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On a personal note

DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,550
Marianne and I have four amazing daughters. You may have met some of them over the years. Our daughter, Colleen, was the inspiration for Oil Heat Cares, and she sits on the board of that charity. She just sent me this note and I wanted to share it with you. Every bit helps:

Hi Family & Friends,

I'm writing to share some exciting news about my career and to ask

for your support. As most of you know, I've spent the past six years

working for the Massachusetts Promise Fellowship, an AmeriCorps program

that provides 40 individuals with the opportunity to give one year of

volunteer service through running essential out of school time

initiatives for low-income youth across the state. Just a couple of

weeks ago I was promoted to lead this wonderful program as our new

director and I am thrilled to take on these new challenges and

responsibilities. I look forward to continuing to wake up every day

excited to go to work to see the tremendous growth that my volunteers

experience while serving young people as well as the impact they have on

their youth. To give you an example of what I'm talking about, I

thought I'd share a story about one individual that has made a

difference through our program.

This year I've had the privilege of working with Julie, one of our

fantastic AmeriCorps Fellows. Julie didn't grow up with a lot of

resources in her Boston neighborhood and her parents both worked

multiple jobs to make ends meet. She witnessed extreme violence in her

community and looked to her after school program as a safe haven. At

this program, she also found dedicated mentors who supported her in

staying on track in school and ultimately being accepted to college.

After college, Julie knew she wanted to give back by providing young

people in her neighborhood with a productive, safe environment. She

joined our program and has spent the past ten months leading a teen

leadership group that provides a safe place to go afterschool and

valuable workshops on leadership and civic engagement. She serves as an

inspiring role model to these teens, many of whom have shared that they

would like to serve their community just as she has. Julie has committed

to serving for another year with our program and hopes to pursue a

career in public policy to influence legislation that will provide more

opportunities for urban youth.

As you may remember, last year I asked you all for support as our

program faced an uphill battle with our federal funding. Your support

and generosity allowed us to continue providing these amazing

opportunities for volunteers and youth this past year. After a

challenging year of work on another federal grant proposal, we recently

received the good news that we were awarded federal funds for 40

AmeriCorps Fellows for the next year. We learned that the competition

was extremely tight and only 1 of every 5 programs that applied received

funds. We are proud of our success and at the same time know that these

statistics show the importance of diversifying our funding base. This

is where our annual appeal comes in! I'm asking each of you to please

support the Massachusetts Promise Fellowship and allow us to continue

providing individuals like Julie and the young people she serves with

opportunities to both give back and be mentored by inspiring role

models. Every gift, big or small, will support us in continuing this

important work. Click the link below to donate! <a href="http://www.masspromisefellows.org/support.html">http://www.masspromisefellows.org/support.html</a>

Thanks for your support,

Retired and loving it.


  • Dan Foley
    Dan Foley Member Posts: 1,258


    - DF
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,550

    This group does such great work. I appreciate your help, Dan. 
    Retired and loving it.
  • Unknown
    Thank You!

    Thank you for your generosity, Dan! Your donation is greatly appreciated and will support us in providing great after school programs for young people in Massachusetts.


  • Alan R. Mercurio_3
    Alan R. Mercurio_3 Member Posts: 1,624
    Happy to help....

    I love paying it forward!

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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,550
    Thanks, Alan.

    This group does amazing things with very little money in Massachusetts. 
    Retired and loving it.
  • Alan R. Mercurio_3
    Alan R. Mercurio_3 Member Posts: 1,624
    You're very welcome

    Boston Mass is where I was born and raised, Glad to help!

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