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Combustion testers?

John Abbott
John Abbott Member Posts: 358
I am going to purchase an electonic comustion analyzer either Testo or Bacharach for use almost exclusively with # 2 oil.
Can anyone offer their experiences with either or both to help me make the best choice.


  • Bill NTSG
    Bill NTSG Member Posts: 321
    Testo 325

    I really like it. Got it from Steve Ebels. I liked the carrying case much better than Bachrach but i was told the new testo ones are plastic now too. Support from both companies are good. Bill Spohn from Testo is known to show up on the wall now and then. Rudy and the other guys from Bachrach are the best. You can't go wrong with either one. I would go with what is most available in your area. I tend to buy what my suppliers stock. I have had some jobs that I thought were set up just right with manual tester only to find too much air and high CO with electronic tester. All your test results show up right away. Like a video instead of a snapshot so to speak. I wish they would buy one where I work , I hate using mine.
  • Jeremy
    Jeremy Member Posts: 52

    I recently (last month) bought the Testo 325M and love it. Very easy to use and the printer is absloutly the greatest. I test and record every adjustment and you should see the look on some customers faces when you can prove how efficient you have adjusted their equipment.
  • Steve Ebels
    Steve Ebels Member Posts: 904
    I can

    Have a Testo in UPS tomorrow for you if you'd like. I have the 325 in stock. Kit includes hard carrying case, tester, (of course), and infrared printer. No charge for shipping for anyone on The Wall. E-mail me if you're interested. I would like to be of service to you.

  • Alan R. Mercurio
    Alan R. Mercurio Member Posts: 588
    Re: Testers?

    John, I just responded to this very question from another person at my web site. so please excuse the form letter type of response.

    Well I admit I am a bit biased over Bacharch products it's all for good reasons. I have been using Bacharach instruments for over 13 years now. As you may know I am one of Bacharachs associate trainers providing training and support all over the united states. I would not have become one of their trainers if I did not truly believe in their products.

    Please don't misunderstand me Lynn and Testo also have good products and I'm sure they have a great support team as well. Heck I have friends that own their products and they are happy with them.

    I guess the best I can say is I believe you should be happy in the end with what ever you choose. I would like to mention though that as of this year Oil Tech Talk does sell Bacharach Products and I guarantee to you a great price with my personal technical support. Please feel free to e-mail me if I can be of any further assistance to you.

    Your friend in the industry,

    Alan R. Mercurio

    Oil Tech Talk
  • Alan R. Mercurio
    Alan R. Mercurio Member Posts: 588
    So you're quicker then me :)

    You came in a couple minutes sooner than me or you probablly type faster than me. Happy Holidays brother :)

    Your friend in the industry,

    Alan R. Mercurio

    Oil Tech Talk
  • testers

    Had Testos for 2 years now, 1 is 2yrs old and the other 1 year. I have had Bacharach, universal, Kane May etc etc. Support is the # 1 thing for me, in past have been let down by all. Testo has been the best to date. Although they did not come close to the turn around I was told when I bought the first. As I said, support first because it's hard to keep 2 or 3 spares at 1200 each, just because it's going to be gone for 6 weeks! PS, order the 12 ft hose set with the testo also.
  • John Abbott
    John Abbott Member Posts: 358

    for all the input on testers iIappreciate it greatly.
    Steve would you contact me by E-mail.

    Thanks again,
  • Jim Davis
    Jim Davis Member Posts: 305

    How do you prove with an analyzer how efficient something is? Not by the efficiency calculation I hope. Testo and Bacharach are the best bar none. They both refer people to National Comfort Institute for technical support and we sell both.
  • Steve Ebels
    Steve Ebels Member Posts: 904
    Hey there

    > You came in a couple minutes sooner than me or

    > you probablly type faster than me. Happy Holidays

    > brother :)


    > Your friend in the industry,

    > Alan R. Mercurio


    > _a

    > href="http://disc.server.com/Indices/24736.html"_

    > Oil Tech Talk_/a_

  • Steve Ebels
    Steve Ebels Member Posts: 904
    Hey there

    I just saw your post here Alan. There's no way I can be a faster typer than you or anyone else. Happy Holidays to you and yours also my friend.

    Steve Ebels and family
  • Combustion analyzers- field experience.

    While working for my current employer, our service manager was enticed by a high pressure salesman to buy a boiler analyzer that had all the whistles and bells that could be bought. It printed out an instant analysis, had a port for computer link, data transmission;etc. The only problem that we encountered was that it could not be stored in your truck overnight during cold weather. You had to bring it inside, or leave the truck heater running all the time. One of our service persons left it in his truck over a weekend, and it cost us over 800 bucks to put it back in service. It's been back to the manufacturer more times than it has been in service in the field. Personally I like the Lynn Analyzer. Has few moving parts. Only have to replace the oxygen sensor aftera few years; bounces around in the truck and takes a beating; keeps on ticking. The price is very reasonable, and get good service from the mfg. Still have the old Bacharac test kit, with the dumbells- antique technology. I would dare any manufacturer of an electronic analyzer to let me test drive their product for a whole heating season; side by side with the Lynn. Same treatment to both analyzers; they could both come in from the cold at the same time. Any takers? This would be like the Pillsbury Bakeoff of Combustion Analyzers; blind taste test.Hopes this helps on your decision. Joe.
  • J.C.A.
    J.C.A. Member Posts: 349
    Lynn was my choice also...

    But let me clue you in on something REAL important , DO NOT LET THE O2 SENSOR FREEZE ! (caps mine) I have seen the sensors go 2 years trouble free ....as long as they are kept warm . Let that bad boy freeze 1 time , and kiss about a year off that . Gaar -on-teed. Been using one for almost 18 years now . I also live about 15 minutes from the factory , so service isn't really an issue .

    I would like something that prints right in front of the customer , shows your not fudging anything . I've heard the turnaround time from others are sometimes far longer than expected . I can't live without my tester , simple as that . (buying 2 wasn't an option) Chris
  • GermanPlumber
    GermanPlumber Member Posts: 58

    I agree about Testo it is a good tool. Used by a lot guys in the trade in Germany. I prefer more units who will come with a inbuild printer like MRU etc. I also like it more if I only have to take out the probe of the case . The MRU unit I have cames if a smoke pump etc. But once again Testo has a good name ,,back home,,. And the most important thing is that more and more like you guys see the need to test.Still too much guys out there doing the eye test,lol.

  • GermanPlumber
    GermanPlumber Member Posts: 58

    I agree about Testo it is a good tool. Used by a lot guys in the trade in Germany. I prefer more units who will come with a inbuild printer like MRU etc. I also like it more if I only have to take out the probe of the case . The MRU unit I have cames if a smoke pump etc. But once again Testo has a good name ,,back home,,. And the most important thing is that more and more like you guys see the need to test.Still too much guys out there doing the eye test,lol.

  • Bill_14
    Bill_14 Member Posts: 345
    Does the Lynn Analyzer

    have a website?

  • Alan R. Mercurio
    Alan R. Mercurio Member Posts: 588
    Lynns web site

    Bill, I just spoke with the folks from Lynn today and they are experiencing some technical difficulties with their web site. But anyhow here is the address

    You may want to try it tomorrow or later next week.

    Your friend in the industry,

    Alan R. Mercurio

    Oil Tech Talk
  • Testo Rules

    Considering it's the only combustion analyzer that I've ever used, I guess that's not saying much.

    I use mine a lot over the last few years and it's never given me a problem.

    To Learn More About This Contractor, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Contractor"
  • Bill_14
    Bill_14 Member Posts: 345
    Thanks Alan (nm)

  • John Abbott
    John Abbott Member Posts: 358

    I ordered a Bacharach instrument from Alan today.I certainly hope its not freeze sensitive as our -25 temps will make it infinitely impractical in N.H.

  • Alan R. Mercurio
    Alan R. Mercurio Member Posts: 588

    John, Again it was nice speaking with you today and I thank you for your business. It is true that in extreme cold weather the battery life declines, in any product. I always kept my gear in the front of my van to prolong the life of the power supply during the winter.

    I also had a habit of bringing it in the house with me and leaving it by the door during the coldest time of year. This way it would always be ready for action and I would not forget to take it with me :)

    Your friend in the industry,

    Alan R. Mercurio

  • GermanPlumber
    GermanPlumber Member Posts: 58

    John , Allen is right. I never left my analyzer in the truck.In the winter time if you would carry it in the customers house you will have problem with condensation in your probe and hose. Try to take it out every night of the truck.

    Good luck,
  • Boiler Analyzers- No challenges!!!

    Since I posted my message concerning the advantage of the Lynn Analyzer, I have had no takers for my challenge to compare any other piece of equipment. I read a message from someone in California who had an analyzer that was high tech and experienced no problems with it. He does not live in the Great White North; where temperatures dip to sub-zero temps. I truly beleive that cold and wet affect the operation of electronic testers; boiler analyzers and electronic meters as well. I posted a message some time a go, concerning electrical test meters. The analog meters never let me down even when stored in a cold service truck overnight. The digitals made me wary; funny readings that could have got me toasted. Caveat Emptor! Pipe Tight. Do it right! Joe.
  • Steve Ebels
    Steve Ebels Member Posts: 904

    I can speak only from my experience. I know of no actual field test comparison or anything like that.

    The Testo 325 that Ihabe used for the last 3 going on 4 seasons has given me no problems at all. It sleeps out in the truck whatever the weather. If it is to cold to function I just bring it in while the rest of the service call is being performed to thaw out. Once in a while I have to cycle it on/off a couple times in order for it to read if it's really cold (below 0) overnight. I have to send it in for repair as we speak to get the draft hose connection on the analyzer repaired. "Andrew, the furnace launcher" says it fell off the top a furnace and snapped off. I would be lost without it.

    The wholesale side of the business sell a fair amount of these also and to my knowledge no-one has ever contacted us regarding a repair or problem.

    Like I said, this is just my own experience.
  • todd s
    todd s Member Posts: 212
    Draft readings

    Alan, I have the fyrite pro and I like it but it seems that the draft reading is too sensitive, the readings are all over the place which makes me not trust it. Why is this so erratic? the mz on the same burner will keep a much steadier draft reading. Thanks in advance Todd
  • todd s
    todd s Member Posts: 212
    Draft readings

    Alan, I have the fyrite pro and I like it but it seems that the draft reading is too sensitive, the readings are all over the place which makes me not trust it. Why is this so erratic? the mz on the same burner will keep a much steadier draft reading. Thanks in advance Todd
  • dantheoilman
    dantheoilman Member Posts: 2

  • dantheoilman
    dantheoilman Member Posts: 2

This discussion has been closed.