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PC610 exercise pump Control card question

Joebif Member Posts: 51
I know that I can add this card to help freeze protect my system.

Can this card control the zone valves and open them?

I have a TACO variable speed pump with 6 zone valves on a expandable control box. I want to make sure that when you set this control to come on for 4 minutes every hour that it opens all the zone valves. Or can you open the zone valve you want to open during the test.

The manual just has that it will turn on the circulator but does not say anything about the zone valves.


  • Ironman
    Ironman Member Posts: 7,380
    PC610 Card

    Yes, the PC610 will open all zone valves if connect to a Taco "exp" zone panel. It will also close the end switch contacts just like it would on a heat call. It will do the same to any other Taco "exp" panel that is connected to the panel with the card in it through the communication terminals. In other words, you only need one card to control multiple panels.
    Bob Boan
    You can choose to do what you want, but you cannot choose the consequences.
  • Joebif
    Joebif Member Posts: 51
    One more thing

    First thanks for the response. I ordered one.

    I am using it in a greenhouse were during the day my pipes are fine but after sunset I want to have it turned on. I am heating water in fish tanks and have realized that my pex pipes are freezing at night but not bursting. I put in a copper fin element in an area and it started to leak so I need to fix this.

    So during the time you want freeze protection do you plug in the card and set the on relay for 4 minutes and the off relay for one hour?

    And do you have a way to just turn it on and off from the exterior of the controller so you do not have to go inside the controller? Or do you have to unplug the card to turn it off?

    Would there be a way to externally tell the controller to use the card via something and then have a 24 hour timer put into the circuit to do this?

    Or would I just bight the bullet on the fact that the pump and valves will continue to go on during the day?

    What I see happening in my fish tank zone is the water temperature in the tank is 60 degrees and the set point is 60 degrees. The tank has 1000 gallons of water. The temperature may go down to 59 after 4 to 6 hours and tell the controller it needs heat. By that time my pipes are frozen, the pump goes on but no heat gets out to that zone. I then have to turn the set point down below what the tank temperature is to stop it from running until m pipes thaw out first thing in the morning,
  • Joebif
    Joebif Member Posts: 51
    I figured out a way to do this

    Instead of using the expansion plug-in I am going to use a strap-on aqua-state on each zone and wire the aqua-state in parallel with the thermostat that is on the zone now.  This way the strap on will monitor the pipes and keep them from freezing.

    By using the plug-in, it may not work because it does not really know if the pipes froze or not.  It only has a 4 minute on in 1 hour off setting and the pipes could have frozen at the 55th minute.

    This might cost me a little more but should do the trick unless there is a better way.
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