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Posting This For Mad Dog



  • Ron Schroeder
    Ron Schroeder Member Posts: 998
    Sorry to hear Matt

    The Sweeney Family will be in my prayers

  • EJW_2
    EJW_2 Member Posts: 1

    Very sorry for your loss. EJW
  • Tom R.
    Tom R. Member Posts: 138

    Our prayers go out for Her. May She rest in peace.
  • Larry Weingarten
    Larry Weingarten Member Posts: 3,460

    She made you from her body and soul, with love. You are of and by Her. So, She isn't gone at all... just look inside. Ask her any question and you'll know the answer. Mom's can do stuff like that ;~) Take care.

    Yours, Larry
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883

    Its so tought o know what to say at times like these, especially after all thats been said here from your friends.

    My deepest condolences to you and your whole family at this time. As others have said, you have been a source of strenght and pride for your Mom. I know from your post that you have been there for her through this ordeal and that must have been a great comfort for her.

    As you can tell by all of these post, You are not Alone in your sorrow.

    Scott Milne and Family

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  • Uni R
    Uni R Member Posts: 663
    Mrs Sweeney

    Sorry for your loss - cherish the memories.
  • PJO_5
    PJO_5 Member Posts: 199
    May she...

    live in your heart and soul forever.

    She's smiling kindly down upon you, Matt.

    Take Care, PJO
  • BillW@honeywell
    BillW@honeywell Member Posts: 1,099
    Sorry to hear of your loss, Matt.

    Sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. She fought the good fight like a Medal of Honor winner, and now is in a better place and at peace. I know you and yours will miss her, but remember the good times and the strength & love she gave all of you. May she rest in peace.
  • The Wire Nut
    The Wire Nut Member Posts: 422


    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I know she had a tough battle but went knowing she had so much love from her family and the extended family here at The Wall...

    I wish I could be there to help you out, but know that we're here in spirit for you and your lovely family.

    Remember the great things about your mom, carry them with you and she'll always be there. It's helped me through the almost 30 years since my dad died.

    All our love,
    Alex, Layla and Elias...
    "Let me control you"

    Lost in SOHO NYC and Balmy Whites Valley PA
  • john_27
    john_27 Member Posts: 195

    God bless maddog and his family during these tough times.
    Please know that we here on The Wall consider you a true and wonderful friend, an expert steam man, and a lot of fun.
    We are with you now and alsways...John
  • TGO_54
    TGO_54 Member Posts: 327
    Sorry for your loss


    Sorry for your loss, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.


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  • Todd_12
    Todd_12 Member Posts: 55

    > Matt,


    > Sorry for your loss, I will keep you and

    > your family in my thoughts.


    > Tom


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  • Todd_12
    Todd_12 Member Posts: 55

    I'm very sorry to hear this. We just said goodbye to our former bookeeper two weeks ago - ravaged with the same thing. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  • Terry_14
    Terry_14 Member Posts: 209
    In The Arms Of Jesus

    So much Love shared on the wall! The Jesus I know has welcomed your Mom as he did my Dad. Mat as we offer our love to you and yours the true LOVE will be in your heart for ever your Mom put it there. In our humanity we comfort you In our spirit Jesus comes to all.

    God Bless
    Cindy & Terry Thayer
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