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Instant water heaters being used for heating



  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
    Wrong Mark

    That would be Mark Eatherton that got the bug, not Mark Hunt.

    I feel fine.

    Mark H

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  • ALH_4
    ALH_4 Member Posts: 1,790

    As Rob said, the only difference is the standby loss. On a good tank-type water heater, the standby loss is minimal. Plus, with an indirect water heater, there is almost no need for service and you have one less heating appliance. If the indirect is connected to a condensing boiler, there is no more efficient way to produce hot water.

    The marketing for these instantaneous water heaters is misleading at best. Shame on Paul Harvey ;-)

    Instantaneous water heaters have their place, but they heat no less water than a tank-type heater.
  • EJ hoffman
    EJ hoffman Member Posts: 126
    nothing meant by it just facts

    Mark I apoligize if you took what I said as anything against you. What I was stating were the facts that you gave me to questions I had asked you.
    Age has a lot to do with it. Ever swapped out an old heater full of sediment older heaters hold sediment lessing the water temps and provide food and home for bacteria to form. Old heater with a bad dip tube even worse.
    Water hardness has a lot to due with it Look at the insides of your pipes and back again at harder water will put more minerals in your storage tank and cause more build up and less heat output
    Water hardness you had answered my questions about your shower head as old and limed up. Well showerheads have to pass certain standards and one of them is how much water vapor they create remember vaporizing LD will get it in your system and a showerhead that has clogging/limed up ports mght create finer mists than it should.
    It seems everyone is focusing on a certain type of system that shall remain unnamed I don't buy into their design I usually end up on service calls fixing them.
    1. Copper is a natural born killer is a false statement and something none of us as plumbers should ever use again. Read dave yates post about biofilms forming inside pipe even he says biofilms form inside copper. How do you slow and stop bio-films constant moving water. I constantly circ my loops every house I do gets hot water recirc also.
    All water has LD and many more various assortments of nasty little critters why do you think they flush out water through the fire hydrants yearly?
    I really enjoyed reading your story about the nasty"" As it pertains to flushing, if you and your family leave for vacation at any time of the year, the water lays in the pipes, laying around, feasting on the omni present food source, breathing the O2 through the walls of the tubing, having a good time, multiplying,,, ""
    this happens in the cold water to in fact LD Colonies can explode during summer months in hosebib lines Shower head risers on shower onlly that trap water especially in in rarely used guest rooms are also a great place.
    Here is a really good place LD can form that long dead run on the backflowpreventer for your autofill on the boiler

    I see a lot of evidence to keep my water moving and pasturize it the best I can
    And yeah I will test water from any open system I have done you want to fly out and make sure I Don't tamper with it call me we can set up a time 503-312-3873

    Good luck with the changes I would start with cleaning up the water at the ditribution site.
  • EJ hoffman
    EJ hoffman Member Posts: 126
    Tank manufacturers

    Make tank specifically for heating port take offs. Thses tanks with heat ports are asme. In our code open systems are not banned. Though in Oregon all of our indirects and heat exchangers are required to be double wall and vented. Only three states in the union that I know of go to such an extent to protect the water from cross contamination
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