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Buderus Cust Svc

rox Member Posts: 23
Anyone else besides me unhappy with Buderus customer service?


  • Chuck Shaw_2
    Chuck Shaw_2 Member Posts: 68

    I have always had great luck with them. Have you voiced your concerns to them before just asking here?

    Chuck Shaw
    Tech Support Department
    Heat Transfer Products
  • lchmb
    lchmb Member Posts: 2,997

    I've alway's gotton an excellent response from them. Just out of curiosity, what information where you trying to get and did they want the original installer to contact them?
  • rox
    rox Member Posts: 23

    Of course, I gave them a lot of opportunity to very simply and inexpensively let me hang up the phone a happy customer, they chose not to. FWIW, I'm not a distributor, I'm certain they are more accommodating to their distributors, they pretty much told me that. I'm the end customer, you know, the guy who actually decides to purchase their brand over a different one.
  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    i have had great service

    i have had to talk with them a few times over the years and have been trated very professionally. and all problems resolved.
  • Ron Huber
    Ron Huber Member Posts: 121
    customer service

    For your information,
    Buderus or any other heat equipment manufacturer, is responsible to the distributors and dealers of their products. As a end user, retail customer, who ever sold you your products is responsible for everything and anything you nead in the way of service or information. You can not call the Ford motor company coporate office and expect to get service on your mini van eh? Buderus is top notch company in the service dept and support, if you have a problem you should be taking it up with the company you bought it from in the first place . I have sold
    Buderus products since 1994, have not had a problem with them yet.
  • Supply House Rick
    Supply House Rick Member Posts: 1,404
    Being a Buderus Distributor...

    I deal with them on a daily basis, for Technical ask for ext. 137 (dave) for Customer Service ext.136 (harmony) they should be able to help you. I deal with many many manufacturers and I rank Buderus at the top. What is it you are so unhappy about? Need more info...
  • Dan_15
    Dan_15 Member Posts: 388

    I am an end-user and I have had nothing but good experience with them. I called their tech support line a number of times to inquire about setting up the R2107 and I was treated respectfully each time, never had to wait in a line, and received a satisfactory resolution to my question. I have also posted on the support website a number of questions, and they were each answered by Joe Kennard satisfactorily and timely.
  • Bill Nye_2
    Bill Nye_2 Member Posts: 538

    Just last week, day before Thanksgiving, I needed a wiring diagram. The tech support guy e-mailed it to me and waited to make sure that I got it and that it was what I needed. I asked two other questions about the 2107 and got the answers I needed. Then he thanked me for calling. I had to wait on hold for about three minutes , but so what, he was probably helping someone like me who didn't read the directions.

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  • Ted_9
    Ted_9 Member Posts: 1,718

    I've called them more times than I can remember, even with silly questions, and was always treated good.

    Please, tell us about your request.

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  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,909
    Why not post your question here?

    Just out of curiosity, did you tell the folks at Buderus your real name???

    Or did you use the same secretive "BC" that you decided to use here?

    For all we know, you are a rep for a competitor trying to bash Buderus.

    If I had to guess, you are either a rep or a contractor trying to stir a pot against Buderus.

    I think you have posted here before under a different name as well.

    Now.........to answer your original post, No problems here. So I guess you are the only one having a bad day at Buderus.

    Nice try.

    Mark H

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  • Brian
    Brian Member Posts: 285
    Buderus Support

    I to have had great support from Dave and Joe.It does't matter how good a product is.If there isn't someone to answer your questions then what good are they.Also when you call a real person answers the phone.I agree with Mark, sounds like a s#@# disturber.

  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,884

    there are that many positive comments and only one negative, it makes me look at the one bad experience. I have been in business for more than twenty years and some people can not be helped. Its all set in their mind and no amount of reason, will change them.

    My experience with Buderus ? Top notch company, allways thier to help and No Hesitation. My local rep Mark Averon is a great guy who I consider a good friend.

    Best part is, I very rarely have to call them !

    I agree with Mark Hunt ( oh my God, did I just say that ).


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  • rox
    rox Member Posts: 23

    Relax, if I was trying to bash Buderus I wouldnt ask a simple question about whether anyone else was unhappy with their cust svc. I would have just made a statement about how they suck or something like that. On the contrary, they were very polite and respectful, as was I in my dealings with them. Also, I am not a competitor or whatever, Im a homeowner who just purchased a yet to be installed 215/3, ST150, and Riello F5. I did my homework and Im convinced they have the best stuff on the market or I wouldnt have bought it.
  • rox
    rox Member Posts: 23

    Thanks Rick, I think part of the problem is that Im not a distributor. My guess was that they did a good job dealing with their distributors and thats why I asked the question. You guys have confirmed that you're happy. If you want to know what my issue was, feel free to email me at chiarew@hotmail.com
  • Joe@buderus_2
    Joe@buderus_2 Member Posts: 302
    Customer Service

    Thanks for the kind words. We try, but are human! I will e-mail the customer directly and inquire.
  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    At-ta boy Joe way to stand up !!

    now thats service..have them get in touch with you !
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,884
    David ???

    I don't understand your post ???

    Was that condesending or mis-typed ?


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  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    by no means Scott

    i was in full suport of Joe, i was just joking how it would be nice to have custermer service call you when you have a question, before you have to call them... lol

    make no mistake Buderus has been a pro in all dealings with them and i do a lot of buderus boilers..David....
    sorry for the misunderstanding Scott
  • hydronicsmike
    hydronicsmike Member Posts: 855
    Thats exactly right David...

    ...I always keep wondering myself why so many issues are brought up on here (or other forums) WITHOUT making a call to the manufacturer first?

    Anyways, the Boys at Buderus have always been amazing when I needed them. Couldn't say enough good about them.

  • Supply House Rick
    Supply House Rick Member Posts: 1,404
    Then where is the bad customer service?

    We can't relax, you did bash Buderus. You blasted Buderus and then complimented them. What is your point? Why did you post? You went public and then backed down. You haven't had the system installed yet, how can Customer Service help if the equipment is still in the box? Please respond, you started this. You're not Canasta Pete are you? Plus, your boiler is probably oversized...
  • One reason

    is to find out from other tradesmen if similar problems are recurring in products . We have been misled by some manufacturers who tell you the standard line - " this is the 1st time I've heard of this problem " .

    But , I for one know Buderus is not one of those companies . I've called the hotline , and had questions answered on a few forums by very knowlegable and friendly reps from their co. I always see Joe responding with good comments for installs using the Buderus line . And also when Buderus wasn't the 1st choice . That is classy .
  • hydronicsmike
    hydronicsmike Member Posts: 855
    I guess you could be right Ron...

    ...and can see your point. Its a way to make sure you're not being wrongfully told by a manufacturer that what you are experiencing in the field is a very isolated case and never product related.

    I sure would never knowingly mislead a customer and only deal with suppliers I can trust myself.

    In any case, point well taken. Hopefully you dont experience too many product failures from any of the guys you're dealing with.

  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,909
    Good point Ron

    The Wall can be a "fact checker".

    But if I posted something like, "Has the owner of (any company) stopped beating his wife yet?" that wouldn't be fair would it?

    The thread didn't start off with "What has been your experience with Buderus Customer service?". It started with a negative remark that reflected poorly on Buderus.

    And as the facts started coming in, we find that a homeowner was trying to get info on a system that isn't even installed yet. I'd call that jumping the gun!

    You are correct though, the wall will even things out when a manufacturer tries that "You're the only one" stuff. That is why it is VERY important for manufacturers to stand behind a product that we contractors trusted enough to sell to our customers. I have never had to bring any issue to the wall regarding a manufacturer and I hope I never do.

    Mark H

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  • Joe@buderus_2
    Joe@buderus_2 Member Posts: 302

    I did contact the homeowner who posted the original thread. I believe some fustration had occurred with the distributor and the Buderus policy of not dealing direct(selling direct to H/O and contractors). The issue has been resolved.

    I would like to thank everyone for the words of support! I like the "wall" because there is LOTS of knowledge here and not just refering to Buderus products. Many of the regular "wallies" are like friends.
  • Supply House Rick
    Supply House Rick Member Posts: 1,404
    Joe we prefer...

    To sell only to contractors, not direct to a homeowner. That practice usually get's us "married to the System" Joe, we appreciate your loyalty to the trades. He should have clicked on Find a Professional instead of blasting Buderus. As far as we are concerned Buderus has met or exceeded all of our expectations. See you in February with Mark, Darin & Mad Dog.
  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,981

    This sounds like something I want to be part of. N.H or N.Y. ? If it's N.H. I'm in! Chris
  • rox
    rox Member Posts: 23
    Thanks Joe

    I appreciate that you were able to quickly resolve the issue. It's what I expected from what I had heard about Buderus.

  • rox
    rox Member Posts: 23

    Mark, this was definitely the most amusing/creative post on this thread. Thanks for the chuckle.
  • Darin Cook_3
    Darin Cook_3 Member Posts: 389

    One of these days I will actually have a problem to call Buderus about!!! But then again that is why we chose the line to begin with. NO PROBLEMS!!!I can walk away after a install and not have to worry about a Bul***** problem related to the manufacturer. I am not going to bash other lines that were problematic for me here. I will go to the source and more importantly not sell the product anymore.

    I have copies of the Buderus applications manual and install manual at home and of course internet access to the Buderus website. I do planning and research before a install. To come here on the wall and start blasting product before crossing your t's and dotting your i's is not very professional. The Wall is a great resource. But it is not fair to come here guns ablazin with all the people who post here and by far the many many lurkers here. If you have a problem with equipment contact the manufacturer directly. If you cannot get your fair share of justice then come here and let the manufacturer defend themselves with facts in front of the international heating community here. semper fidelis hydronicus

  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,170
    I rate their responsiveness up there With

    Burnham and HTP. What's the big secret? The units aren't even installed and you have a "problem"? Sounds fishy to me too. Mad Dog

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  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,170
    Yes he did come in here with guns blazin........................

    But is being overwhelmed with superior firepower! Mad Dog

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This discussion has been closed.