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Pressure reducing valve versus Fill-trol

SuperTech Member Posts: 2,212
I ran into this beauty on my last call of the day, a maintenance on a gas fired boiler. I've been wondering what the installer was trying to accomplish with this setup or if he just didn't know what he was doing. My money is on the latter.


  • ch4man
    ch4man Member Posts: 296
    that valve reminds me of the neighborhood playground steering wheel.......

    to be fair my first run into a fill-trol kicked my butt thinking is was just another x-tank
  • SuperTech
    SuperTech Member Posts: 2,212
    > @ch4man said:
    > that valve reminds me of the neighborhood playground steering wheel.......
    > to be fair my first run into a fill-trol kicked my butt thinking is was just another x-tank

    Mine too. I remember being really puzzled before deciding that the installer screwed up majorly! Which isn't entirely wrong. I hate fill trol.
    And what's the deal with the funky yellow valve? It does look like it belongs on a toy.
  • clammy
    clammy Member Posts: 3,127
    Was always a general contractor preference and cheap contractors and oil service providers . Always loved the late night calls and trying to bleed a system with that and a well pump and of course no air elimation or purges always air issues . Rarely see them much except in New York State they always trying to save a few bucks peace and good luck clammy
    R.A. Calmbacher L.L.C. HVAC
    NJ Master HVAC Lic.
    Mahwah, NJ
    Specializing in steam and hydronic heating
  • SuperTech
    SuperTech Member Posts: 2,212
    Yeah this is NY. I hate working on fill trol for that exact reason. It's not as bad if the boiler has a tankless coil with drains on both lines, I usually end up hooking up a hose to the coil, water heater or washing machine supply valve. Whatever is available.

    I'm not sure if it was always set up like this, the cheapskate who did the original installation probably didn't waste money on both parts. I bet it was a poor attempt at a "repair".