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anthony_7 Member Posts: 72
I have these flo-tee tee's that break off the 1"main to all my radiators in the house. Is this still a common part to use. I am going to take a one long 12 ft cast iron bb and need to put a door in the middle of where that is. Therfore I need one on the left and one on the right. Do I use another flo-tee and pipe into the other new bb which will now be 5 fters??


  • Mike Kraft
    Mike Kraft Member Posts: 406

    The answer is yes.Cut and paste this link and read.Great reading and will help you understand.Or scroll to the top of this page and on the top left click the link"Heating Q&A" then scroll to the link that will take you to diverter tee heating.Alms to the owner operator!

  • Mike Kraft
    Mike Kraft Member Posts: 406

    The answer is yes.Cut and paste this link and read.Great reading and will help you understand.Or scroll to the top of this page and on the top left click the link"Heating Q&A" then scroll to the link that will take you to diverter tee heating.Alms to the owner operator!


  • Mike Kraft
    Mike Kraft Member Posts: 406
    A test

    If this works click the link Anthony.
  • Bill NTSG
    Bill NTSG Member Posts: 321

    You can most likely tie your two pieces of heat back together in the basement. If I understand you are removing the 12 footer and removing about three feet for a door? And installing a four and a five or something along that line?Just be careful to use the least number of fittings and maybe long radius elbows. You should not have to cut into the main supply line to add the two tee's. Just be careful with piping so you do not create too great a pressure drop which may reduce flow through your radiation.
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883

    If you really have C.I. Baseboard, this is not as easy as it seems. C.I. baseboard can not be split that easly. The end sections have the tappings for pipe connection, the middle pieces do not. They also may not split right where you want them to. If you do have end sections then you need a baseboard tool and nipples to add the sections.

    If you allready know this.... never mind.

    But if you don't we can tell you more about it.

    Good Luck


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