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Naked pictures of Vannessa... (ME)

Mark Eatherton1
Mark Eatherton1 Member Posts: 2,542
One is for aborsbing the expanding fluid (DOH!) and the other one is to compensate for the contracting fluid and minor fluid loses associated with gasses being eliminated from the working fluid.

It's an agreement we struck up with our insurance company so they'd continue to insure us at reasonable (yeah right) premiums. The second tank limits their exposure to water damage from the closed loop heating system. It came about due to a minor leak that went for a whole week and did about $60K worth of damage to one of our customers homes.

In other words, we don't have a "make up " connection to the potable water system. These systems also have redundant safety controls in a low pressure cut out (5 PSI) and a low water fuel cut off device. Thanks for answering iron Mikes question for me.



  • Vannessa Viessmann that is...

    She was born today at 3rd and Lafayette. She weighed in at 198 lbs. Her static health (excluding condensate production) was 89%. She was so quiet, the combustion analyzer was louder than her breathing. The attending technician, Dr. Matt Rossi said it was one of the easiest births he's ever done. Said he looks forward to doing lots more of them.

    Great work guys. Keep it up.

    Here's a picture of Matt and his able bodied assistant Brian Cordova holding up the birth certificate in front of the new baby.

  • hydronicsmike
    hydronicsmike Member Posts: 855
    mind me asking...

    ...what the approximate trade price on this 'low-loss header' is?

    Great pictures. Wonderful job!

  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980
    NICE !

    Picture #5 was a bit misleading. I thought the fuel line was going through the neutralizer ! # 6 gave the full view . Is the CSST line a backup fuel line? I see the black pipe going to the unit, and that the valve from the CSST line is off . Nice looking job guys !

    Now for another question... Who's tester is that ? Looks like quite the piece ! Chris
  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245

    Great idea Mark -- a birth certificate for equipment. How did the customer react?
  • What's the

    sweetheart's name (oops, just saw it; Vanessa); she is SO cute; looks just like papa.

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  • Mike T., Swampeast MO
    Mike T., Swampeast MO Member Posts: 6,928
    Beautiful simplicity

    It eats, it poops and there's not too much in between.

    Why do I bet that mommy and daddy know how to determine when its time to call the doctor and when its time for some home nursing?
  • hot_rod
    hot_rod Member Posts: 22,707
    Frau Vanessa!

    Kudos to the team for another fine install!

    hot rod

    To Learn More About This Contractor, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Contractor"
    Bob "hot rod" Rohr
    trainer for Caleffi NA
    Living the hydronic dream
  • Michael B
    Michael B Member Posts: 179
    low loss header

    Price should be around $230.00.
    Confused about the 2 expansion tanks. Please esplain Lucy....

    Michael Bleier
    Able Distributors
    "The Supplier That Works With You"
  • Mark Eatherton1
    Mark Eatherton1 Member Posts: 2,542
    Birth certificates...

    They LOVE it. They tell all their friends about it. And then they tell their friends about it again when we send them a Happy Birthday card for their boiler.

    The birthday card reminds them that they have a piece of equipment in their basement that DOES require attention. Especially the condensing type...

    Holds us out as a "unique company" to do business with. Makes for great dinner party conversation and keeps our name in front of the consumer (s).


  • Mark Eatherton1
    Mark Eatherton1 Member Posts: 2,542

    The ones we buy from our good friend from Michigan, Steve Ebels. Best investment we ever made. We're one of three contractors, to my limited knowledge, who uses them here in Denver in the commissioning process. The other two contractors are burner reps and they HAVE to use analyzers.

    We do it for the record, and for the consumers piece of mind.

    Thanks for the kudos from everyone. It's a pleasure working with my field people.

  • hydronicsmike
    hydronicsmike Member Posts: 855
    Iron Mike?

    ...explain :)

    I know I shouldn't have asked for price. Honest mistake.
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