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how many will come forward and admit?

Glen Member Posts: 855
been lurking or chatting since 98 or so. this stuff is addictive, love the knowledge and the occasional spat.


  • how many of you will come forawrd?

    How many of you will come forward and admit that you are addicted to the Wall? I am one of them and you all have a good weekend...
  • Brad White_203
    Brad White_203 Member Posts: 506
    I can give it up

    anytime I want. I do not have a problem, I think it is YOU who has the problem.. I do not smoke, do drugs... so leave me alone....

    I practice saying that in the mirror. :)
  • Rich L.
    Rich L. Member Posts: 414
    No problem

    I can quit anytime I want to... Just let me check a few more postings... :)
  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337

  • JJ_4
    JJ_4 Member Posts: 146
    Are you freak'n kidding.....

    This is my ONLY fix! Everyone else, including my spouse, thinks I'm nuts. No one to talk to about cool stuff...it is tough.

    I worked for 4 months in hydronics...then went back to designing temperature controls (money was a issue). I am still regretting that move. If I had stuck with it I would have almost 10 years experience by now. At least I get to read about all of the new stuff...everyday...OK, a couple of times a day.

    Thanks to everyone for keeping me somewhat sane.
  • tim smith
    tim smith Member Posts: 2,800
    IIIIIIIIIIII ffffffind iiiiiiiiiiit eeeeeeeasy tttttttttto ggggg

    ive iiiiiiiit uppppppppppp.
  • Bob Bona_4
    Bob Bona_4 Member Posts: 2,083
    see you

    on here later.

  • Thom Becker
    Thom Becker Member Posts: 5

    I try. I really do try, but it is so difficult. Maybe tomorrow. Yes, that's it. I'll quit tomorrow. I'll have to start slowly and then ...
  • Jason Quinn
    Jason Quinn Member Posts: 96

    If it's wrong... I don't want to be right.
  • I do,,,

    seem to keep finding myself here... ;)
  • Jed_2
    Jed_2 Member Posts: 781

    Which one are you referring to? I, for one, find it a proffesional obligation. What's this addiction all about, anyway????????????? But, then, I can come up with a lot of excuses for anything.

  • Bob Forand
    Bob Forand Member Posts: 305
    Isn't it funny

    How years go by, forget about days or months.
  • R Mannino
    R Mannino Member Posts: 441
    Hi, My name is ....................

    Ron and I'm a lurker.

    When do we get our "Wallies Anonymous" T-shirts?
  • D107
    D107 Member Posts: 1,872
    So much easier now with the new Tekmar implants

    No longer have to be tied to a keyboard. Dan's discount sure helped. Excuse me got to go, new threads just opened on OTT and Radnet.

  • Steve Garson_2
    Steve Garson_2 Member Posts: 712

    I for one. Just visited a college campus with my daughter and she joked at how I was admiring the pipes:)

    Steve from Denver, CO
  • Mark Custis
    Mark Custis Member Posts: 537
    I gave it up,

    once for about 4 years.

    I came back to make sure what I learned here and was doing is still OK.

    Now my hair is gray and my hands hurt. I limp too.
  • burnerman_2
    burnerman_2 Member Posts: 297
    heating help

    I am on checking at least once a day mostly late nite owl it's 1:22 am now I also try to get co-workers to check it out. One thing learned is worth it. See you guy's at aree and Hershey.
  • addiction ?

    yes i am a wall addict. here i am visiting my daughter in shakespeare country, UK and still have to check for what's new!

    there are certainly worse things to be dependent on, and surelyno crimes have been committed as a result of this.--nbc
  • Bob Harper
    Bob Harper Member Posts: 1,071
    quiting The Wall

    This is easy. See ya' later! I'm gone!
  • Bob Harper
    Bob Harper Member Posts: 1,071
    unquitting the wall

    There, I quit. How was that?
  • jeezzz, been at least ten times

    That I checked the website since I posted. What kind of drug is Dan giving us to make us come back? Must be always learn something new everyday kind of drugs....
  • Hello;

    My name is wrenchpuller and I am a Wallahoulic.

    Have been almost as long as Dan H. himself.

    Oh, I've come and gone; seen a lot of others do the same. Seen a lot of changes.

    One step at a time......
  • Jamie Hall
    Jamie Hall Member Posts: 24,154
    Who me?

    Never! I haven't looked at it for at least 4 hours...
    Br. Jamie, osb
    Building superintendent/caretaker, 7200 sq. ft. historic house museum with dependencies in New England
  • Wayne_16
    Wayne_16 Member Posts: 130
    we all are

    I am checking the wall before calling it a night.
  • ttekushan_3
    ttekushan_3 Member Posts: 960
    Yeah, well...

    I quit every time I shut down the computer.

    Seriously, I can justify visiting often [work with me here] cuz I learn so much. I was able to trouble shoot a commercial steam system that was Webster Vacuum (still webster, no vacuum) and a boiler corrosion problem due to chlorite water contamination with knowledge gathered here and nowhere else.

    Frequent visits to the Wall can make you look like a genius to the client! Or in my case, a gifted eccentric.

    Thats the ticket. Eccentric, not addicted! mmmmm... Steam pipes....


    Terry T

    steam; proportioned minitube; trapless; jet pump return; vac vent. New Yorker CGS30C

  • Norm Harvey
    Norm Harvey Member Posts: 684

    Im sorry to say,.. that if given the choice betweent he wall, and video games,.. the video games always win!

    But then again I am a young whipper snapper

    If given a choice between anything and women,.. the women always wins!

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  • DaveB
    DaveB Member Posts: 3

    is such a harsh term. I've been "in the field" for 35 years and have been lurking here for a long time. What better place to spend your time, enjoying the company of others that have a passion for the same things you do. I don't care how many boilers I start up, after repair or replacement, I never get tired of walking around feeling the pipes and the radiators warm up. Warm ductwork? Who cares!!!!
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