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Copper tubing in slab literature?

Joe_5 Member Posts: 19
I'm gathering info for a friend who's looking to buy a house with radiant heat with copper tubing in the slab. It's 30 plus years old and still OK. He'd like some ammo to negociate with the seller that the pipes are on the brink of going bad. I've copied all I can from Dan's books. I need another source. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Joe M. PS. This isn't a legal battle, just some good negociating.


  • hr
    hr Member Posts: 6,106
    That's asking a lot

    I can't imagine finding anyone that would, or could, supply that info :)

    That system could last another 30 years! Or 30 days! So many variables play into the life expectency. Structural conditions, backfill material, type of tubing used, ingredients in the concrete, workmanship, fluid quality, velocities, etc.

    In fact the CDA (Copper Development Association) still publishes guidelines for installing copper for in-slab radiant panel and snowmelt systems. Copper Tube Handbook page 13.

    Kinda like buying a used car, how much warranty do you get or expect?

    hot rod

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  • Joe_5
    Joe_5 Member Posts: 19

    Thanks for your reply. I know about these systems. We have a small Levittown-like development here at the Jersey Shore. I've heard people say that Levitt built it, but who knows. Most of the homes have the old long and short American Standard (I think) boilers still plugging away. I remember a house where they had problems with the dog making a mess upstairs. He wouldn't come down the steps. The old Honeywell 110v tstat was bad and caused the 1st.floor to overheat. When I asked the lady how long was this happening, she replied, "Oh, awhile now, we just have to keep some of the windows open and then it's OK"!!!! Wallies call that the double hung tstat, right? You never forget those calls......Joe
  • j_4
    j_4 Member Posts: 59
    eddy current test....

    ...for tube thickness may run many hundred $$ but it will tell you if the tube walls are about to go...if the tubes are shot, the seller pays for it ...if the tubes are ok, buyer pays
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