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An old Chinese proverb - hb

ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883
A big warm smile can melt a cold heart.

I agree.


  • heatboy
    heatboy Member Posts: 1,468
    Look in the mirror.

    "A man without a smiling face must not open a shop." We should all paste this to our rear view mirror and read on the way to the next client meeting. Your smile is a message of good will. You can't fake an honest smile. Remember, your client HAS to like you before he hires you. It's selling yourself 101. Keep on smilin'!

    Warm Regards,


    "Expert in Silent Warmth"™


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  • Alan R. Mercurio
    Alan R. Mercurio Member Posts: 588
    How true this is!

    A true smile makes a world of difference.

    I can remember just a short time ago sharing a few beers with a good friend Alan Levi. I was discussing some thoughts with Alan and looking for his opinion (which I respect very much) The one thing that stood out in my mind to this day, was that as Alan shared his thoughts with me he always had a reassuring smile on his face. It gave the comfort to know that he really mente what he was saying.

    Needless to say I took Alan's advice and things worked out better than I had ever planned. and to this day I keep his advice and his smile in mind and things just seem to come together. (Thank you Alan for spending those valuable moments with me when I needed a friend in the industry to talk to.) Remember friends it takes a lot more to frown than it does to smile.

    Your friend in the industry,
    Alan R. Mercurio
  • Steve Ebels
    Steve Ebels Member Posts: 904
    This past summer

    We landed a nice little hydro-air job ($18,800). The HO told me to just plan on doing the job. I replied that I hadn't even given him the total price yet. He said it's yours for these reasons. A: You are the only one of 6 people that has personally met with me to explain the system let alone return my call. B: You seem truly excited about what you do. C: You seem happy about the prospect of getting my work. D: You are the only one who suggested improvements and changes to the heating/AC system plans as they were drawn.

    He had to reschedule all the other work in the house to fit our schedule.

    We were over $3,000 higher than the next closest guy.

    Don't tell me that customers can't figure out who actually likes what they are doing and knows how to do it.

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