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Tesla demonstrates that the earth and the sun are in resonance. He determines the resonate frequency of both the earth and its atmosphere.

Einstein determines the mechanism of resonate energy and finds that matter is undefined energy.

Infinity returns to our own universe.

E = MC² occurs when and where E = MC°



  • kevin_5
    kevin_5 Member Posts: 308
    Mike, what on earth

    have you been reading? I think this stuff is fascinating, but I confess you're WAAAAY over my head at this point. I've just been reading "Refuting Compromise" by Jonothan Sarfati of Answers in Genesis. I think it might be right down your alley. Tesla... now that guy had a brain. This Sarfati is no dummy either. He plays chess. As many as 12 games at a time. Blindfolded! opponents just call out their moves and he remembers them somehow, and defeats them all. Kevin

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  • Larry (from OSHA)
    Larry (from OSHA) Member Posts: 722

    Have you been getting a little too close to your Tesla Coil lately? (Wish I understood what you are talking about) I had an instructor at the OSHA institute that is a real Tesla freak and gave me an appreciation for the man. Leagues beyond most people in his time or any other. Got any pictures of you having fun with a Coil? One of the guys I work with likes to make his own lightning!

  • Steamhead
    Steamhead Member Posts: 17,170
    There's a book

    written about the battle between Thomas Edison and his DC system, and Tesla and George Westinghouse and their AC system. Fascinating reading but I can't remember the title, it might be "Lighting America" or something like that. One of the things it describes is how J.P. Morgan was an early adopter of electric lighting, and how it set his house on fire a couple of times.....

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  • Ken D.
    Ken D. Member Posts: 836
    Nikola Tesla

    There is a good book on Tesla called "Wizard".I don't recall the author's name. but he was a nephew or something of Tesla, so it is a little biased. Tesla worked for Edison at one time, but the incredibly brilliant Tesla was a bit of an elitist and looked down his nose at Edison. Edison, at the time of his passing was rich, had a nice family and home as well as fame. Tesla on the other hand died alone, penniless and somewhat obscure in spite of his fantastic mind and contributions to humanity. Maybe Edison had a better PR guy.
  • Larry Weingarten
    Larry Weingarten Member Posts: 3,460
    one book...

    written on him is "Tesla: Man Out of Time" by Margaret Cheney. Tesla made the claim once that he didn't need a testing lab for his motors. He ran them in his head to see where and how they might go bad and to "see" how the magnetic flux was working. He claimed to run them for months at a time! And I thought I was OK at visualizing things!
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