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Live feed from African watering hole!

bob young
bob young Member Posts: 2,177


  • Murph'_5
    Murph'_5 Member Posts: 349
    Possible leprechaun in the tree!

    I only seen one critter so far, but have heard lots of barks and howling going on.

    (Almost as good as a bird feeder!)

    Link to Live Feed

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  • Cunner_2
    Cunner_2 Member Posts: 47

    Now that's cool!!!!!!!!

    That puts a birdfeeder to shame, I must say I haven't seen anything besides bugs but I keep going back to look. It's kinda addicting.

  • brucewo1b
    brucewo1b Member Posts: 638
    Didn't see the Lepricon

    but did just see an antilope wander by neat.
  • Jeff Lawrence_25
    Jeff Lawrence_25 Member Posts: 746

    right now
  • brucewo1b
    brucewo1b Member Posts: 638
    Yup saw them too

  • Cunner_2
    Cunner_2 Member Posts: 47
    Daylight in Africa

    Pretty Wild!

    I keep it minimized and listen to the sounds of the wild,I could hear the Zebra's approaching.

  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,232
    That certainly is a fine change of perspective *~/:)

    is sorta chilly here right now and the watering hole looks warm :) the background speaks many languages..there are numerous creatures within the earshot of that sensor...

    Thanks :)

    wowWee! That wilderbeast moves like Flash Gordon :))
  • Uni R_2
    Uni R_2 Member Posts: 589
    Thanks Murph'

    My kids are going to be glued -- especially listening. Nice find!!!
  • Timco
    Timco Member Posts: 3,040

    WAY more interesting than this one...


    Just a guy running some pipes.
  • Tim_34
    Tim_34 Member Posts: 56
    Cool Website

    Thanks, Murph.

    That is one awesome website. I really like all the sounds.
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883
    I thought it would be

    oneof those thigns where some Ghoul jumps and scares the pants off you :)

    It was'nt and is really cool. I saw a couple of Gazelles (I think ).


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  • Supply House Rick
    Supply House Rick Member Posts: 1,399
    Scott, BOOOOOOOO!

    I always fall for the freakin' ghoul too, I think my heart has stopped on a couple of them.

    Monkey Email is also a riot. Check this out, people with kids will love this...


  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
    African Wetstock??

    There goes a Milnebeest!
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    The bulb is actually interesting in that this light has supposedly been on for 106 years. I can't get the Africa cam to work on my computer.
  • Timco
    Timco Member Posts: 3,040

    You may need to turn off your pop-up blocker, or try Mozilla Firefox rather than Internet Explorer.

    Just a guy running some pipes.
  • I clicked on it about 5:00 MST...

    which is obviously night time there, and there was a night light (invisible) and there must have been 100 musk oxen in the picture.


    Cool find Murph.

  • Cunner_2
    Cunner_2 Member Posts: 47
    What Happened?

    Looks like an argry Wildebeest must have knock down the camera and spit on it or something!

  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    It's the middle of the night there. No head lights on cheetahs.
  • S Ebels
    S Ebels Member Posts: 2,322
    Night time pics

    It'd be difficult to sleep with some of the chatter going on in the night pictures. Obviously a LOT of critters around that water hole at night.
  • ishmael2k
    ishmael2k Member Posts: 39
    Camera pans..

    Camera is under control from somewhere. Went to the site and it was following a band of small deerlike (gazelles?) animals. Zooming in/out and panning, had one of the animals watching the camera closely.

    It then panned around the waterhole zooming in on different sets of tracks. Maybe a census setup?

    Very interesting but I had to turn the sound off, reminded me of being at the dentists.
  • Brian
    Brian Member Posts: 285

    I can't seem to get it to open.What am I doing wrong?

  • Todd_15
    Todd_15 Member Posts: 12
    camera pans

    I saw that too. The camera was laying on its side last night in the rain. Someone obviously picked it up this morning. The sound is annoying now? maybe it was damaged.
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    I coundn't get it to open with internet explorer. I downloaded Firefox and it works fine.
  • S Ebels
    S Ebels Member Posts: 2,322
    I'm wondering why

    You would think that the night time video would reveal a virtual hail of bugs flying around the light(s), but I notice very few. I wonder what's up with that?
  • Uni R_2
    Uni R_2 Member Posts: 589
    Lo lux

    I would think it's a lo lux cam without any lighting.
  • Brian
    Brian Member Posts: 285
    Thanks Paul

    Thanks Paul that did the trick.Great Site

  • Nick_20
    Nick_20 Member Posts: 3
    Sweet link

  • Joannie_12
    Joannie_12 Member Posts: 42

    I'm addicted to this. Best website ever. I saw wildebeast and gazelles and there was a thunderstorm!
  • Tim_34
    Tim_34 Member Posts: 56

    Today there were two large turkeys down by the water hole and this guy shot one of them from the bushes and then he brought it back home for Thanksgiving!
  • brucewo1b
    brucewo1b Member Posts: 638
    Christmas was a good day for the Lions

    Not such a good day for the Wilderbeast but the Lions had good Christamas at the watering hole and are cleaning up this morning from the Holiday Feast.
  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,232
    right now skinny female is at watering hole :)

    Wildebeest person seems to have slowed down considerably since i last observed it :)

    I think a Hippopotamus is hiding in the river behind the bush *~/:) very tricky :)

    Wow! there are 5 lions there...

    forget what i said about the hippo:))
  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079

    There were twolions there this morning, camera was moving around also and zomming in on the lions real cool

  • S Ebels
    S Ebels Member Posts: 2,322
    7:33EST 12/26

    There's a lion laying near the waterhole at the far right of the picture. Another one just exited the screen towards the right also.

    Thanks for a very entertaining website Murph!
  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
    This evening

    those lions killed something at the watering hole. Didn't get to see the kill, but I got to see the feast.

    Cape Buffalo moved in after dark. Cape Buffalo like to stomp on lions......and people.

    Mark H

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  • brucewo1b
    brucewo1b Member Posts: 638
    My Bad

    It was a Cape Buffalo they took down Christmas Eve afternoon their time and feasted some but the Christmas day they pretty much devoured it. And there were at least eight lions there that day all in pairs two at a time feeding while the rest were at rest in pairs around the watering hole.
  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
    lions chasing away vultures

    Suns up and the lions are chasing the vultures away from the carcas.

    I may never sleep again.

    Mark H

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  • Laughing Hyeenas

    I saw the hyeenas and turkey vultures fighting over some carion the lions left.

    The lions left about 45 minutes ago, trotted off the screen, back into the depths of the jungle.

    Technology, AIN'T IT SUMPTHIN'!!

  • Murph'_5
    Murph'_5 Member Posts: 349
    Not sure if I am on the same site

    but I did not see any lions!
  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,232

    Those appear to be, the Famed, Congolese Pond porpoise!

    Whatta Find! *~/:)
  • Brad White_164
    Brad White_164 Member Posts: 18
    If that was not a Cape Buffalo

    it might have been Marilyn Quayle :)
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