all. I can testify that All Steamed up work this way on every job. I had the pleasure of having Frank in class and he spent a week with me back a few years ago and was one of the best students I have ever had.

    What is a best student you might ask, ultimately one who gets these kind of KUDOS from a customer.
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