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Woodchuck Update

Chuck Shaw_2
Chuck Shaw_2 Member Posts: 68
Last night after work, I managed to find and set 5 hav-a-hart traps. I set them and used cabbage, apples, broccoli and cauliflour. I also threw out a pack of gum, I figured it was worth 99 cents. I went out this morning, and had critters in two traps. Some of the gum was missing too.

Of course, my neighbors were mad, it was their pet cats in the traps, and one of the neighborhood kids (about 4 yrs old) picked up most of the gum.

The cats had a rough time of it because of the mosquitoes, so, they were cranky. I let the first one out, and he just took off running. The second one, however decided to give me a piece of his mind (not that he had much to spare, after all he went into the trap after cabbage leaves). So, after I let him out, he turned and hissed at me. I didnt think too much of it, until his claws sank into my thigh. I never realized cats hate cabbage that much. Well that wasnt the worst thing, the neighbors kid tried to hide the gum from his mother, by putting it under his pillow. I guess with it close by, he figured he could have a stick before he went to bed. He chewed for a while, then fell asleep. Well, I dont know how many of you ever chewed gum while in bed, its not pretty. The neighbor caught up with me about 7am, (I had made the mistake of telling them over the new fence (see post from last Thanksgiving about a kitchen sink), about how I planned to get rid of the woodchucks). I guess I am going to owe her about $13 for her sons haircut, first thing this morning.

So, first days results---

domestic house cats--2
Neighbors kids--1

Tonight, I will stop at the feed and grain store, and see what they have for "bombs"

I will keep you posted



  • Ernie
    Ernie Member Posts: 94

    Be thankful you didn't catch the ones with white stripes down their backs.
  • hr
    hr Member Posts: 6,106
    It take practice

    you'll get better, keep trying. We're all behind you.

    Maybe the neighbor's cats are the real culprit. Are they vegetarian?

    hot rod

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  • Pat Clark
    Pat Clark Member Posts: 187
    Just thinking

    How many woodchucks could a Chuck Shaw catch if a Chuck Shaw couldn't catch woodchucks

    Stay tuned

  • John@Reliable_9
    John@Reliable_9 Member Posts: 122
    Too funny! needs Priceless at end like mastercard comm.

  • kevin coppinger_4
    kevin coppinger_4 Member Posts: 2,124
    if they don't like ...

    having the cats caught they should keep them inside or on a leash....kind of a double standard w/ dogs. What was the kid doing in your yard?

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  • Ranger
    Ranger Member Posts: 210
    God bless you!

    Priceless Chuck,we're all rooting for you here brother!We can't wait for the report on round two!!!
    Everyone at Johnstone Supply,S.Plainfield New Jersey.
  • Constantin
    Constantin Member Posts: 3,796

    ...how you have suddenly become responsible for her son's and pets trespassing behavior. I know that cats are just about impossible to be controlled but even a 4-year old should know better than entering a neighbors yard and stealing gum.

    Hopefully, at least the cats will have learned their lesson. The next time, you may want to carry a wooden-leg pant leg covered in denim for the cat to strike (stole that idea from another poster), or, better yet, one that has a conductive mesh under the fiber...insulated from you, yet attached to a small electric cattle fence voltage generator on one side, and an electrode to ground on the other (at the sole of the boot). After the first fritzing or two, the cat should get the idea that attacking you is a bad idea.
  • Tony_8
    Tony_8 Member Posts: 608

    Hey Chuck, here's your chance !
    Tell her the haircut's a cheap one and you think it's only worth $5 ! After all, it didn't require THAT much skill and you could've done it yourself if you'd had the right tools ! A good dose of perspective :) Although I suspect you're kidding ;)

    Bait your trap with anise oil, you'll catch woodchucks and rabbits galore.
  • Ranger
    Ranger Member Posts: 210
    Alright,there not woodchucks but...

    ....badgerbadgerbadger.com ya gotta watch it 'till it ends though....
  • John Starcher_4
    John Starcher_4 Member Posts: 794
    watched it.....

    ....and don't get it??? It seems like it's just a repeating loop of the same thing.

    What am I missing??????

  • Bill Nye
    Bill Nye Member Posts: 221

    I'm with you, what am I missing?
  • Darin Cook_3
    Darin Cook_3 Member Posts: 389

    Chuck, You may not of known this but Comfortable Home Technologies also runs Black Ops Missions. We will eliminate all pesky rodents for the right amount of adult malt beverages. Do Not Worry, we have police scanners for when I open up with the .270 , although we only have generation II night vision, we own the night against all rodents. Since I ruined my Munchkin t-shirt we might to be able to work something out.
  • jim lockard
    jim lockard Member Posts: 1,059

    Chuck--Glad to see your enjoying the game. Have you tried making little nooses out of wire and placing them in front of the Groundhogs burrow so that when they run out you can lasso one ? Remember who owns the night J.Lockard
  • Mike Kraft_2
    Mike Kraft_2 Member Posts: 398

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh couldnt take it.........it doesnt end!!!

  • Darin Cook_3
    Darin Cook_3 Member Posts: 389
    Smoke House

    Chuck, I forgot to add that Mark's smoker will make a delicious morsel out of our "burrowing" friend. Go out to Plymouth Rock for 3 days and do not eat. Then you will realize what valuable snacks you have running around. You will feel like the Pilgrims did. In Fact Thanksgiving Day could have went a whole different direction.
  • Jeff Lawrence_24
    Jeff Lawrence_24 Member Posts: 593
    It's a good thing

    I hadn't taken a sip of my beverage before I read Pat's (Alaska Time's) response.

    I can't afford another keyboard....

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  • DaveGateway
    DaveGateway Member Posts: 568
    Too funny!

    Chuck, please keep us posted this is at least as funny as the biker dude selling a wedding dress on e-bay.
  • Rich daplumber
    Rich daplumber Member Posts: 14

    told you once before get m plastered................
  • Jon_2
    Jon_2 Member Posts: 109
    Woodchucks & lead poisoning

    Lead poisoning is final. Nuts on the hav-a-hart traps, I would recommend shooting the little s-o-bs. Get the 22 short CB caps and do it right, one at a time. Those little 29 grain lead pills are final. Then you can hang them on your fence to get even for the $13.00 haircut, after a week or so you will probably get your money back with interest.....Not much of a bunch of friends who are not even supervising the actions of a 4 yr. old.
  • jim lockard
    jim lockard Member Posts: 1,059

    a little Jack Danials with the cabbage when the word gets out you will have the whole yard full of woodchucks.Cheers J.Lockard
  • D lux_2
    D lux_2 Member Posts: 230

    Bout some pic.??
  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,231

    My Dad would reccommend a 30 30 That way you could gut em skin em and barbque them in one shot! :) nope not the neighbours kids:))
  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,231

    i'd leave the barbque sauce out for the blighters to find and put the same rmedy to them:) enjoy....
  • Wayco Wayne_2
    Wayco Wayne_2 Member Posts: 2,479
    My old boss

    had a woodchuck problem. His back yard faced out to a corn field though and he resolved to shoot it. For weeks he hovered around the back deck with his 22 rifle looking for an oportunity. He finally got a shot at it but missed and put a hole in the bottom of his john boat that was just behind the critter. We howled when we heard that. He finally got it but had to fix the boat in the meantime. Keep us informed Chuck. We know you will overcome. WW

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  • Bernie Heer
    Bernie Heer Member Posts: 2
    The only way to get rid of woodchucks...

    is to take the business end of a shovel to their heads.

    Take it from a guy who spent several years working on an apple orchard... nirvana for groundhogs. Cover up two of their three holes, throw a smoke bomb down there (or, if you're very patient, run your garden hose into the hole), and wait for the little head to poke up. Swing hard.

    They die pretty easy.

    Bernie Heer
  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980
    Maybe we should change.....

    The name of this thread to "Wood Chuckles" ! I love it Chuck, but have to agree with whoever gives the recommendation of a good seat during the night and a compound bow. A nightscope will help, but is not neccessary. (A flashlight taped to your pith helmet will not be accepted!)

    "If you want to catch a varmit, you've got to think like a varmit, act like a varmit, and whenever possible, look like a varmit". Carl, from Caddyshack. Chris
  • ed wallace
    ed wallace Member Posts: 1,612

    but whacking them with a shovel is cruel punishment for critters in ma.

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  • Darin Cook_3
    Darin Cook_3 Member Posts: 389
    Wasting Precious Time

    Chuck do not give these varmint cong anymore time to group their masses. One of CHT's woodchuck operations cost us big time. Mark use to be 6'4" tall. The woodchucks had set up a man trap for us on one of our black ops. Mark's legs went into the trap and the little demons ate his legs half off, sounded like a buzz saw. I think his prostetics look life-like though. So you can see the danger of waiting too long. If you give the word, I can "borrow" a M-60 at the guard base. 550 rounds a minute of woodchuck action. Take action now before it is too late. Remember Munchkin T-shirt. Just go in the attic hatchway at HTP next to the stairs and pull one out and your woodchuck devils are history.
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,882
    Oh No

    So on the next trip he fell in head first ???

    Sorry man, I could'nt help it, he pitched a soft ball :)


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  • S Ebels
    S Ebels Member Posts: 2,322

    We used to have a blast at my uncles farm doing this when we were wee tads.

    Every once in a while Unc would mention he had too many cats or that someone had dropped a whole litter off in a sack. This usually meant that it was open season to us boys. (You know how boys are) We devised all manner of cat eliminating contraptions but discovered that scaring the living #*%":<>" out of em was much more fun. You got to do it over again if the cat lived through it the first time and was stupid enough the second time.

    This method worked like a charm on the cats and it probably will for the chucks too. It also kept us off the streets for days at a time. As you read this, remind yourself that I grew up to be a nearly completely sane individual. (some days more some days less according to management)

    We took an old cookie sheet and set it out on the ground on top of a piece of innertube or some other insulating, nonconducting type material. (you see where this is going already don't you) On the cookie sheet, we put another small piece of innertube and then a metal dish or bowl was placed on top of that. We found an old extension cord and screwed the neutral wire to the cookie sheet and the hot wire to the dish, which was then filled with milk. The cord was then plugged in. We would then arrange some stuff around the electro-shock therapy device that would "herd" the unsuspecting feline onto the cookie sheet in such a way that he had to put his feet on it before he stuck his nose in the energized bowl of milk. When he did, he of course became the switch that closed the circuit. The result was usually a cat launching straight up maybe 6-7 feet in the air. The best part was when they would come down on the ESTD and go straight up again. AND AGAIN!! It's amazing how much current a cat can take before it becomes a "blown fuse". The cats that survived (nearly all did) soon learned to avoid that setup like the plague itself.

    In your case, a change of bait to shelled corn or something like that would be in order. It would be interesting to learn the reflexive jumping ability of woodchucks. Let me know if you make it work!!! HAVE FUN!!
  • Wayco Wayne_2
    Wayco Wayne_2 Member Posts: 2,479
    You farm boys are

    a demented lot. I grew up in the Suburbs but would on occaission visit my Uncles and Aunts on a dairy farm in upstate NY. My cousin took me frog hunting one day. We caught us a mess of frogs and had them in a bucket. He then proceeded to stuff firecrakers in their mouths and light them and watch them hop away until.... Yuck. I guess I shouldn't judge though. I used to like to catch flys in the milk house and throw them into spider webs just to watch the spiders do their grisly business. WW

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  • Mike T., Swampeast MO
    Mike T., Swampeast MO Member Posts: 6,928

    Kind of awful that I actually find some form of humor there...

    I used to put small creatures in the payload section of model rockets. The multi-stage rockets powered by multiple "D" motors definitely (and messily) showed why astronauts wear pressure suits.

  • Mike T., Swampeast MO
    Mike T., Swampeast MO Member Posts: 6,928

    Kind of awful that I actually find some form of humor there...

    I used to put small creatures in the payload section of model rockets. The multi-stage rockets powered by multiple "D" motors definitely (and messily) showed why astronauts wear pressure suits.

  • RB_2
    RB_2 Member Posts: 272
    The times they are a changing...

    A few years back my sons ignored the rocket - creature urge - instead they turned the event into a covert late night activity by converting the 'boy scout' ground fired missile to a special ops shoulder fired rocket launcher...local law enforcement officers shared this with my wife and I after a few home owners on the golf course reported seeing flaming projectiles screaming up the fairway...

    Like father - like sons....

    A proud moment in time.


    [ ;@ /
  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980
    O.K.Wayne, I have ....

    A MORE twisted "fly punishment". One of my roomates (when I first started in this fine field), would just stun the things out of the air, pluck a long hair from my ex-wife's head and tie the fly to it. After it came to, he would fly it like a kite , in the living room. Wierd and funny thing when the times dictated the inhaling and ingestion of contraband substances. Chris
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