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terry_6 Member Posts: 17
Any comments on choosing a vaporstat for a medium sized residential gas fired boiler (HB Smith G210S)? What are the advantages/disadvantages of the make or break models? Thanks.


  • Fred Harwood
    Fred Harwood Member Posts: 261

    First, a Vaporstat should be used only on a vapor steam system. Which model you use depends on the equipment to be controlled and the design pressure. In general, the closer you match the design operating pressure and the Vaporstat, the better your control.
  • Unknown
    It would have to break on pressure rise

    and there are two good ones by honeywell. One is a zero to four psi, and the other is a zero to one psi. The zero to four isn't very sensitive below a pound, so it is important to know what pressure you need to set it at to reach the ends of the piping with steam. I prefer the zero to one psi on most buildings, after checking how the system runs at less than one psi.

  • terry_6
    terry_6 Member Posts: 17

    Thanks for the information. I also got an email from Dan. I ordered the Honeywell Vaporstat L408A1132; 0-16 oz. subtractive differential, spst, breaks on pressure rise. This should fine tune the system.
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