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Wood stove flue material selection

Hey been awhile. Looking for advice for a proper flue pipe for my application: medium size wood stove, 8” flue connection, in basement, going thru block wall then up on the outside of the house space away from structure. I have plans to add on so this is in no way permanent, hence I’m not excited about spending $$$ on triple wall stainless pipe. Any tips on where to shop etc? Materials options? Overall should be 15’ vertical. Thanks 
Fixer of things 
Lead Service Technician
‘09Moto Guzzi V7


  • leonz
    leonz Member Posts: 1,160

    You can order everything from them in one purchase.
    You need to measure everything twice or three times
    to make sure you have all your pipe, elbows,
    pipe stand offs and rain cap accounted for.

    You also have to have your flue pipe 3 feet above
    the highest roof peak on your home.

    If you have a lot of trees near your home you may
    need a Vacustack to help increase your chimney draft.

    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,640
    You have to put in the right flue weather temporary or not or risk a fire.
  • Bob Harper
    Bob Harper Member Posts: 1,040
    First of all, a 'medium' stove with an 8" collar means its an old polluting clunker banned by the EPA. Get yourself a modern clean burning efficient stove. Next, read the instruction manual for placement of the stove esp. clearances to combustibles. You can go through the CMU block wall with a modern listed double walled stainless-steel chimney listed to UL 103HT. If it's a newer stove, it will be 6". You will need all the attending supports, stand-offs, elbows, etc. Get the listed termination. Vacu-Stacks are designed for wind problems only btw. Check the manual for minimum chimney height in total meaning from the bed of the fire to the flue gas outlet AND the code required 3 ft above the roof junction plus 2ft above any point within 10ft horizontally. I strongly recommend you have a pro do with work. As for the connector, use double walled close clearance pipe with a stainless-steel inner liner. Get a magnetic thermometer and moisture meter. Break in the stove PMI.
    There is a federal tax credit running of 30% of the total installed cost up to $2K on qualifying stoves. A stove needs to meet a Higher Heating Value of 75% or higher. That invariably means it will have a catalytic combustor. Otherwise get a non-cat stove. Regardless, stuff it full of wood and let it rock & roll. Do NOT allow a small, smoldering fire. Notify your insurance carrier and check with your municipality if a permit is required.
  • ayetchvacker
    ayetchvacker Member Posts: 63
    leonz said:
    ROCKFORD CHIMNEY SUPPLY You can order everything from them in one purchase. You need to measure everything twice or three times to make sure you have all your pipe, elbows, pipe stand offs and rain cap accounted for. You also have to have your flue pipe 3 feet above the highest roof peak on your home. If you have a lot of trees near your home you may need a Vacustack to help increase your chimney draft.
    Thanks for the tip friend
    Fixer of things 
    Lead Service Technician
    ‘09Moto Guzzi V7
  • leonz
    leonz Member Posts: 1,160
    Hello ayetchvacker,

    Is your 1983 Porcshe 944 carrying a 5 cylinder Mercedes Benz gas engine with a BOSCH turbo charger?