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What do we all do for hobbies?????



  • Mad Dog
    Mad Dog Member Posts: 2,595
    Besides spending time with the family, what do we all do to

    relax? I love working in my veggie garden, playing with the pond, hunting, fishing, eating, cooking , drinking, political debate, reading (history & politics), riding horses when I get the chance, the Wall, watching No-Holds Barred fights UFC, helping coach pee wee football and youth rugby, antinque hunting, hanging out with you guys, writing in to the editorial page of the paper, listening to my favorite bands : Black Sabbath, Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Rainbow, AC/DC, Kiss, Iron Maiden, Allman Brothers, Cream, Robin Trower........watchcing old football tapes of Nitschke and Butkus....reading Neitsche.....Jim Morrison an American Poet.....go ahead guys have at it....Mad Dog

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  • kevin coppinger_4
    kevin coppinger_4 Member Posts: 2,124
    i thought that...

    spending time here was a hobby...I have a house built in 1800...fixing it up is my hobby. playing wiffleball w/ my kids(11,8 & 5), watching them all play sports baseball(55 games this summer) and soccer.Other than that I have no time for much else... kpc
  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
    Just got home from one of them!

    Took my son goose hunting. The early season runs through September for the ever growing resident population.

    We saw many, but none close enough for a shot!

    Deer season is just around the corner along with duck season.

    I would have to say that my REAL passion is fly fishing.

    The last line in the book "A River runs through it" is

    "I am haunted by water."

    Mark H

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  • Eric Taylor_36
    Eric Taylor_36 Member Posts: 4
    Ya Mon!

    Fly fishing is where its at. Nothing like going way away from it all and getting up before dawn to sneak up on those smart trout while the suns coming up and the moose are snuffling around in the water not twenty yards away. Sometimes I get to the water and I get so caught up in just looking around that I forget I came to fish!

    Or I show up at the tidal river just as the stripers are heading in with the tide and hook a twenty pounder with the first cast of a piece of green lint while all the other guys have been chunking bait for hours with not even a bite.

    Sure, I do some other stuff too, but thats just because I can't fly fish all the time! At least not yet......

  • Mad Dog
    Mad Dog Member Posts: 2,595
    me too...I don't have time to do all those things

    right now, but when my 1896 house is done, I want to start up again...I guess I'm dreaming...1800? WoW that is really old. send pics...Mad Dog

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  • Mad Dog
    Mad Dog Member Posts: 2,595
    C'mon guys youre gettin men crazy

    damn!!!! Goose huntin' mark???? I love dropping them "B-52s of the Bird world" with my ol' Mossberg Goose Gun...oooohhhhh Mad Dog

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  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908

    Nothin' like having 20 of them cupped with the landing gear down!

    Thanks for the pics!

    Mark H

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  • joel_14
    joel_14 Member Posts: 116
    lots of stuff

    That I don't have time for as there always seems like there is more work to do. But stuff i used to like and get to do when she lets me. Snowmobile riding in Northern N.E, track days at Limerock and NHIS in my 83 turbo z car, trying yet another program scenario on my Viessmann comfortoll and Tekmar 363 combo (yes that's 4 water temps all with independent curves and set backs in my house boys!) I used to hang out here more often. I used to have time to walk across these really big lawns while chasing a little white ball......
  • eleft_4
    eleft_4 Member Posts: 509

    "when she lets me" wow! Hey Mark the geese are at every golf course.. too close and making it slippery.
    I do chase the white ball usually Monday & Wednesday..this year not to many sunny ones.
    Back yard playground "practice tee". Hobby? I started golf at 60 years old seven years ago.
    I think an addiction is more like it!

  • David Sutton_3
    David Sutton_3 Member Posts: 160
    The thing i like is...

    Cooking love to cook, love food, love feeding my friends, i like to make good gormet yummys, we just had 3 other couples over for dinner , we made two meat dishs and vegies and a starch, when it was done cooking we got a fire going out in the middle my field (3 acers) in the fire place , set up my dinning roon table out there and had dinner at 8pm with candles on the table and the moon shinng down on us, then sipped coffee by the fire . it was GREAT wish you all were there....David
  • Ben_3
    Ben_3 Member Posts: 71

    Besides coaching my sons' baseball teams, which puts me doing baseball five to six days a week from April till the fourth of July, I love to play my guitar. My guitar keeps me sane and is there whenever I need it. I can lose myself for hours just jamming away. It is a great tool for releasing stress too. Nice post Maddog.
  • Wayco Wayne
    Wayco Wayne Member Posts: 615
    Yeah Ben

    I play my guitar and piano too. As I've grown older I've discovered I can sing well also. I've overcome some of my shyness about it and done some coffe houses lately. Performing is initially scary but when you get warmed up and are into it it's a blast. I coach my son's soccer team Fall and Spring. And go camping now and then in my old pop up trailer. I like canoeing and kayaking but never get out much anymore. (getting old I suppose). I used to have a veggie garden every year but the deer have gotten so bold they come up into my yard and eat it before I can harvest anything.

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  • Al Letellier
    Al Letellier Member Posts: 781

    living in Maine leaves too many possibilities, but if it's out of doors, I like it. My wife says I'd rather hunt than almost anything, but heating season usually wins out on that one....fishing, hiking,nature photography and just being in the woods will top my list of favorite activities any day work doesn't interfere with my schedule

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  • Bud_14
    Bud_14 Member Posts: 200
    Wood work

    I dont have too much time, but usually once a year i get down in the shop and fire it up. Last big project was the spiral stair case of 8/4 oak...I never make any money, just enough to feed the hunger. Proud owner of the delta dream shop...but too pay for it, I have too work too much. What I love to do most is bike riding.I always have time for a bike ride, even if it is the last thing i do at the end of the day... Yesterday the family and I were riding the shores of lake michigan. Next week door county...before they shut down for the winter.You only live once and we live it to the fullest! Tomorrow may never come to do what you want to do.

  • joe_14
    joe_14 Member Posts: 138
    i like to

    play my guitar and also do some recording. this helps to keep my sanity also. hey maybe we should put together our own band. call oursleves the WALLIES. I also started playing fast pitch baseball again( forty and older). we didnt win many games but had a great time. remember your only as old as you feel

  • joe_14
    joe_14 Member Posts: 138
    i like to

    play my guitar and also do some recording. this helps to keep my sanity also. hey maybe we should put together our own band. call oursleves the WALLIES. I also started playing fast pitch baseball again( forty and older). we didnt win many games but had a great time. remember your only as old as you feel

  • Dave Palmer_3
    Dave Palmer_3 Member Posts: 388

    too work on friends projects instead of my own(drives the wife crazy)lots of cook-outs with friends and kids,bass fishing,and pints of Guiness with my buds,Dave
  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980
    Just came in.....

    From my favorite summer activity, fishing for the mighty Striped Bass.(unfortunately a bust this fine day).Winter seems to fall into the work as a hobby thing, but I love spring fishing too. Flounder, Cod and the "finally seeing more," Haddock.
    I've been fortunate enough to have lived within 10 minutes of the ocean my entire life, and it makes for wonderful "killing of time and resourses" fodder.

    "A boat is a hole in the water that you dump money into"
    Conversly, ask Mad Dog... "A house is a hole in the ground that you dump money into" . This Damn House is a most fitting description. Chris
  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337
    I belong

    to one of the top nine hole golf coarses in the country, a Donald Ross gem, but still don't play enough.

    We take the grand kids (the three up here) every friday night and that's a hobby in itself. Spending time with the two in Florida doesn't happen as often but is also great fun.
  • Josh M.
    Josh M. Member Posts: 359

    I really enjoy bow hunting, guitar fishing and rod building. But My real pasion is blacksmithing.
  • chuck shaw
    chuck shaw Member Posts: 584
    For fun

    I scuba dive, here in New England, usually diving in rocky areas to find lobsters, and doing a little bit of fishing, and twice a year I try to get the the Caribbean. Usually to more remote places than the normal tourist destinations. When not doing that, I try to build model ships, from wood. I work from kits, I havent tried to do a scratch build, yet. I also collect zippo lighters, finding them where ever I can, from the internet to flea markets, to talking to customers.


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  • Kayak?

    Key word there. Really made me zoom in.

    I also enjoy getting out in either of my kayaks. Let me know when you head South and I'll meet up with you. I am too old for whitewater (don't heal as fast as I used to), but I love to get on the water.


  • MikeR_3
    MikeR_3 Member Posts: 43

    Drummer (sort of) north of boston. Too tired to play usually, but great stress reliever!
  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 237

    I just read this little gem on a friend's website:

    BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand

    Tom M.
  • Luke Lefever
    Luke Lefever Member Posts: 62
    Work on old Jeeps and LandCruisers.

    > Drummer (sort of) north of boston. Too tired to

    > play usually, but great stress reliever!

  • Luke Lefever
    Luke Lefever Member Posts: 62
    Work on old Jeeps and LandCruisers.

    Jeep= Just empty each pocket

    I havent' heard a good one yet for Landcruiser...

    Got a really old one a couple of years ago.. can't find parts except for in Australia and Japan. kind of rare, pretty cool. 1966 FJ45 short wheel base pickup.

    The truck pictured below is not mine- but it's what mine will look like with another several thousand hours of work. :)
  • tim smith1
    tim smith1 Member Posts: 26

    messing around on the boat, working on the diesels etc. Also love going to my buddies cabinet shop and cuttin wood. PS great idea to see what everybody likes to do in their spare time.

  • Joinery, wood finishing, cooking, electronic/electric experimentation, writing, photography, painting, drawing, drafting, modeling, walking, repairing "hopeless" devices, light & sound equipment, computer programming, thermodynamics, jigsaw puzzles, reading, studying, learning, historic preservation, travel, hiking, early mornings.
  • Wayco Wayne
    Wayco Wayne Member Posts: 615

    How far South are you. I learned to kayak on the Whitewater of the Potomac river just North of DC, just South of Great Falls, VA. Went down one giant swell after a chute upside down for a while. Makes you learn your eskimo roll real fast. Have done some lake kayaking in the Adirondacs of NY around Saranac Lake, (the lake named after the beer.;)WW

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  • nick z.
    nick z. Member Posts: 157
    Racing & hunting

    Next to my kids,they are my favorite hobbies.My brother in law races at the New Egypt Speedway on a weekly basis.And we have a **** of a good team, last year we won the championship in our division, and with 3 races left are leading the points this year.Its not just about changing tires, when the car doesn't handle well there is 10 things you can do to fix it, you just have to pick the right one.
    hunting isn't about the # kills you get its about the group of guys in our club that I get to gether with for 1 week a yr.
    Also, our local youth Baseball assoc. which I have been apart of for 20 yrs. keeps me busy. About 5yrs ago,one of the local people donated a 90 acre farm to us. we rent the buildings, for opertaing expenses. He one wish is that the farm will stat just as it is.My wife doesn't understand,but it is just so relaxing for me to go up there and mow, and take care of stuff.Not only that I gave my word to one of the greatest dead men ever that I would do my best to see his place always looked like a farm.
  • John Felciano
    John Felciano Member Posts: 411

    Enjoyed blacksmithing myself,haven't done much lately though.

    This year I've gotten into cowboy shooting.

    I have my seasonal hobbies Deer hunting,ice fishing,quad riding.

    So much to do so little time to do it.

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  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,882
    Getting away from questions

    Sailing does it for me. I have a 23 foot 1969 ODay Tempest and getting out on the ocean is what I love.

    I never sailed untill I was 23. Up till then it was power all the way. Then one afternoon a friend took me out on his dads boat and we caught some good wind, I was hooked.

    Mountain bike riding is fun and I used to do alot, now its just small cruising with the kids.

    And Music, Loud and stonge, anything but country. Althought Pasty Cline kills me. Mostly Jazz, but the old school days was Yes, Pink Flyod, Zappa, Beck, Clapton, Niel Young. Then moved into Chick Corea, Stanley Clark, Jean-Luc Ponty, Larry Coreal, Weather Report .......What ? ..... Yes Dear I'll turn it down.


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  • BillW@honeywell
    BillW@honeywell Member Posts: 1,099

    Still drag out the old Fender 12 string and the new Ovation 6 string when someone wants to listen, die hard 60's folkie who likes blues and jazz too. 30'x 20' HO scale model railroad gathering cobwebs in the basement since I got involved with the "real thing", namely the New York Central #3, Harold Vanderbilt's old office car. We operate this 87 foot Pullman green & gold money and time eating monster in charter service. Check out the website at www.nyc-3.com !
    Momma's don't let your babies grow up to like railroads...
  • Tom Simensen
    Tom Simensen Member Posts: 74

    I got into making violins about 10 years ago and have found it to be a great pastime and stress reliever.
    here is a picture of # 12 that I recently finished for my Uncle to give to his grandson. Also one of an electric cello I did last year.
  • Terry H.
    Terry H. Member Posts: 73

    Can I say hydronics? Fortunately for me I get paid for doing someting I really like. It also helps me finance my farming addiction.

    Good Topic

    Terry H.
  • bruce pirger
    bruce pirger Member Posts: 111

    Hey Luke:

    I have an 84 and 87 FJ60....I love 'em! Each have about 145K and run strong...another 100K on each I hope!
  • Dale
    Dale Member Posts: 1,317
    Chase Muskies

    I also fix the boats and keep the cabin up. Nothing like being out on the water in early Oct. pretending to be fishing.
  • Bill NTSG
    Bill NTSG Member Posts: 321

    Even though I do plumbing and heating for a living, on week ends I take on side jobs just so I can do the job "right" and do radiant stuff.

    I belong to a rod and gun club, I hunt pheasant [once in a while] and help cook at the game dinners. I spend time working around the club property. Canoeing, almost every spring I take a day trip down river with my brother and his friends from work.

    My cousins have a 100 acre farm so I help out there when they need me. We started to restore a 1949 case tractor but time and money are in short supply. At one time I had [6] six Gravely walk behind tractors and most of the attachments.

    I like old books and tools and museums. My wife was a librarian, now she works for Borders books! We have way too many books already. I like drag racing. Recently I got the speed channel on the satelite and I have a cousin and friends who are really into the racing. I went to the IHRA nationals at Epping , N.H. yesterday.

    But the thing that takes up most of my time is education. 29 Years after high school I started attending college at night. So far I have managed a 3.85 GPA but I know it will get much harder as I continue.
  • Luke Lefever
    Luke Lefever Member Posts: 62

    Great Bruce!... I got tired of building Jeeps because everyone and their brother has one- I wanted something a little different. I guess I got my wish- parts are a real challenge to find for the 45s. Some of the production numbers I have found (I don't know how accurate they are) are that there were approx 2300 FJ45s imported between 1963 and 1967. Of those, approx 1000 were long bed, removable top pickups, and approx 800 were SUV, two door, long body like a Suburban with corrugated sides, the remaining 500 or so were short bed pickups with non removable tops. In 5 years of watching Ebay- I've seen three sell. I know where about 12 are, the rest seem to be missing in action, so to speak. Glad there are other LandCruiser nuts out there. Best wishes, Luke
  • Greg Swob
    Greg Swob Member Posts: 167
    Spare time activities

    Spare time is so hard to find between work, the girls'acivities, volunteer fire dept., etc. But when it's available: making sawdust, collecting antique tools, pheasant & deer hunting, river rafting, cruising around in the mountains. Thank goodness we're just 3-1/2 hours away from the mountains in Colo. for the latter two. Sandy's hobby - dolls. We have just under 1,000 all over the house. Therefore, I get to build display cases for them. She wants to have a doll/toy museum some day. Greg
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